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Reads through chat history
A chairde - Morning all!
@PaulWhite Collectives? Hmmm... if I join, will I get my $7,500? (promise to stop going on about tthat! :-) ) This whole collective thing could take off - although the "teams" intitiative doesn't seem to have amounted to much - I'm not very impressed with the Slack groups that I"ve frequented and I think that an SO interface is one of the best aound these dasys (not a patch on a threaded newsreader with nntp though... ah, dem were de days <wipes away tear...>
How anyone paid $27Bn for Slack just left me scratching my head in bewilderment... and StackExchange sold for a "mere" $1.8Bn... (and I still haven't seen my share...)
1 hour later…
It appears to me that there's a lot of warm fuzzy BS about Open Source - quote: As more developers adopt Go to build their ideas and contribute to its iterations, it feels only fitting to take the same open-source approach with Collectives™ on Stack Overflow - you might be forgiven for thinking the the StacExchange s/ware was going to be open-sourced...
we know that isn't gonna happen! Might be a good fit for Open Source groups who aren't bothered by hosting stuff on a closed source system! Might even be fun watching Stallman working up a lather about the whole thing - but Open Source it ain't!
RMS: "worse than stupidity"
Seems cloud computing was a thing 12 1/2 years ago already, man time flies
One thing he is 100% correct on though: "The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion."
@Colin'tHart If bandwagon-hopping were an Olympic event, IT would be the gold medallist in the team event by a country mile... post-relational databases, NoSQL, "Big Data"...
I had to laugh - I was looking at "trends in databases"... Homomorphic encryption - "This allows computers and data analysts to work with data without knowing what’s in it." - we've been getting questions about that exact subject here for years!
We've been running a private cloud for 2 decades already... all our servers are in colocation and users access them remotely.
I leverage a domesitc private data centre - a laptop in the guest room and my laptop in a synergistic configuration whiich ulimises my connectivity while optimising my utilisation of power resources (plugs) and interactive processing (posting here and downloading Netflix programmes at the same time) all the while enabling my 24/365 community and next-generation infrastructures and I'm pretty good at strategising e-venture markets and orchestrating visionary niches...
next upgrade: laptop in the bathroom ;)
strategising e-venture markets is a synonym for "booking flights" and orchestrating visionary niches means "thinking of new desitinations" using a ground-breaking blueprint which prepares for the post-computer landscape and uses hammock driven development - of which I am both an aficionado and a guru! More time in hammock, the better I like it!
@ypercubeᵀᴹ .. to flush the cache? :-D
2 hours later…
Any debugger specialists in town?
5 hours later…
No such thing.
3 hours later…
> One thing he is 100% correct on though: "The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion." read the article - it's not the clearest writing I've ever seen, but I think it was Ellison who made the "women's fashion" remark?

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