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@user135395 hola
Por si entras más tarde a verlo, te pondré cómo debería ser:
“Estimado Germán**:** (dos puntos y aparte)
Espero que estés (tú, no usted, para concordar con el resto del escrito) muy bien**.** (punto)
Te escribo por encargo de Juan José**,** (coma) para pedirte faltaba esta palabra que**,** (coma) por favor**,** (coma) reenfoques tu columna en el hecho de esto también faltaba que estos proyectos fueron paralizados por causas otra palabra omitida ajenas (sic) a la empresa (conflictos sociales, trabas burocráticas, etc.)**,** (coma)
y por tanto te rogamos (este verbo no debe ser en forma condicional, y en todo caso debe concordar con "destaques", ya que no usa "destacases") que destaques tu opinión en torno (entorno es del verbo entornar, pero aquí debe ser en-torno, separado) a esta situación**.** (punto)
Parece que las negritas (encerrando entre parejas de doble asterisco) no funcionan para un sólo signo de puntuación (coma o punto) sin más letras...
hola Matt
@MattE.Эллен Do you kow why if I try to use Bold (double asterisk before and after) a single puctuation sign it does not work?
not off the top of my head**.**
ok, thanks anyway
I guess it's down to how the markdown parser works out how to format stuff. it must break the single character in a word formatting
. is bold
however, I used it on esté**s** and it was ok
but if it's next to a word it's not**.**
you can format single letters
weird little hairline space, there
It is not common to remark a single punctuation sign, but now I found a case where it would be useful
maybe you could request it on Meta Stack Exchange
I don't know how difficult it would be to do
I think it is not worth
I could use a little trick , like on this sentence
have you seen that sometime on EL&U ?
5 hours later…
i don't even know how to like format stuff in this chat, does it not use regular markdown?
oh no, it does
yes, almost the same markdown as with questions and answers
do tags work<b>?</b>
guess not ^^
you can use
and I think @MattE.Эллен can read spanish, if you prefer
ahhhh, only a little bit. mostly I just google translate and adjust for sense :D
Well, I can read english, but sometimes I have difficult times reading you in "the other room", and google does not help much
not that kinda tag
I know, you mean html, I was just kidding
I'm going for a little siesta + merienda. See you later
ah, lol, alright ^^

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