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That question really rubbed me up the wrong way, especially the "when you get out of school and get a job" comment. In your opinion, do you think I am perhaps too inexperienced to be reviewing on this site?
I'm prepared to be discriminated on my age, given that I have been pretty much the entire time I've been programming, but I would have thought that someone wouldn't've accused me of having no 'real life experience' simply because they didn't agree with the way I answered their question.
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@DanPantry It's the internet. People suck here.
You're twice the C# dev I am, and I leave reviews all the time.
Let the water roll off your back brother.
@RubberDuck I appreciate the compliment, but I doubt that.
As for people sucking on the internet - indeed
You professionally work with C#, right? I'm a complete n00b.
I do, but not in a software house.
Strictly speaking my job title is systems development and support.
just happens that I'm the main software dev here
Yeah, so am I.
> Systems Specialist
Doesn't mean you're not a programmer. It just means we're in the awful realm of in house dev.
For now.
Haha :) Just wanted an outside opinion, that's all.
Shit, if anything, we're down where the rubber meets the road making things happen.
It's all good cuz.
And if you're ever feeling down about not working in a software house, just feel lucky you don't work with this language.
What the fuck is that
Space Automation.
It's this proprietary language from 1985. It's what I have to use to manipulate this vendor's software.
Wow, ha.
We have something similar in house where we have to use the Modbus protocol
It's awfully bad at concurrency so obviously we threw a concurrent network protocol at it
Yeah. They finally moved to .Net. So, I've been trying to learn.
It is a really good example of teaching you about race conditions, though
@DanPantry Obviously, what else would you do?
The chip the ModBus is on is too weak to decorate the code to allow for safer concurrency.
Anndddddd you've lost me. =)
I've been working on single threaded languages my entire career.
Concurrency is my thing.
I am both excited and terrified to learn multi-threading.
It's fun, once you get your head around thread safety
It also really pushes you to have good programming practises
The whole world is about multi threading these days, at a higher level anyway
It seems.... complicated, but I know I have a few programs that would benefit from concurrency.
It is complicated ^^
Any suggestions for learning?
I mean, what would be a good project to get my feet wet on?
Thread safety-wise?
I have no idea, that's half my issue as well, frankly
Just try and break stuff
I tried to write a Minecraft server in a concurrent manner
Eh, I'll find something to work with.
I'm not in a huge hurry anyway, I have 18 months to get a really good grip on C#.

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