8 hours later…
This is the umpteenth number of post on likelihood interpretation based on some questionable cringy video by some guy. At some point, I wish I could mark every new such post as duplicate of already well answered posts of the past. Coincidentally, it is muchOP's second post on likelihood and it seems the previous one couldn't help them much:
9 hours later…
@whuber One can't. ChatGPT doesn't mean anything it says - because meaning something requires links between the words you use & things out there in the world. Such links were forged for the authors of the corpus on which ChatGPT was trained as they learnt their first language ('Apple!', says Mummy, pointing at an apple both her & Baby can see), but not for ChatGPT itself.
Of course we're happy to accept the ability to engage in a coherent conversation as sufficient evidence of 'semantic understanding' in a human; & reasonably enough, given what we know about humans. But in other cases we oughtn't to be deprived of the chance to test communication in & about a common environment: this is where the Turing Test falls short.
3 hours later…
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