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@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW FYI the volcanic ash cloud arrived over Queensland this morning twitter.com/bom_qld/status/1482833945578323972
4 hours later…
A chairde - Morning all!
Nice photo - just wondering though - I thought you guys were in high summer now - why is there so much cloud? Ironically, the only part of the densely populated area that's cloud-free is Melbourne!
a pilot with time to spare https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/n45143#2a81f7a6
(zoom to the Los Angeles area)
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW NZ isn't on that picture. No idea about weather in Australia.
@McNets Ah well it does say the results might not be v accurate
@McNets Though are you sure you're reading it right? You're almost as far left as the scale will go. The words summarize the position you have, they're not scale names. Compare with other results to see what I mean.
@PaulWhite yeah, I don't truly understand its meaning and why there are only 4 indicators.
@McNets Well I suppose there are four metrics, and where you sit on each is described by an 'orb' hence the name 4 orbs. Each position on each line is given a label e.g. Progressive or Communist.
@McNets You might find this helpful: 8values.github.io
@PaulWhite Oh, I see. Thanks.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Could have been on a test flight? Test of what, exactly, I don't know... Pilots frequently can't fly "straight" from a to b for a variety of reasons - legal restrictions, flight lanes...
2 hours later…
are you saying it might not be intentional? what are the chances?
seems likely an accident or unusual wind currents yeah
or perhaps the pilot was entering the rarely-needed LAX ryan/c&b corridor
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I worked for an airline - and from time to time, engineers and pilots would take out aircraft and fly them over the Irish sea. Maybe testing a new/repaired aileron or whatever... they might perform some weird stuff - like going round and round in circles - or testing nav equipment and/or radio... could be anything. As for the flight plan immediately above, it looks like it was planned in a schoolboy toilet! :-)
Defo wind
3 hours later…
Good news! The French minister for sports - Roxana Maracineanu - has come out publicly and stated that all sports people wishing to participate in sports taking place in an ÉRP (publicly accessible space - i.e. a tournament...) will have to be vaccinated - as long as the "pass vaccinal" is in force
The law surrounding that has been voted by parliament, but will face the Conseil Constitutionel who will decide on its constitutionality! Fingers crossed that it'll pass! I really like No Jab, No Play policies - I only wish they were ubiquitous!
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW will the French be not sending anyone to the Winter Olympics I should presume?
(as other teams may have unvaccinated members)
2 hours later…
I don't think that the French govt. is taking it upon itself to try and mandate people's behaviour when they're abroad? As long as what they do while abroad is lawful - which presumably it will be in China - at least for French people - one might wonder about Tibetans or Uighurs or people from Hong Kong? Depending on country of origin and/or regulations in force at the time, they may have to have PCR and/or antigen tests on their way back home...
you know my own opinion about competing in international competitions in countries which have disgusting human rights records! Shame on the IOC! Shame on FIFA!
@Vérace-getVACCINATEDNOW not sending your athletes to mix with unvaccinated would be to protect them - and the country when they return back.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I would also urge international sports organisations (whatever about sports stars...) to take an unambiguous stand on vaccination - no jab, no play! France is (trying) to enforce that on its own territory - I don't know if they can do any more? I would, of course, prefer if they boycotted China - and I would love to be able to find goods not made there - but, unfortunately, I don't run the planet!
that may be a good thing ;)
1 hour later…
@ypercubeᵀᴹ You could be special advisor for Greek affairs? :-)
said like a true politician. bribing the opposition already
1 hour later…
@ypercubeᵀᴹ With a suitably large emolument...

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