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How do you accidentally drive into an aeroplane
You get out of the automobile and leave the car in drive instead of putting it in park
The insurance claim will be fun
Imagine the coverage if AI had been in control of that vehicle
Probably doesn’t fall under auto collision
“Yeah I scrapped a 22 million dollar engine”
The intern did it for their resume. "Worked on ramjet technology"
2 hours later…
The nice part about eating on overnight flights to the UK is that the plane is dark so you can’t really see the food
3 hours later…
Wordle 1,032 5/6*

For those of you who do not know what a bap is:
17 hours ago, by Paul White
What you have there is a bacon bap
Bun is bigger than others?
Probably just an issue with the person who created the poster.
I like it how Yorkshire has 4 different words for the same thing.
Still better than 1 word for several things. Like 'wicket' in cricket
btw: I like big buns and I cannot lie
1 hour later…
@PaulWhite Jumped in front of the cart out of nowhere, just like when those trees do a hit and run
Good morning to everyone except whomever decided to run the MS symbol server over dial-up today
/homer hedges fade away
@PaulWhite That Azure bill sure is expensive 😅
Seems like it
1 hour later…
@PaulWhite Which one would that be?
@JohnK.N. Which one what? Symbol server? https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
1 hour later…
A chairde - Morning all!
I think there's a bit of astro-turfing going on - there've been a few (6) PolarDB questions (example) popping up in the last 2 days!
1 hour later…
it's a possibility
For some reason health parser and block viewer are getting merged in together github.com/erikdarlingdata/DarlingData/blob/main/sp_HumanEvents/…
@ErikDarling they have some problems with white space as well. Double white space. Every other bullet point has space in front of the text. Shameful
Huh I didn’t notice that one
@JohnK.N. Irish home cooking! :-)
@ErikDarling Sorry, I'll have a look in the evening. On first look, it seems like it doesn't clear the variable when multiple files are affected.
It's started hailing outside! Bugger me!
That sounds like quite a lopsided punishment for a bit of hail
@Zikato no worries, it’s not a big deal. I didn’t notice at all until someone emailed me this morning.
@Vérace Yes please!
mo regex mo problems
@HannahVernon Thankfully, it was a metaphorical, speaking-to-the-air-around-me turn of phrase and not an expression of an actual desire for the act to be carried out!
Stopped now anyway!
@Vérace oh good
Azure SQL Server Scalable Hyperscale for Business 365 Regex Serverless Containers for Teams
Azure SQL Server Scalable Hyperscale for Business 365 Regex Serverless Containers for Teams with seamless Office 365 interfacing!
@HannahVernon To which post? :-)
Both I hope!
but I fixed it
@PaulWhite the funny part is that there is no regex in that code
denial is an early step to recovery
@Zikato Then it's not real code!
I did not expect gate-keeping from Vérs?ace
If the glove don't fit you must acquit
maybe it was Trump who done it with those tiny hands
Couldn't be weekend at Bernies for sure
> runs-on: ubuntu-latest
found your problem
Regex is legal in the state of California
so is prostitution
the absolute state of California
It' no longer illegal in CA to knowingly give something HIV so there's that
@Zikato "gate-keeping"?
Noun: gatekeeping (uncountable)
  1. The act or process of limiting another party's participation in a collective identity or an activity, usually due to undue pettiness, resentment, or overprotectiveness.
Verb: gatekeeping
  1. present participle and gerund of gatekeep
in modern usage, it means feeling entitled to something, while not being qualified or willing to put any effort in to obtain it, and being denied the opportunity by people who were qualified or put effort in etc. I think that's right
But Paul, my feelings are more important than anything else and I should have access to it because the something-iarchy is stopping me.
sounds like you're being gatekept
very sorry to hear that
lmk if I can help at all
Should I submit a ticket?
That might be a system of oppression.
or gatekeeping again
circular gatekeeping, unending, forever
sung to Blink 182's small things
@PaulWhite What or how was I gatekeeping?
Real code obviously
Being v. insensitive to our Czechoslovakian Republican
Wordle 1,032 4/6*

@Vérace something about you're not a real programmer if you're not using regex, perhaps.
2 hours ago, by Vérace
@Zikato Then it's not real code!
Jesus - that was quite simply a joke!
Apologies for any offence caused - it was certainly not my intention...
I believe everyone here is joking.
Something about JEAGLs and lox
@Vérace yes, there is very little of a serious nature in here
I mean aside from it always being morning, and wow what a gymnastics club this is.
I've tried being serious once. It was terrible
I hope Sean is fine
1 hour later…
@ErikDarling github.com/erikdarlingdata/DarlingData/pull/410 - sorry for the trouble
@Zikato 👋
@Zikato no trouble at all man
1 hour later…
Never met an Irishman without a highly developed sense of humour
Zikato up to a y-core after that code fix

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