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@J.D. Any time 😀 Not that I think the things we're saying are particularly unique.
But it is an interesting discussion to have.
Btw I forget if I asked you this before, so forgive me if redundant, but do you like to use EF Core's scaffolding?
I've never used it, actually.
No doubt. So you usually code up all of your own models?
Yeah, code first with migrations.
Gotcha gotcha.
You do any SQLite stuff by any chance? I heard EF just released support for it, including migrations.
Hm, no, never touched it.
josh is a gold star sql server user
worddd. It's the recent chatter around here since our devs use EF Core and one of our main systems is a mobile app, Xamarin (soon to be MAUI). So we're using SQLite too. Interesting to see how the framework works out in SQLite's domain.
@ErikDarling Woohoo!
@J.D. Man, I was just thinking about trying out MAUI for something.
I haven't messed with any of the .NET desktop platforms since WinForms haha.
oOo. I like Microsoft's mobile frameworks a lot because I'm a big WPF guy and WPF was sauce, and there's a lot of similarities.
I'm building a Scrabble game with MAUI for fun at the moment. It's pretty good, but there's definitely still a lot of things they need to work out in it too.
upwords was cooler than scrabble
Heh the one where you can stack words on existing words on the board?
Yea it's a pretty fun concept. I think I recall the scoring system being a bit lamer though. Good for a more casual game.
which dictionary are you using?
Q: WITH EXECUTE AS SELF returning an error when running sys.fn_dump_dblog

Hannah VernonI'm attempting to configure a stored procedure to EXECUTE AS a user with sysadmin privileges to allow a non-privileged user to obtain results from the undocumented TVF sys.fn_dump_dblog. I'm creating the procedure as a member of the sysadmin role, however when I subsequently attempt to run the pr...

@ErikDarling TBH, I actually toasted my Visual Studio environment for MAUI on my home machine like 6 months ago and haven't worked on it since. Preview edition of VS had to be used at the time. I just fixed it all last night and got the project to run again in non-preview VS. Going to pick it back up and finish it. I think at the time I found some APIs either from Hasbro or through some other source. (Haven't implemented that part yet though.)
You a word-nerd too?
filthy casual
@HannahVernon stop executing yourself
@ErikDarling I'll play ya for invoice pink slips sometime... 😉
if we're playing for invoices i am going to cheat at every turn
@ErikDarling wouldn't be my first time beating the computer.
@ErikDarling 😹
@HannahVernon Interesting. For giggles, what if you replaced SELF with your Login hard-coded?
@J.D. same same
with friends...
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