"This is the thread that never ends... it just goes on and on my friends..."
Still confused. Are you trying to fix a meaningless wait counter when nothing is running, or the slow performance of your CLR when it is running? You still haven't convinced me these things are related. — Aaron Bertrand ♦10 mins ago
Wife, let's see, MIL is an hour away, Next closest are grandparents set 1 which is 6 hours. Another 6 hours beyond that is her FIL and BIL. An hour to two south of them is the second set of grandparents in law and then finally her other brother is an hour beyond that.
With the exception of the last brother-in-law, that's a fairly standard trip
My in-laws are all nearby, but my folks are far and never want to travel for the holidays. So I rarely see them for Thanksgiving or Christmas. They are kind of lame
@bluefeet my wife has migraines too. in fact, her sister has the exact same symptoms and just went through brain surgery this past weekend. removed total mass about the size of a baseball from her temporal lobe
but my wife had an mri about 3 months ago and it came back clean
I am new kid on the block, and by accident I have deleted all records from a table. Is there anyway to recover them back.I am using SQL server 2008
Any help will be greatly appreciated
@bluefeet: Not sure but it seems to me the first example in here is not supposed to have Total = count(*) over(partition by cola). And the links should probably be different.
Here's the OLE DB Apporach:
Create some parameters for your package. If you make them Required then they are, well, required and your package won't run without some values. The field in the Value column will be the default and used for debugging.
Then create a variable and add an expression:
Is there any way in SSIS by which I can transform only 1000 rows on every run.For E.g.from 0 to 1000 for first time run.Second time 1001 to 2000 and likewise till end of data in source.
First, there are plenty of questions on SO and across the web asking how to create dynamic column headings for PIVOT statements when the column headings aren't static. All answers point to the same answer-- build the list of columns into a string and then execute your SELECT\PIVOT statement from...
I think it is marginally answerable, since Microsoft have posted explicit comments about why dynamic pivot doesn't exist (and I don't know that the Connect item will be around forever, nor how discoverable it really is - I happened to know it existed).
@Lamak I think that was an example of verb tense agreement. From what I've learnt, If I *said* I *am* not... would be incorrect, unless you made the "I am not..." part direct speech: If I said, "I am not..."....
also, "i wasnt excited" is a content clause, so S/V agreement isn't as big of a deal (that it matches the tense of the main verb), right? however, the clause itself is nonsensical inasmuch as it does not convey my intent which is, "i am, and have been since announced, excited about jurassic world."
holy crap. this refs/ntfs eval is so much information. trying to distill it is making my brain hurt
@Lamak i think you read it "incorrectly" but it's completely understandable because english has a hard time communicating its intentions.
and i understand how you interpreted it but the colloquialism blows.
so, if I expand your same sentence: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about jurassic world when I saw the first trailer, but now I'm dissapointed
@swasheck it's just that if I translate everything you said in that sentence I can't seem to understand why it means what it means and not the you were excited
I've done this:
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.after_update','TR') IS NOT NULL
DROP TRIGGER dbo.after_update;
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[after_update]
ON [dbo].[tb1]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.