Hm. Have a table with two varbinary(max) columns, there's no non-table-scanning way to break down the average (or overall) size of each column is there? (No indexes on either column, since A: it's binary and B: the total size of the data in that table is over half a TB)
As I'm cramming for the 70-463 exam on SSIS, I'm making my way through the mess of terms they've introduced. Now at the project/package deployment.
Can anyone explain me the difference (if there is such) between:
the "environment variable" which is defined with the OS (control panel -> system -...
@SimonRigharts Well, until I read that post I was 100% sure this wasn't allowed. Paul Randal seems to think the same (albeit back in 2009). Maybe there's been a change in the 2014 terms?
Has anybody encountered ActifIO in a SQL Server context?
In linux pipe the output of the files listing to psql. Make copy use the standard input:
cat /path_to/ys*.csv | psql -c 'COPY product(title, department) from stdin CSV HEADER'
Look for the equivalent in other OSs
COPY itself does not seem to support multiple files. Or should I pre-concatenate the files?
I.e. is there any disadvantage in reading from standard input?
@ypercube Not very useful response back from the estate agent mob was just that order of preference for areas is Crystal Palace, Norbury, Thornton Heath. No suggestions as to where in those areas is good/bad unfortunately.
I used the SQL Server (2008) wizard to create a new snapshot publication on my sever called "BlinkViewsOnly" in the BlinkDataMaster database. Publication was created successfully. I then used the wizard to create 1 subscription to my laptop. Results messages all appear to be successful, and I ...
@ypercube I used to live in Woking. It's OK. The nice areas are Horsell and St. Johns. The train links into London are pretty quick as well. If you hunt for digs around the brewery road area you can get a nice house that's walking distance to the train station as well.
@swasheck It this case it really does help to be British and of a certain age, although Viz made it as far as New Zealand. Never seen any reference to it gaining any traction across the pond.
How about joining to the tables instead of using the WHERE clause:
SELECT s.Section_Id, s.Location, COUNT(e.Section_Id) AS Enrolled
FROM Course c
LEFT JOIN Section s ON c.Course_No = s.Course_No
LEFT JOIN Enrollment e ON s.Section_Id = e.Section_Id
WHERE c.Description = 'Project Management'
FROM usuarios, clientes, empresas, orcamentos
clientes.nome LIKE '%VARIAVEL%'
empresas.razao_social LIKE '%VARIAVEL%'
@Kermit I'd expect it to be. It groups by three columns, of which there are only two in SELECT, but that is fine in SQL. You can't select more (non-aggregated) columns than you group by, but you can group by more columns than you select.
@AndriyM (and @JackDouglas) okay that makes more sense... c.Course_No didn't appear in the SELECT clause.. i don't think that would be valid in sql server
My company has upgraded all of its client databases from sQL Server 2008 to 2014 and we have now found that none of our clients are able to print the reporting services reports in IE8. Unfortunately we are required to support the legacy app but I have been unable to find a resolution. When clicki...
If by enterprise features, you're just looking to see if they used things like Fuzzy Lookup, etc and not digging into a SQL Task to see if they turned on compression or something, you could grep the file looking for the component ids
There's very few EE features in SSIS, personally never had cause to use any of them. It'll be what, the Fuzzy* components, CDC if you're in 2012 and ... I'd have to look at the documentation
How is this possible?
insight=> select id from analysis_analysis where status != 'finished' and status != 'archived' and begin_at < '2014-07-28 17:23:27' limit 1;
(1 row)
insight=> select id from analysis_analysis where id = 46632 ;
(0 rows)
I execute theses q...
Love when I get the 'I desperately need you help this doesn't work. Let me pick a decidedly inconvenient time to work through it with you." Requests.
Starting to write a presentation on Reading execution plans for beginners and it's trickier than I thought. I'm trying to decide where to go and how deep to dive.
The feedback I received was that I wrote my presentation for the alpha nerds because that's who I hang out with. Instead, I needed to simplify it a few orders of magnitude to reach my audience members
we've got an Excel file that we load in. The Source uses Sheet$A3:O - if I add new columns to the spreadsheet - how can I easily tell it to start using the new columns. I've only been able to edit the XML to include the new ones. Is there some other way I'm missing?
I have reviewed the questions that may have had my answer and unfortunately they don't seem to apply. Here is my situation. I have to import worksheets from my client. In columns A, C, D, and AA the client has the information I need. The balance of the columns have what to me is worthless inf...
Negatory. My feedback for SSIS pain points to the MS folks was "Excel in general. I don't even touch the SSIS questions that pertain to using Excel as a source or destination."
The problem with Excel is that they haven't been able to give it a clean rewrite due to a need to retain backwards compatibility. I have to believe that if they could take all the lessons learned and just start with a not-stupid file format, world peace would be achieved
I've been reading and reading and reading but I don't see the value of this datatype. Am I missing something here. It seems just having a table to track the management hierarchy would be infinitely easier to work with.
My app generator comparison has a bunch of unknowns about generator-cg-angular. The True/false items are benefits or attributes that a generator may have or not have. These things might also be 'optional' or not applicable due to other factors in the generator. For the Explain items, I'd like ...
@Zane @MaxVernon It's actually a system CLR type. It does use a proprietary binary format for serialization, but that's not the same as saying it is a varbinary.
@swasheck Could certainly lead to some rogue faces
@Zane All the alternatives have pros and cons. It depends on the project requirements. So, sitting on the fence, yes. I have never had the need to work with hierarchical data in a real system.