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Hmm. Is this a good question for us?
Q: Jeopardy/Trivia Public Dataset?

RanmanIs there a public dataset of Jeopardy or Jeopardy/Trivia style questions/answers anywhere? Even better -- is there list of all known trivia public datasets?

not really
There's actually a trivia/puzzle game site on Area51, pity we can't migrate to there
@jcolebrand Fast on the draw today ;)
@SimonRigharts you pointed it out
True. I guess that makes me the one with nothing better to do ... whoops
(waiting for a script to finish running, doobie doo)
@Mr.Brownstone Which one was that?
1 hour later…
@AlexKuznetsov Great - I'm looking forward to reading it once jco has got you logged in :-)
@AlexKuznetsov and then promptly missed you in chat?
'How to solve problem x in MySQL?'
'use MongoDB'
I know it's probably not a practical option, but it's still something to think about: this seems like a good use case for a document-oriented database like MongoDB. You could store all of the comments to the post within the post, and then nested comments on each comment within that comment. Querying all the data for some posting is as simple as grabbing the document—no joins required! However, the rest of your design might not work so nicely with MongoDB. But, like I said, it's something interesting to think about. — DaoWen 8 mins ago
Moorning a ding ding ding
NoSQL baffles me sometimes. They're all proprietary APIs. It's like we've all gone back to the 1960s and invented our own data-stores all over again.
@jcolebrand Rarely see that mod around. Does he do anything these days?
@Phil what who huh?
I was scrolling up & saw the discussion about denny
he isn't a particularly active mod, but he does mod, and he's generally more active on Server Fault
And it does add a bit of prestige to the site in the realms of the internet whit large that one of the more knowledgeable people in the field is a moderator here.
Just like it help that BOzar spends some time here.
Aha. I don't hang around in SQL Server land ;)
Now this is cross-posted:

user1328181I have a database where I want to generate unique tokens of six numeric characters. This tokens should be generated each time an invoice number is inserted in the invoice_no column. This would mean that every time I do an insert and the column invoice_no is not null, the token is generated of the...

What we need are two more close-> dba votes on:

user1328181I have a database where I want to generate unique tokens of six numeric characters. This tokens should be generated each time an invoice number is inserted in the invoice_no column. This would mean that every time I do an insert and the column invoice_no is not null, the token is generated of the...

Then JackD or JNK or I can close as dupe
let me get 2.6K more rep first :)
foolish problem here
solution on DBA.SE, of course :)
A: Postgres PgAdmin III Query Builder crash

PhilWe had the same problem 2 times on two different computer, in just a few days of interval ! PgAdmin started to crash each time we open query builder ! Restarting the computer, reinstalling pgAdmin in differents versions... Nothing resolved the problem ! But we found the solution to this problem...

(and my hairsplitting session began already :)
1 hour later…
morning all
Q: Getting #1111 - Invalid use of group function error

user1602639I see there is an error in the last line. Can someone plz tell me what is the alternative. INSERT INTO month_week_qty ( site_id, cat_id, cat_name, scat_id, scat_name, sscat_id, sscat_name, duration, w_m, year, sum_qty ) SELECT c.site_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'mon...

Not my downvote.
but where to start on that...
I HATE the whole "plz" thing. It's so f***ing rude!
plz check it once more
@dezso I thought that, but couldn't be bothered to explain "ANSI standard group by"
I'm still considering adding a paragraph or two on that
Explaining "why" is lost on the "plz send teh codez" crowd.
(And yes I did accidentally mis-spell that worse than I intended to. Bad sign, right?)
@SimonRigharts Come on...
@dezso too cynical?
a bit, I think
What, a dba? cynical?
perish the thought ...
the majority may be unaffected by that sort of educational stuff
I think you'll find a lot of the smaller SE sites (still in the technology space, i.e. DBA, Cryptography, ITSec etc.) are largely composed of jaded SO vets
And there's a shitton of "don't tell me why just tell me what" questions on SO. Even when five minutes of reading why would save them three days further down the track, they'll plow into whatever they're doing headfirst, blinkers on.
but if there are two or three out of a hundred who is not, than it's worth it
It's the instant gratification generation
ah sh1t. How to convert a string 0x1122 etc to actual binary
(sorry, off topic)
I've bloody forgotten
In SQL Server?
hex to binary?
CAST would give the ASCII for 0, x, 1, 1, 2, 2 etc
An actual string '0x1122'
my brain has stopped
Head down to the pub for a couple hours, guaranteed to cure all ills
Today I learned: don't laugh at people that look tired after a 6AM start, because then you get called for a 5AM start tomorrow morning. Boo.
select len(CONVERT(varbinary(max),'0x1122', 1));
So, folks
it's a birthday today
yes dezso
hei where is @gbn is he here?
@dezso Well, you know what to do. Sadly I don't think many DBA.SE regulars live in Budapest.
looks like that
so a great great happy birthday to dba.se
@gbn of course it still looks like a string in the output because it renders the binary as hex :-)
but len reveals it's true nature
this is a great occasion for asking:
how do you call a sp/function/udf or whatever, which gets a bunch of arguments and returns some data filtered on those arguments?
@dezso I call it slow
A: Fix for orphan user 'guest'?

JP Chauhan Note : Whenever you move your database from one server to another server there is a problem of orphan user usually occur. FileListOnly is the new term in sql server that has all the details of the created backup that who has access to it. So there are sequence of task that you have to ...

A: SQL Server 2008 user, group, or role already exists in the current database

JP Chauhan Note : Whenever you move your database from one server to another server there is a problem of orphan user usually occur. FileListOnly is the new term in sql server that has all the details of the created backup that who has access to it. So there are sequence of task that you have to ...

2 questions, identical answers: are they both relevant to the questions? Can they be edited into shape? Do I need to nuke the new one?
@JackDouglas I do as well
planning to prepare a question on this topic
especially how to make it really slow :)
@JackDouglas thanks. I left ym desk for a sandwaich and it came back to me.
@gbn that could be read so many ways :-)
This is well above the call of duty:
A: How can I generate a random bytea

Craig RingerEnhancing Jack Douglas's answer to avoid the need for PL/PgSQL looping and bytea concatenation, you can use: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION random_bytea(bytea_length integer) RETURNS bytea AS $body$ SELECT decode(string_agg(lpad(to_hex(width_bucket(random(), 0, 1, 256)-1),2,'0') ,''), 'hex') ...

@JackDouglas Upboats
The man's a lunatic ;)
@Phil You know each other? Or do you just basing that on his answer :-) I'm trying to encourage him to pop in here so we can pat him on the back...
@JackDouglas That's ... impressive. And a little bit scary, actually.
Basing it on that answer :P
Matter of personal habit. ANSI joins would be fine if you're more comfortable using them. — pjama 9 mins ago
Thanks @JackDouglas for the interesting problem. Nice change from endless Rails questions and problems with Pg on Macs after upgrades.
@CraigRinger Great answer - we love that kind of stuff over here, as you probably know. C extensions are not for the faint-hearted I see :-)
and thanks for dropping in too
I was toying with the idea of using a single random() call to generate more than 1 byte of data, but I think the gains would be too small to make messing up your nice concise SQL version worth it
@JackDouglas C extensions to Pg look complicated but they really aren't too bad. The intro docs are pretty decent and after that existing functions and headers in the main Pg sources are a good guide and model to follow.
@JackDouglas The docs certainly aren't anywhere near as good as for the SQL level though.
@CraigRinger yes - I guess so, though I was really referring to the overhead in deployment - I have quite a few postgres databases at different clients so I'm sensitive to that
select lpad(to_hex(width_bucket(random(), 0, 1, 256*256)-1),4,'0');
@JackDouglas ow, yeah. Not too bad if they're all the same version & OS so you can build once and pish the extension out as binaries but pretty icky otherwise.
Even then, custom extensions make upgrades "fun"
@Craig - I notice you have a blog
what does explain.depesz.com do?
oh - I see it has an example
yes, I'm glad I know that exists now - depesz contributes here every now and again you know?
Yeah, I do. Great guy.
His "waiting for <x>" posts are very handy.
Sorry if I'm a bit scatty; on SO by phone right now.
kgrittn is another - one of the developers, clever chap
I have a soft spot for postgres though I mostly earn a living with Oracle
postgres just gives me far less brain pain
Heh. I tried an Oracle express edition once. shudder
I'm lucky enough to be able to choose the DB I work with, so I mostly use Pg. I had a narrow brush with death^UniVerse once though.
@CraigRinger UniVision?
@JackDouglas nope, IBM UniVerse. Straight out of the eighties but still pushed as a live product. Its a freeform row store. None of that nasty "data typing" and "constraints' stuff. The NoSQL crowd should love it :-p
Argh it's. Sorry. Phone.
A: Character Set Database Migration

PhilThe reason for the truncation is quite simple. Some characters (accented ones, for example) in the WE8ISO8859P1 character set are stored as a single byte, but in AL32UTF8 they end up being stored as multiple bytes. As a result of conversion, a 4000 character string may end up actually requiring m...

Aren't character sets fun?
You haven't lived until you've worked with far eastern clients :D
Q: How can I get a MD5 of an entire database and use it to poll for changes?

PlucI'm trying to do some sort of polling to listen to updates occuring on a database. So far I was considering getting a MD5 hash (or any type or hash) of the database (or couple tables), store that in a variable, and run a thread that loops this procedure over and over, comparing it with the last r...

"Is that a good way to do it? If not, why? If yes, how?" - haha
@AaronBertrand has SQL Server got some sort of 'notify' API?
obviously his 'solution' is a) insane and b) will not work - I merely ask out of curiosity
There are event notifications, not sure it would fit the bill here. I think it's funny that he wants to reload the entire database every time there is a single change.
@JackDouglas My work has the unfortunate habit of (nearly) selecting weird legacy stuff for new projects. About 5 years ago they bought Progress, a "4GL" database/RAD system.
@CraigRinger that's unfortunate if you ever need to move jobs :)
@JackDouglas ... and I'm currently working on a project to migrate them off a 4GL called "Plain English". It's a shared ISAM file database with a business-y language on top. OK-ish so far as it goes, but that's not far. The company that made it went out of business in 1983, which the the build date of the binaries the system runs on. Despite that, the system was only implemented in 1991 (!), on a system already 8-years dead and gone. Nuts.
@JackDouglas It's a Microsoft Xenix binary. Seriously. Runs on SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 in Xenix kernel personality emulation. I'm building a whole replacement system for it - finally - now, but only after convincing them not to build a replacement in Progress. They wanted to use Progress 'cos the guy who built the first one knew it, in fact it was the only other tool/language the ex-salesman developer knew.
@JackDouglas As for job-moving, I'm lucky to now have the freedom to spec the technologies, so I'm building with Pg. Also with Java EE, which seemed like a good idea at the time.
@CraigRinger I saw that on your profile and considered asking about it, then thought better of it.
@JackDouglas so I'm not doing dead-end stuff. Thankfully. It was a near thing with UniVerse, I had to talk them down from buying some solo developer's VB6+UniVerse creation. His baby. I asked him if it'd run with a RDBMS and he started frothing about how nobody needs constraints and types, they waste lots of time and just get in the way of a decent developer.
@JackDouglas Even better, when asked when he was porting off VB6 to VB.NET he said "Never" and started ranting about how Microsoft ruined the only good things they'd ever made: Visual FoxPro and VB6. Thankfully the boss could be talked down from buying that one.
Small newspapers are interesting places!
@CraigRinger hilarious - actually I'm half with him on VB6 v .NET - apples and oranges, no easier than porting to any other language. You could have suggested Java :p
How does a small newspaper even afford 1 competent IT bod?
@JackDouglas BTW, re SQL Server notifications, I read something about that recently. Trying to find the SO question about it. The short version was "yes, but it's different and incompatible with each different SQL server version"
@JackDouglas You're making the pretty iffy assumption that I'm competent ;-)
ha ha - I have evidence - at least on pg. Looks like Remus has that covered btw
@JackDouglas BTW, re your mention of Oracle, I frequently wish that Pg had more of Oracle's managability features. Managing Pg is a PITA, especially prioritizing queries, controlling resource use, etc. No query priorities, no quotas, no nothing. Yet it's so much nicer, easier, cheaper and friendlier. I really must knuckle down with an Oracle express edition and learn it some time - it's so powerful, the usability is just so awful I'm put off whenever I try.
@JackDouglas Does anybody actually use SQL*Plus? Is there some "make it sane" wrapper with readline etc?
@CraigRinger i use it all the time with rlwrap
OK, so it just needs a wrapper. Good to know.
@CraigRinger Oracle offer SQL Developer as a freebie.
Also, yasql supports readline if it's still maintained, but it's some years since I last used it.
I used to use TOAD religiously, but have got used to SQL Developer now
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells yes, I held out using SQL*Plus for ages but now I only use it on the server
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells @Phil Advice appreciated. I know I need to make another foray into Oracle-land, if nothing else to improve my knowledge for when those weird "how do I do <x> in Pg like in Oracle" questions come in on the Pg list, and to have another perspective on problems.
@Phil how many times in the last week have you had to redock a window?
@JackDouglas I don't have problems with it
@JackDouglas Change tracking and change data capture can work but they have to be implemented on every single table. Maybe that's ok but seemed the op was looking for something much simpler.
@AaronBertrand do you know what he is talking about here:
DataContext => BindingSource. Not sure what would be considered cached. — Pluc 19 mins ago
Absolutely no idea. These kids and their fan-dangled new tech
Can you ignore questions? Bored of dba.stackexchange.com/questions/22534/… popping to the top
@Phil Can I add PEBKAC? Alternatively you could re-tag the question so the 'interesting' metric doesn't rate as high for you.
My last of three blog posts on splitting strings. This time I compare CLR and TVP: sqlperformance.com/2012/08/t-sql-queries/…
@Phil ignore until the fuss dies down?
@JackDouglas excellent idea. ta
@Aaron you may be interested in skiming this conversation I had last week. Or you may not. I thought I should let you know it happened either way as it concerns you. tl;dr: she's not a bad sort at all just speaks a different language to us and got the wrong end of the stick on a couple of occasions.
@JackDouglas my comment about no guarantees on order, at least I think, was not meant about separating SELECT from FROM or SELECT from WHERE, but rather two operations in a query (e.g. a merge join and a hash join).
@AaronBertrand ok sorry
There are a bunch of scenarios where a join may lead to a certain plan (this has little to do with the SELECT vs. ORDER BY alias discussion)
it's still my understanding that it is best to assume noting at all about execution order though :-)
arghhh Postini are trying to force me on to Google Apps
And even separating those into CTE / sub-query doesn't force SQL Server to separate them. So to force the issue you can separate them into a #temp table then run the other part of the query against the #temp table. SQL Server can't optimize that into a single query. :-)
@Phil So tempted for Computer User Non Technical
@JackDouglas yes, that is true, though the language rules prevent you from writing anything that would take advantage of a bizarre scenario where SQL Server would somehow execute the SELECT first.
Le sigh. Why post a 1 line rubbish answer when I've explained in detail what the issue is?
@JackDouglas this is why WHERE alias = something won't even parse - SQL just won't let you try that, even if the underlying behavior at runtime might allow that to make sense.
Q: Character Set Database Migration

John F.This is a follow-up question to a previous thread I had posted. We're in the process of migrating to a new character set. Now, I am a programmer and we have DBA's who will be performing the work but I'd like to get a little bit more information about the process. Our current character set is WE8I...

@AaronBertrand I was trying to come up with a situation with sequences where it might matter but discovered there are rather strict rules about how they are used
Just makes me waste my valuable Magical Internet Points ©2012 on downvoting.
@Phil Don't forget that downvoted rubbish answers are actually useful
it is worth the cost
Yes Sequences have a bunch of limitations. A lot of them were last-minute because of let's say "interesting" behavior spotted by MVPs during the beta.
Heh, should've used this character in my reply. Looks rude: Ѿ
@JackDouglas I am quite reluctant to down-vote when my rep is at a nice round number (ending in 5 or 0). That probably makes me a total weirdo.
@JackDouglas on the other hand, I am much, much more likely to find something to downvote if my rep ends in a 1 or a 6. :-)
@AaronBertrand hah, just find another 4 to downvote :-)
but yes, that is weird. I usually have no idea what my rep is
@AaronBertrand Proper OCD
@Phil no question. For a while I would re-word sentences until they contained a word count that ended in 5 or 0. I'm not sure what broke me of that habit.
I know exactly where it started, though. I should write a blog post about it.
@Phil why, you can edit something somewhere and you get 2 downvotable reps
let's see, I earned today reps worth 56 downvotes on SO
I have to find something to waste it on
@JackDouglas as for the conversation in general, I'm not sure what to do with the information. She was over-the-top abrasive when I was only trying to help. I don't need to give up my time helping people who are only going to aggravate me - whether that's just the way they are, or whether we are feeding each other's aggravations unwittingly.
Now here is this guy
Q: Need some help with this query get all status and their associated comments of me and all my friends

ReynierPMI've several days dealing with this query but can't get it to works as I want. This post is related to this one Several values from different tables in which I tough found the solution but I was totally wrong and lost :(. So basically is the same schema as the other post: 5 tables: default_users,...

I think his schema is screwed up a bit
but I get headache every time looking at that
@JackDouglas I've marked several user accounts with this extension - only it doesn't mean "favorite" it means "steer clear."
I'm amused that you are using it for precisely the opposite purpose it was intended
@JackDouglas since I typically don't really give a crap who is asking the question, the problem I came across was this:
I would get into the same types of useless discussions with the same people asking bad or misleading questions. For a while I had a sticky note on my monitor reminding me of the users I should avoid bothering to help, but I just didn't check it. This extension makes it impossible to miss. :-)
morning all
Aptem was my first "favorite"
@AaronBertrand sicky notes, eh?
@swasheck no, just one. The list was small but represented a very large portion of my frustration on these sites.
do you still have it "for old time's sake?"
@swasheck I do, actually. But to answer your next question: no I will not take a picture of it and post it. :-)
great anticipation as that was my next question, though i'd not actually ask it given the nature of the contents.
Okay, very easy to blur out the ones I might not want to know I've placed them on my list (the first two I really couldn't care less):
Personally, if I had a "sticky note" list it'd be: user\d+$ . People who don't create usernames seem t o be much more likely to drop a half-thought-out bad question, not follow up, and just abandon it. Also much more prone to re-posting 3 slight variants of it, etc.
@jcolebrand Hi there
Alas, they're the new users who need a hand if they're going to join the community :S
@CraigRinger yeah I'm torn on that - while probably true for a large portion, I don't think it's anywhere near enough to generalize.
There are plenty of bad users who went to the additional 5-second "hassle" of customizing the username.
@AaronBertrand you have the penmanship of someone who types all day
( i keed, i keed )
@swasheck Mine's a whole lot worse than his.
@swasheck I used to have the best hand-writing in class, consistently, until I started using computers. Now it's really chicken scratch.
@AaronBertrand boy I am glad my name is not on there. You sure used to give me a hard time on my answers
yeah. i only say it as someone who has the penmanship of a kindergartner
@AaronBertrand Mine was always the worst in class :D
@bluefeet he only does that to make you stronger
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells mine too
@JakeFeasel I asked in the mod room and I was told to ask you to suggest SE host the service on mSO - if you are willing to do that, and spell out exactly how it would work, I think there would be a lot of support, particularly if we can work out how to make SQLFiddle and dba.se benefit each other by working together more closely. If you do post, please link in here...
@bluefeet on answers it's never personal (though Gordon Linoff has really been giving me a hard time lately).
@AlexKuznetsov I haven't seen @jco for a while
This looks alright?
A: Duplicate Customer Records for SQL Query from ODBC with Joins and Group Bys

PhilYou can use a windowing function to partition the data. If I knew your data better I'd rewrite it without a subselect, but the wall of text is making my head hurt ;) Here you go: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY OM01U1.OM01015 ORDER BY EC01_LASMTCDAT DESC) as r, OM01U1.OM01...

Nasty schema
@bluefeet check out this one
LEN makes me cry :-) — Aaron Bertrand 16 hours ago
@bluefeet so sorry if it came across that way. As @swasheck said, I can't let vague or ambiguous answers go, and I correct so that you think about it next time. No matter who you are. I've had run-ins with Skeet even where I haven't agreed with him (though I typically bow out because his massive following of lemmings down-votes me to oblivion on principle, not merit - he is the almighty Skeet, and therefore infallible).
@AaronBertrand he bugs me
i dont take it personally. just remember to consider the source.
being a professional means handling and incorporating the expertise of others in a way that doesn't take things personally.
@AaronBertrand I appreciated it. I learned a lot from you calling me out on things like varchar without length or why use varchar instead of char....etc. It was all part of my learning process. I am still very green with a lot of this stuff
@AaronBertrand What's your issue with LEN?
@JNK there is some context missing. LEN makes me cry when it's not necessary, e.g. SET @foo = LEFT('x' + @foo, LEN(@foo) + 1); - you know the max length that @foo can be, since you declared it, so writing SET @foo = LEFT('x' + @foo, 256); is better. By orders of magnitude when that is a column and not a variable.
@AaronBertrand yea what's wrong with LEN?
@AaronBertrand i can see that. would that create whitespace for strings < 256? or is that related to what you and brownstone were discussing?
In the cited example it may not be a best practice to hard-code the column width in the code, since the column width can change. But if the column changes you should be revisiting any code that references it anyway.
@swasheck no, nothing to do with padding. Just expensive and wasteful to check the length of every single value, when whitespace just gets dropped anyway.
Q: Analyising Implict CAST

DemsI have an academic scenario, which I would like to know how to analyse. DECLARE @date DATETIME SET @date = getDate() SET @date = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @date-3), 3) This will round the date down to a Thursday. What I have been challenged on is to evidence where there are implic...

STUFF is a little gem that makes things like that easier. No need to know the length of the string. Just stuff the stuff you need in there.
@bluefeet HAHAHAHA ... is "academic scenario" the new term for "homework"?
@AaronBertrand fascinating. thanks!
@swasheck I doubt it is homework from Dems but I guess it could be
@bluefeet didnt even check. just read the beginning of the description.
@MikaelEriksson yes, true. In this case STUFF wasn't necessary either.
knowing when to use which tool is key in achieving performance gains.
my answer was like weeding your garden by setting it on fire, i guess.
@AaronBertrand It could be done with stuff and pretty neat to I think. Using the patindex expression to find the number of characters that should be stuffed with an empty string from the beginning.
@MikaelEriksson yes, it could be used, but I think it would be far less intuitive for newbs. It's not always about who can craft the most clever query. :-)
@AaronBertrand True, I guess you could be talking about answers like this and well... I confess to sometimes get carried away with XML. :)
@MikaelEriksson updated my answer and gave you credit. dba.stackexchange.com/a/22554/1186
@MikaelEriksson I actually think STUFF does have an advantage here, as you said. But the output for non-alpha strings (at least the way I structured the PATINDEX expression) is slightly different and may need additional handling.
@AaronBertrand Hehe. Now I really need to upvote. Done.
@Mikael Thanks!
Q: Good tool for simulating many threads doing INSERTS UPDATES SELECTS and DELETES on an ODBC database?

leeand00I've done load testing on a web application already using tools like JMeter, and tested my database for transactional integrity. But are there any tools for testing an ODBC connected database (like MS-Access) using just the database? I'd like to be able to simulate a real world situation of m...

@JackDouglas Jack, I wanted to contribute a blog post. Can you help me out if it makes sense to you?
@JackDouglas What is mSO?
should I post a question/error with BCP here or on SO?
@JakeFeasel Meta Stackoverflow
@Lamak ah, right
@JackDouglas hmm, hosting on mSO - what would that look like?
@JakeFeasel sorry, not hosting on mSO
I meant posting the suggestion on mSO - it's where the community has a chance to vote and give feedback on suggestions
ah ha
"posting" on mSO
@JakeFeasel If you can imply that the relationship might be good for dba.se I think it will be better received ;-)
well, I may go that route at some point but I think there may be other options available already. Thanks for the support!
@AlexKuznetsov try loading this page and what do you see? dba.blogoverflow.com/wp-admin
@JakeFeasel sure - check back if they fall through. Shame though - I was thinking we could promote each other...
maybe we could anyway...
One of the things I'm planning on attempting in the near future is building tighter integration with SO / dba.se
This is my core group, and I want to promote you guys however I can
basically, I'm thinking of offering a "freemium" type of model, but granting all SE users who meet certain criteria a free premium account
for example - over X rep on dba.se, immediate pro account
or, over X answers referencing SQL Fiddle
It's going to take some time to build all of that up, but that's what I'd like to do
what'd be the feature set of each?
just to be clear - none of the features that are currently available would become limited to pro accounts
those would all remain as is
what dreams do you have in the pipeline?
Some ideas for pro account features - unlimited schema size
I've been racking my brains about if there is a way of getting tighter integration directly onto the site - perhaps via images
Immediate, online collaboration a la share.js
@jcolebrand it let me in, setting up profile now. Thanks!
@JackDouglas What do you mean?
@JackDouglas that'd be handled from the SO side though, right?
@JackDouglas I've got openid user authentication now. My plan is to build a way that would allow you to associate your sql fiddle account with your SE account
@JakeFeasel so casual visitors can see the SQLFiddle directly in the answer here on dba.se
ah ha
Well, it works great as an iframe
@swasheck perhaps - I wondered if there is anything we can do without though
but of course that's problematic
@JackDouglas what do you mean?
well, it might not be too problematic if you made a special case for SQL Fiddle, I suppose
@JackDouglas Thanks to some handy responsive CSS, the content shrinks down quite nicely if you put it in a smaller iframe window
sorry messing around
example of stuff generated on an external site that ends up as an image on SE
@JakeFeasel - In any case, whatever new features you add, I hope that your business model succeed. I love your site
works better in an answer because you can link to the generator directly
@JakeFeasel I hope but do not expect SE to be willing to give us that sort of personal attention - hence I was thinking about what we can do without their help :-)
@swasheck any of that make sense to you?
@Lamak Thanks. Though calling it a "Business model" is pretty generous at this point.
@Phil posted, hopefully it makes sense
Q: BCP error new the keyword 'as'

bluefeetI am new to using BCP but I am trying to extract data generated via a stored proc. This is a continuation of my original question which was a stored procedure with temp tables. This procedure has grown a bit but the core is the same, generate temp tables, run dynamic SQL to populate the tables a...

@JakeFeasel Business model idea?, dream?
@JackDouglas Interesting to think about. I could probably provide a URL that would be a generated image that showcased the core of the fiddle
wouldn't be that hard, actually
@Lamak Dream is probably most appropriate at this point
@bluefeet In your question, are you posting your current query?, cause you are still using temp tables
@JakeFeasel that would be superb. It would need to be narrow but could be tall. The image link could then just jump you straight to the fiddle
@JackDouglas One problem I could see is fitting all of the SQL within the static box of the image
@JackDouglas are you asking if there's anything in sqlfiddle (integration) that we could do without?
@Lamak I can post it. I didn't because it is roughly the same thing. gonna try a global temp table first
@swasheck I think we're trying to figure out if there is any way to easily embed sql fiddle content on SE
@swasheck yes, what Jake said - ie by changing the layout
On the Math and CS sites, they do support a JS TeX markup thing, I would imagine they would support something - probably not dynamically loaded from another site, though.
right - but that'd be enabled by SO ... not from the end-user, right?
@JackDouglas Changing the layout, but also presenting it as a static image, right?
@swasheck if it is on another site it is going to be much easier to get it here than if it is new
@JakeFeasel exactly
@JackDouglas sure
@swasheck Imagine there is a button on SQL Fiddle that said "Link to this fiddle as an image" (or some such). Then you could just embed it within your answer on SE
@JakeFeasel how would an image be beneficial?
@swasheck wouldn't have to jump to sql fiddle to see it, I guess
@swasheck in some cases I'm imagining you would not have the code here - just on SQLFiddle
@bluefeet - This can be a stupid idea, but what happens if you change as 'Response' by as Response?
@JackDouglas Hmm, that's probably not something you'd want to encourage, though
maybe not :-)
forget it ... i just realized i got myself all backwards. i was thinking of the onebox in chat ...
it might depend where you are hosted though ;-)
@JackDouglas Heh, that's true
@JackDouglas @JakeFeasel if you're part of the SO network then they could almost guarantee that as long as they're around, you're around (outside of "business decisions')
but of course if they wanted to do that theyd've just ported your code to MS stack
@Lamak nothing. I removed all of those completely leaving just the as varchar since I need it
@swasheck I suspect I'd have to rewrite my application tier as ASP.NET MVC before they'd host it for me
@JakeFeasel fortunately i think that there are just a couple of people here who could help with that.
@swasheck code is not as valuable as Jake
Which wouldn't be a huge undertaking, since I am already using a similar MVC architecture
@JackDouglas a great point
@JakeFeasel perhaps you could parlay this into a sweet NYC job!!
@swasheck LOL I already turned down a sweet NYC job with Codecademy
my wife was not interested in that idea (particularly since we have kids and like having a yard for them to play in)
@bluefeet hm. Is casting the column on the the variable @ColumnName what you really want?, not the column columnName?
you're solidifying my rank as "subjugated"
So, I'll work on getting an image-export feature in place, see how that goes
@Lamak yes unfortunately I need to cast on the @ColumnName since it is dynamic, that is getting replaced with the value in the column
bummer. I don't know what might be wrong then. The last thing that comes to mind is adding QUOTENAME on your cast, so it ends with `CAST(s.[Q_4] AS VARCHAR(1000))
@JakeFeasel great - thanks
@JakeFeasel autopost to stack.imgur
@swasheck Hmm, okay I'm not familiar with that, got a link?
@JakeFeasel another thing you might like to consider is a way of exporting pretty markup guys can cat'n'paste over here
does that sound do-able?
@JackDouglas Well, I do have plain-text result output, just for that purpose
I mean schema, SQL and results
and, of course copy/paste the SQL is easy to do
yeah, that should be do-able - of course, it can be done now, but requires three copy/paste actions
and you don't get the xplan when you do that
@JakeFeasel that usually won't be needed
@JackDouglas Right, most of time
I might be able to output a clean, ASCII version of the whole shebang. Would have a nice retro feel to it, too
yeah, I like that idea
@bluefeet - I'mt guessing that adding the QUOTENAME didn't help, right?
@JakeFeasel I love that idea
@Lamak nope and I just posted my full stored proc
@JackDouglas Sweet, I'll make it happen. Hopefully I can find some time this weekend to bang it out
[SQLFiddle](http://sqlfiddle.com/#!1/d41d8/415) schema:
select 'A'
| ?COLUMN? |
| A |
but you can do much better than that probably
drat - doesn't preserve whitespace in here
Heh, ya I was thinking of adding some more of the ASCII formatting (pipes and dashes, etc...)
Something like that
@JakeFeasel do you know markdown well - I guess you do if you hang around here
@JackDouglas I've learned it pretty well, recently. Mostly for github readmes
@JackDouglas you removed my ctrl-k nice formatting?
And here, too, ofc
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