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@PaulWhite 👏
Wordle 660 3/6

3 hours later…
1 hour later…

Wordle 661 3/6*

Wordle 661 3/6*

4 hours later…
Is it just me, or is Visual Studio's Git integration a bit crap?
Wordle 661 4/6

@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells VS has Git integration?
It does now
A recent update
It's had git integration since at least VS 2019. I think the 2022 version is actually really good. They keep improving it with each release.
I like being able to stage and unstage specific lines and chunks in files now.
@JohnK.N. I'd say that's a matter of opinion. When I say 'integration', I mean 'a couple of hours of faffing about to try and figure out why it didn't pull from the branch you just went to pull from.'
Followed by a couple of hours of faffing about to try and figure out why it's got a merge conflict with the branch you thought you just pulled from.
And then followed by an uneasy feeling wondering whether you've just committed what you thought you just committed.
Followed by the build guy faffing about for two weeks trying to clean up all the sh1te it's dropped on the floor with merges overwriting or dropping changes.
I don't think it works very well.
Are you sure that's not just expected behaviour with git?
@PaulWhite Pretty sure the Linux kernel wouldn't be what it is if git did behaved like this natively?
I'm sure that if you use git as it's meant to be used it probably works fine. I'm less convinced that VS's git integration plays all that nicely with the way git itself wants to work.
Unfortunately, what it's actually doing is quite opaque.
And you're using 2022?
Maybe 2022 is better, but being 'enterprise' developers we don't have fine grained control over matters like that.
I don't use VS very much but they did seem v excited about their 2022 improvements
@JoshDarnell Was it terrible in 2019?
I've been using it for about 3 years now and never had an issue. But my use cases are pretty standard. I don't do anything too wild in it.
I don't think we're doing anything terribly wild, although it is a finance dev team without a great deal of experience on the platform.
I've used git a few years ago via the TFS-git back end, and that worked OK.
Yeah, the VS integration is at least 4 years old. I'm using the VSCode anyway though
Might be better off just doing everything through the command line.
Yea I was recounting my math. I think I've been using it closer to 4 years even lol.
This is the first time I've used the native git integration. I did use it a bit through the git backend for TFS a few years ago.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells VS 2022 is a big improvement over 2017 and 2019 Git-wise
@HannahVernon I get the impression that it's not a high bar.
I use it every day and rarely if ever need to use the command line
But perhaps I'm not a Git poweruser
I feel what I'm doing should work - copy to a remote branch, pull from remote branch, make changes, push. However, when I just did this today it found merge conflicts between the remote and local copies that should not have been there. They should have been pulled when I got the remote branch.
Not sure why that happened, and it gave no feedback about what it was doing.
And it's not the first time it's done that sort of thing.
Sounds like Git being Git
But Linux
I had a merge conflict... on a newly created file
It's possible. I've never tried using git bareback so I couldn't make any representation as to what it's like by itself.
@SeanGallardy Sounds like a CR/LF problem
I was kind, I returned my carriage
As you should!
I may have forgotten to feed line though
he might be hungry
@SeanGallardy I think you just got fed a line.
Well, so long as you didn't tab
@PaulWhite I'll just chime in with everyone else saying it was pretty good for me haha.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Yeah, the mod abuse is real here
@PaulWhite Don't start me on tabs. I thank all the gods they aren't using Python here.
Tabs are the whitespace of the gods
@SeanGallardy Mischevious, capricious and moving in mysterious ways.
something like that!
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells did you fetch?
@Zikato Yes, indeed I did.
Enjoy hitting a tab key, will not have tab characters in my scripts
Also, I thought about you the other weekend. I was watching Slow Horses (amazing show) and I'm fairly sure they said Tunbridgewells
@PaulWhite I set it to spaces, and have been known to re-whitespace entire stored procedures on other folks' behalf.
As you should
Nutters and their embedded tabs
Call me the mad hatter then
The only acceptable use of regex
@SeanGallardy Maybe I shall watch it. It gets a mention in Lawrence of Arabia as well.
Has there been a Disney remake of that yet?
@PaulWhite I hope they never will.
(Or whoever it is that keeps unnecessarily remaking films)
No doubt somebody will come up with the bright idea of a mini series at some point.
Remember when Disney movies were synonymous with quality and not garbarge?
I could see Netflix trying it on.
@SeanGallardy Yep
@SeanGallardy When was that?
Now it's the same CGI and plot with the same names
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Seems like the 70's and 80's
I reckon Ghibli's A-list is just as big as Disney's A-list, and Disney have produced at least 10x the total number of movies.
I mean just animated ones.
More like 5x from what I see on the interwebs, although it looks like it includes the Ghibli ones they did US distribution for.
I didn't think it was possible, but Teams is even lower quality than usual so far this week
@SeanGallardy Software as a service.
But without a service level agreement.
Azure is expensive and slow. Change my mind.
Nothing to argue about
“It’s not more expensive than hosting it yourself” - Reply Guy 9000
Q: What should be the column order , when creating indexes on a Partitioned Table

PeterLPartitioned Table Question. When creating indexes on a Partition table ( Fact Table) , we always include the column that is the basis for the partitioning in the index. This column is also ALWAYS used in the where clause when accessing the data. When creating the primary key / non unique indexes...

tab user detected
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Why would I, you're spot on.
The only thing I'd change is, "Azure" to "The Cloud"
@SeanGallardy Sorta kinda, I think. IMO the underlying driver is the use of shared storage, which a cloud platform has to be doing, by definition. In a lot of ways we're back to the 2000's where blade/SAN infrastructure first started trending hard.
Wordle 661 3/6

@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Depends on the service, not everything uses shared storage. However I feel you, feels like ISCSI all over again on a san for sure.
@ErikDarling lol, I saw billing for a non-critical tier VM with 8 cores and 16 GB of ram the other day and just about fainted. I could outfit a waaaaay faster machine for far less money.
@HannahVernon and pay for new hardware each month with the recurring price
Connect 4

Wordle 661 3/6*

@HannahVernon I've seen my share of horror stories about cloud billing. Now, we have the rise of a cloud architect, somebody whose job it is to optimise cloud usage to minimise billing. Back in the mainframe days, this role used to be called a capacity planner. We've had a brief golden age where infrastructure was cheap enough not to need this, but now we're back in the dark ages.
@SeanGallardy now, if you have a very variable load that needs horizontal scaling on a whim, cloud might be the way to go, but I have my doubts that even that use case would be cheaper in the cloud, unless sub-millisecond response times are critical between the app in the cloud and the client web browser requiring multiple data centers around the world.
With the corollary that 'flexibility' is a lie, because now you're going to have to get signoff from a bureaucrat and prepare a business case in order to get more server capacity.
The amount of beaurocracy we have to go through to get a VM built in Azure right now is enormous and not at all agile.
I'd noticed something similar. They powers that be have outsourced managing the azure estate to a third party, and getting them to do anything is somewhat time-consuming.
Even little things like permissions or firewall settings.
Agreed; we're in a similar situation, where they are supposed to be steering us in an efficient direction, but instead they are always relying on us. One of our in house architects is going to Portugal for 3 weeks in May and they practically died when we told them about it.
And this is a global consultancy specialising in Azure
@HannahVernon everyone loves to think they need that... except rarely does anyone but the largest of large companies due and even then they rarely scale they just leave everything up and running.
Exactly my suspicion
We definitly don't
And the one time you need massive, immediate scaling...it doesn't work
Silly how quickly the fire grows on new trends in our industry...
Wordle 661 3/6*

Just about everyone is getting 3 today.
in my case, it was dumb luck again...
@JoshDarnell Looks like an L 4 u
Haha didn't notice that!
@JoshDarnell thought I had it in 2 for a second :(
Wordle 661 3/6

Good second word choice. A bird, it seems.
Heh, indeed.
It concerns me that I couldn't get it in 2 guesses. 😉
@PaulWhite That's kind of a fun game.
Trying to guess someone else's previous guesses based on square color.
@PaulWhite I can't say I've ever needed massive, immediate scaling.
Hardly anyone does. Many people think they do, or might
I can say I've had processes that I'd like to have run faster, but in practice a fairly ordinary on-prem server of decent spec would have had the I/O for the task.
The business-critical tier of Azure SQL has storage claiming 1500-8000 IOPS.
My PC has a SSD with a nominal rating of 600,000 IOPS.
A middle-of-the-road Adaptec RAID controller has a nominal rating of 3.5 million IOPS.
I have a working hypothesis that most big data analytics requirements could be met with a midrange workstation and a copy of WEKA.
and don't say lgmtfy
@HannahVernon It's a data mining tool developed at Waikato University and now punted by Greenplum or somebody like that. The other player in this space is Clementine, now known as SPSS modeller and flogged by IBM.
And in the worst case you could build something with Numpy or R. R is quite slow on large data sets, though. Numpy uses BLAS in the RS end, so it's got nice, quick matrix ops.
Seriously, who actually has a 100TB of data for anything?
Almost nobody
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells P-R-E-A-C-H
You need fast storage - here's a 15.36TB SSD on Ebay
There's probably a SATA version of that you could put in a laptop.
I have some Gen4 NVMe's hitting 6.8 GB/sec and ~1 million IOPs
Gen5 are coming out with 10 GB/sec
At $400 a pop, get 4 of them, software raid
still cheaper than 1 month of azure disk
and 100000x the perf
I think folks have lost track of just how fast a modern PC really is.
when people write crappy software, it makes them look slow
@SeanGallardy Pretty much.
When you have to JIT your java to be translated to MSIL to be translated from ARM to AMD64
because let's not write performant code, let's just add another layer of indirection
@SeanGallardy Makes me nostalgic for C++.
/tirade over
However, I think folks are going in the right direction with Rust and Go.
I haven't played with either, yet
Although lots of talk about adding rust lately
and there is a SQLCMD GO version now
They both compile to native code. Go has a garbage collector. Rust has a gnarly type system and ownership lifecycle management features that eliminate various categories of memory related bugs while remaining efficient.
C++ is naturally adopting the nice features from Rust, in much the same way that it's adopted features from every language.
I wish it'd put lambdas back in the foster system
Australian for lambdas
Lambdas? That's the elvish bread from LotR, right?
1 hour later…
@SeanGallardy heresy
2 hours later…
@HannahVernon Not a whiskey fan, let alone rye
I'm upgrading a VM from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2 right now. This.is.cutting.edge lol
its been on my list of things to get done for about 5 years. Every time I try it, it rolls back the install, which is fantastic.
We're at "Almost done moving files, settings, and applications" stage, whatever that means lol
I feel like if I can get R2 installed, then I can probably get 2016 installed and then 2019 at least, but preferably 2022.
this thing will be a rocketship by the time I'm done with it.
Why are you dealing with in place upgrades anyway
because fun
and it's easier than migrating all the stuff of the VM onto a new one
at least it's supposed to be easier
also I'm doing this in between builds of my main SSDT project in VS 2022, which takes at least 5 minutes each time
Moving to a new server is always a fun scream test scenario
I'd way rather do an upgrade, especially since you can snapshot the VM first for rollback.
It's not like 1994 where doing an upgrade of Windows 3.11 was a recipe for disaster
holy crap a widescreen VM running 2012 R2. Woah.
(that "woah" was said the way Sean Evans says it)
Did it work this time
yes, it sure did. The problem was an old Hyper-V driver needed to be disabled in the VM
it's a Windows Core machine, too, so disabling the driver took a bit of figuring out
normally I'd just open Device Manager and 2 seconds later, it's disabled.
@HannahVernon If it's any consolation, I can't get the latest Windows 11 update to install on my work machine. Keeps failing.
Use the --force option
it looks like Windows Server 2019 is going to install, too.
and 2019 is installed woohooo
Look at you, updating to this decade-ish!
2022 is up next

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