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It's a reasonable reaction. I had the same at first
There is also some relevant history to consider. Earlier questions from that user were very broad - often asking half a dozen vaguely related questions in the one post. Feedback changed that so we see more focussed questions now albeit more of them
Somewhat related, the change so a question up vote awards 10 and a down vote only -2 means reputation score is more of a measure of participation these days
IMO anyway
5 hours later…
morning, how are you feeling today?
'Morning all.
@Zikato I'm feeling well, thank you. Just a congestion by now
@McNets Yuck. Hope it passes quickly, without drama.
@MichaelGreen thanks.
2 hours later…
Our neighbour tested positive on Sunday we found out today.
That probably doesn't sound remarkable to many of you, but up until recently we didn't know anyone locally who had had it
I assume that everybody will contract the ommicron variant eventually. There is no null-Covid strategy to get through the pandemic. Cases soaring in China and North Korea seem to prove the point.
@JohnK.N. Who knows what's going on in NK but China seems committed to keeping C-19 out. Last I saw cases were declining in China? Unless you mean Taiwan, which has adopted a different strategy.
@McNets I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it is good that new treatments are becoming available. OTOH pricing and availability seem quite unfair. At some stage you'd think the big pharmaceutical companies would have made a decent return on their investment and would turn to making as much as possible available to whomever needs it at cost.
NZ passed 1000 deaths today.
@PaulWhite "Taking the pills within this window has been shown to lower the risk of severe illness...", by now the risk of severe illness is really low. There are no Covid cases in our hospital/ICUs. And there are some, (not really good), secondary effects. Maybe is not the best choice right now, but obviously help is always welcome.
I thought NZ announced some time ago it was COVID-free
@Zikato Ah the good old days
7-day rolling average of cases in NZ is 8k, average deaths per day 17.
@PaulWhite 13'300 here
425 in hospital, 9 in ICU today.
@JohnK.N. Tragic
We're somewhere around the bottom of our curve though.
That will likely change soon as we are two weeks from Winter and immunity is declining.
Could be a bad 'flu season too, but who knows.
Right now we are having an outbreak of Influenza A
@McNets Isn't it stupidly hot there right now?
For the time of year I mean
@PaulWhite yep
Weird to think about an influenza outbreak in such conditions
I know, and it's really aggressive (I don't know if aggressive is the correct word)
Maybe due the long time wearing mask and now it is not mandatory.
@McNets Do you mean it is spreading rapidly or a severe illness? Aggressive is probably the right word but it could mean either of those things, even both.
Both of then, causes quite a high fever.
2 hours later…
But at the moment I'm slightly more concerned about receiving an unwanted dose of radiation than contracting COVID.
@PaulWhite did you mean to move this reverted edit into a Community Wiki answer? dba.stackexchange.com/posts/303900/revisions
@PeterVandivier No, it's already available in a comment. I invested time converting one link-only answer and didn't have the energy for the OP's one as well.
ah gotcha, i see the comment now. sry & ty
Found a solution if anyone's looking for a workaround. It's an old article but works with PowerBi Reporting Services May 2021: tickett.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/…jdids Dec 17, 2021 at 22:19
It's not ideal I agree.
There is a comment from David B pointing to the same direction
Yep. But the title of that article is misleading. That's not anonymous. It's HTTP Basic Auth passing Windows Credentials, which is a supported auth method. docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/reporting-services/security/… It's disabled by default because the report server sees the plaintext password, so it's less secure than NTLM or Kerberos. — David Browne - Microsoft Dec 17, 2021 at 22:33
Perhaps. I took that to be a useful critique of something in the question rather than an attempt to answer. Not my expert area so I was conservative (for me).
The function in the javascript code http.open("get", url, true, _0x1751[0x0], _0x1751[0x1]); uses basic authentication

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