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OK, five net upvotes!
ok, I don't get the File Edit Options Buffers Tools Custom Help toolbar at the top. Why is it there?
Well it's not clickable for me, so I turned it off with M-x customize > Environment > Frames > Menu Bar Mode: Toggle
Now what's the builtin way to get 80 column marker?
whoa, emacs has battery mode
M-x display-battery-mode is your friend
cool... I'll try it out when I'm on my laptop.
Right now I'm trying to get emacs inside of mintty to map alt back to alt instead of altgr
when I allow myself to opine on operating systems, I like to note that I really hate Windows...
ah, F10 uses the menu...
why do you care about F10?
I don't care about F10, until I just found out it uses the menu bar (which I had no idea how to use if I couldn't click it until now)
Regardless, it's a cluttering thing so I'm leaving it off my screen.
Still keeping an eye out for my 80 column marker...
ooh, display time in the mode line
Do you have column-number-mode ?
just enabled it for permanent addition to config.
always had to google it...
(global-set-key [M-down] 'next-error)
(global-set-key [M-up] '(lambda () (interactive) (next-error -1)))
what's that?
In compilation- and grep-mode, you can step through the results with next-error. That's bound to C-x ` by default. Binding to M-down and M-up is significantly more useful
Also, because C-pagedown and C-pageup switch tabs in tabbed browsers:
(global-set-key [C-prior] 'previous-buffer)
(global-set-key [C-next] 'next-buffer)
Still trying to find my builtin vertical rule at 80 columns
have you tried whitespace-mode?
you can have text change color when it goes past a column
Yeah, that would be close maybe, lemme google...
(setq whitespace-style
(quote (face trailing tab-mark lines-tail)))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'whitespace-mode)
you only need to the "lines-tail"
I was hoping to use configure customize to set it up.
where's it located?
sad that Haskell isn't listed in the languages group.
It's part of emacs-25
under text?
M-x customize > Text > Columns????
emacs needs breadcrumbs to help you get back...
M-x customize-group\nwhitespace
(I think)
"Show Trailing Whitespace" nice! :)
Fill Column?
emacswiki.org/emacs/FillColumnIndicator sounds like what you want. It isn't in the default emacs tho

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