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Wordle 1,040 4/6*

2 hours later…
Wordle 1,040 4/6*

Wordle 1,040 5/6*

1 hour later…
Good morning
1 hour later…
good morning
2 hours later…
curse you
it's interesting that a case expression causes a late filter and seems to prevent an index scan with a predicate here: dbfiddle.uk/4fDw2L9X
... i'm also not sure how that create table statement doesn't throw an error
Which one? In your fiddle or are you quoting some question on the site?
did you look at the fiddle?
Just glanced
@ErikDarling Because of the trailing comma?
This is a weird error message (from System.Data.SqlClient):
> BeginExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is open.
@JoshDarnell yes, i've never made that mistake before
or maybe i have
and it just never threw an error
and i never noticed
@JoshDarnell open, but not available
sort of like going into a patek dealer
@ErikDarling Yeah, weird. I could have sworn that SSMS has yelled at me about that before, but maybe I'm just thinking of SELECT statements.
@ErikDarling Haha right. I guess I don't know what it means for the connection to not be available. I got this right before that error, so the connection was, indeed, busted. The messaging is just weird.
> A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: Session Provider, error: 19 - Physical connection is not usable)
sounds like you should run checkdb
@ErikDarling It's an historical oddity preserved for back-compat. Not tolerated for the (more recent) table variables
@ErikDarling Things don't pushed past a CASE because that's the recommended solution for a whole class of order-of-evaluation transient errors
You can also avoid the issue in this case with TF 9259
@ErikDarling For real?!
i feel like i've written a million case statements that things got pushed past
it gets pushed with an index keyed on account value
Yeah, it all rather depends. I was talking about your specific demo
it does all rather depend
Dr No on the trailing comma: github.com/MicrosoftDocs/sql-docs/issues/…
@ErikDarling You also often need a sort
There are a million things to consider. Weird edge cases when variable assignment occurs etc.
It's just one of those irritations you have to code around sometimes
upsetti spaghetti
It's certainly not ideal, but as I say, complicated
Things fight sometimes, and it depends what happens in what order
For example, scalar computations are pushed down to enable computed column and index matching. Filters are also pushed down. They can't both be at the bottom.
Of course, it could do both and cost the choice, but these things happen v early, before CBO (which may not happen at all for simple queries)
a race to the bottom
I wouldn't argue that your demo shows a sub-optimal outcome
i didn't notice until i was testing repeatable read and serializable and getting deadlocks, and thought the late filter may have been involved (it wasn't, of course)
SQL Server relies too much on post-optimization rewrites to fix up heaps of little issues
Asking that to push a filter past a compute scalar and a sort is apparently a step too far
The optimizer itself always produces a separate filter, but it's normally close enough to the GET to be pushed down, post-opt
i'm sure it would be better in rust
Would still affect someone's spacebar heating
Also, you missed a gr8 opportunity to use CHOOSE
i rarely think of choose or iif
I like IIF for its conciseness
i've noticed
And because the intrinsic has always been IIF
Also, for conciseness, use a $1000 literal instead of the CONVERT
a bit imprecise that £1000 and $1000 return the same results
sql server should check exchange rates before filtering those results
chat seemed to have a bit of a mishap
@PaulWhite quite verbose
The main site was throwing 500s as well
currency type symbols you can use
> Currency or monetary data does not need to be enclosed in single quotation marks ( ' ). It is important to remember that while you can specify monetary values preceded by a currency symbol, SQL Server does not store any currency information associated with the symbol, it only stores the numeric value.
Such helpful documentation
@ErikDarling There may be a better way, but I can't think of it
i wonder how many people have been caught off guard by that
it is amusing
though i wasn't serious about the current exchange rates being respected
People are hardly ever serious in here
except when it's inappropriate
our irish friends have mastered that
Weird list of symbols. Looks like they gave up maintaining it long ago
French francs and drachma!
The currency sign ¤ is a character used to denote an unspecified currency. It can be described as a circle the size of a lowercase character with four short radiating arms at 45° (NE), 135° (SE), 225° (SW) and 315° (NW). It is raised slightly above the baseline. The character is sometimes called scarab.: 5  == History == The symbol was first encoded for computers in 1972, as a placeholder for national currency symbols such as the dollar sign, in national variants (ISO 646) of ASCII and the International Reference Variant. It was proposed by Italy as an alternative (to the dollar sign) at 0x24...
Someone attempted to standardise
Imagine I pasted the normal xkcd
There is also a little comedy value in taking people seriously when they weren't
master comedians only
sorry, main comedians only
the list of problematic words grows without end
i smuggled a pack of gauloises home with me
don't tell customs
your lakh of respect for tax authorities is alarming
i'll send them a cheque
the exchange rate on those is dismal
i'd need about 20 of them
and who can find 20 czechs
did you stride confidently down the Nothing To Declare customs channel?
well all i had to declare was that i had a nice time exploring business opportunities abroad
customs agents don't really care to hear that
very considerate
I wonder if Josh went off to run DBCC CHECKDB
oh yeah i never answered him
48 mins ago, by Josh Darnell
@ErikDarling For real?!
hopefully checkdb is done by now
he's probably on to his fifth server by now
one does not simply reject expensive consultancy advice
or maybe he's still writing that one line of powershell
the best advice is often free
cheapest, anyway
which is one valid measure of 'best'
it's often the best available
@ErikDarling It's a DB at a customer site, so getting access is convoluted. Should be able to czech it out later today.
oh i don't actually think you need to run it
FROM sys.messages AS m
WHERE m.language_id = 1033
AND m.severity = 19;
even if it were a sql server error, it wouldn't indicate corruption
> The transaction timestamps ran out. Restart the server.
Work of art
FROM sys.messages AS m
WHERE m.language_id = 1033
AND m.severity > 19
AND m.text LIKE N'%[c-C]orrupt%'
those are a bit more fun
@PaulWhite nearly a frog
That range c-C bugs me
poor kwah
You know you can write [cC], yes?
did not
Yep, one of a list of characters
With a range, you're into collation and sorting
Thank you for coming to Code Review
i think i took that from some text search where the predicate was like >[c-C] and <= [g-G] or something
Invoice is on the way
(in the query plan, not the query text)
Your cheque has arrived
hope it lays flat
It's a tiny bit Czechia than the last one
I'd have to lose some weight to lay flat again
get some ozempic
A problem easily solved with a board and a big pile of bricks
Just keep adding bricks until the required degree of flatness is obtained
Big transcript today (preemptive 4 me)
Have a mop on standby in case you overdo it
I'm hiring Erik as my Editor if I write a book
If I can afford the invoice
Just pay him in illegal tobacco
pay me in sql server source code
Speaking of which, I've been trying to find time to play with AIDA64
Sean's cloud experience enables him to easily throttle transcript throughput
@PaulWhite Hello, thank you for your ticket. We've reviewed your data and found that you need to update your SLO to get more throughput. Thank you.
woah woah woah
it hasn't even been 800 days yet
We've heard your feedback and have put in place improvement efforts to get faster turn around when informing you that you need to pay us more money.
you'll be receiving a survey about our interaction today, please let me know how I can receive a 5.
If you don't choose 5, you'll be called and hounded by multiple levels of management.
@SeanGallardy this seems like the best way to get attention drawn to your issue
I mean it's lopsided for sure. They'll spend 1 hour looking into your issue and 20 hours fighting you to give them 5 stars.
Don't need to solve issues when you can make the stats look like you do.
i have a friend who is dealing with a very negative support issue in managed instance
there was an outage because of tempdb system table metadata contention (and of course in memory tempdb isn't available there on mi)
and support is trying to blame it on them having "too many connections"
like yes it's our biggest sales day of the year, thanks for noticing
I might know that one... were they also creating 3k new connections/sec?
don't know the exact number
but you'll probably recognize one of the names on the email thread, at least
There was one that came in recently that we got called into and they basically DOS'd themselves with connections. Their logic was if it didn't immediately work, create a new connection and do the same thing.
but yes TempDB not having in memory options is the cost of running in the cloud
I'm sure an intern will migrate the functionality
based on what the cloud costs it should be an option
unless it's a thoroughly broken feature that microsoft doesn't want to support in their hosted solutions
which deserves a call out if so
Probably a little of A JOIN B
Yeah I think that was a 128 vcore instance
The cost of buying a small house per month
Gotta love these flagship features
Speaking of which, I just gave a thoughtfully worded survey response internally.
Without me editing it?
I really should have sent it to you first, this is true
What am I allowed to send you for editing in this contract?
More reasons not to mess with Florida: tampabay.com/news/bizarre/2024/04/23/…
Words in English
2 hours later…
I found dinner.
Black Angus?
Not sure what their names are
They weren’t very talkative
Anti-social bunch
1 hour later…
Probably busy playing wordle or something
> Unfortunately, common ways of shutting down SQL Server 2012 do not currently automatically checkpoint databases (this contradicts the documentation, so it should be fixed at some point in the future).
Sep 16, 2022 at 18:53, by Hannah Vernon
also I feel about 95% certain that some version of SQL Server (prior to 2014 perhaps) didn't issue automatic checkpoints on service shutdown.

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