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this is better
Right here
I think I got this FB shit figured out now
Dude I still cannot see it
Comes right up for me....
not for me
Could there be regional restrictions or something?
not sure, I'm in Sri Lanka btw
You're in Sri Lanka, I'm in USA
It should still work
I would imagine it would... What happens when you click the link?
redirect me to home.php
Cookies maybe?
no IE doesnt work and also private browsing doesnt work
Or maybe this?
Facebook is really wonky. I abandoned it several months ago in favor of... SE chat lol.
Much less drama on SE anyways...
CR chat rules :D
I have about 100-400 friends but I've only subscribed to about 5 of them
Try the dave works suggestion
CR chat is remarkably interesting
@Phrancis sarcastic but meaningful
I'll let you access my PC for a while so you can test it yourself
Let me know if you want to
Let me tinker around with FB... I do need to head to bed soon, 03:33 here :)
bye then :D
Had country restrictions for USA-only (unknowingly)
Works now :D
Well, bed time now. Bye!

last day (14 days later) »