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@Mithrandir24601 Congrats, Mithrander!
15 hours later…
Q: What do we do with these messy questions?

user45266Pertaining to On a tidally locked planet, would time be quantized?. I think we can mostly agree that this question is super messy. I personally love the premise, but I wish there wasn't a giant wall of text. After the last edit by OP, the question was nearly illegible. I proposed an edit deletin...

Q: Why was the Deities vs "You /Liquid Anon/ What'd be the most optimal carrier fluid comopsition?" put on hold as too story-based?

MephistophelesDeities vs You /Liquid Anon/ What'd be the most optimal carrier fluid comopsition? I really don't have a clue. Why was the question put on hold as too story-based of all reasons?

@Feeds "our other robot project..." Too many robots? Just make a robot to scrap your excess robots. And Battlebots was born.
@AndyD273 Great minds! I think that's exactly what the author was going for.
Q: What's the best worldbuilding workshop you've participated in?

kdnavI'm an economic researcher and I think that worldbuilding as an exercise could offer some valuable tools to policymakers as they think about the future and how policy might affect it. So, my question is, what's the best worldbuilding workshop/event that you've participated in and what made it s...

3 hours later…
Sup wubbers?
Not much
It's been really quiet today
@AndyD273 Everyone is off getting their heads exploded by the hasn't actually been released Mueller report.
Seriously right and left both are freaking out about the letter the AG sent.
I'm not bothering with... feelings until I can read it myself. Don't have much faith in any of them.
On a side note I considered dropping my hat in on the woodworking beta mod election even though my rep isn't that high...maybe I should have they only had 1 nomination.
@James I think that's the biggest takeaway from this whole mess; how badly certain news organizations have tried to propagandize, and how much damage that has caused to the faith of the citizens
@James Why not, you never know what will happen, especially if you've had some good helping, and it's a small enough sub
@AndyD273 I'd argue that is true of our political class too. Dems kept saying, HES GUILTY and Reps kept yelling WITCH HUNT and lets not get started on DJT who spent two years complaining that lifelong republicans were actually secret democrats out to get him and that the whole system was unfair and not nice to him...until now when they did a great job and blah blah blah. It makes me want to vomit.
@AndyD273 Too late now, it closed over the weekend.
Saw a report on a poll week or two ago, who rated different organizations for trustworthiness. I believe that "news" was last, and "congress" was just a tiny bit better.
in the opinion of the people who answered the poll anyway
This probably wont help them
I think it'll be more interesting to see how many people see the report and still refuse to believe it. They'll be the 9/11 truthers of the next decade.
Personally, I just find it weird having to say that I agree with Anderson Cooper: "Hey, this means our president isn't a foreign operative, this is great news! Everyone should be happy."
@AndyD273 No doubt.
@AndyD273 lol
What I don't understand is why so many people seemed so sure he was guilty of collusion before the report came out. Even though we don't have the full report yet, it seems pretty clear that he's probably innocent.
@Gryphon I personally wouldn't have been surprised either way, though my personal hunch is that its not a simple, black/white. There may not be evidence to warrant action but I bet there is a lot of circumstantial stuff. This is just based on my understanding of things other people surrounding him have been accused of/admitted to.
But to answer your question, it was the silver bullet that would make all their problems go away...or at least that was the hope/delusion.
They WANTED him to be guilty, badly, and we teach kids if they want something bad enough they can get it... eyeroll
Gotta run.
Have a mediocre evening.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

JBHComprehensive Worldbuilding Outline worldbuilding-resources worldbuilding-process It is common for new worldbuilders to ask, "where do I start?" Worldbuilding, especially if you're walking the entire path from universe-construction all the way down to creature design and society design is a la...

@James -- while I can understand that there wasn't direct evidence of conspiracy, I still think obstruction is in play, and that obstruction made him appear to have something to hide, even if the things he had to hide weren't the skeletons we were looking for

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