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1:23 PM
@Stephie Huh?
I've not been very active on SO since the Monica Celio incident.
What did I do wrong???
@Fabby nothing! Just 5700 was too smooth, so I just upvoted a post ;-)
Just a bit of mischief.
I thought I did something stupid (again)!
Last week I deleted a post that had -2 votes and I thought it was related to that.
@Fabby nah, you’re good!
1:29 PM
How are you BTW and is the community here affected by the Monica incident?
(I've mostly abandoned everything here including my AskUbuntu account)
I thought of you only last week as I was cleaning my aunt's balcony with the Kärcher...
Not as much as some others. The mod team has held on, Cascabel is helping SE work through it and reconnect with the community. It’s overall become rather quiet.
The AskUbuntu chat room was quite busy but it's dead nowadays...
But I guess that’s just as much because life circumstances change, this has always been a rather, ummm, apolitical corner of SE.
Yeah, depending on the people in the room.
@Fabby Our patio has never been brighter ;-)
1:33 PM
I remember asking a loaded question on the German language forum and was contacted through backchannels immediately...
@Stephie So what did you end up using?
Kärcher and sand?
or HCL (Salzsäure)?
@Fabby Kärcher. Sand is still tbd.
Speaking of the pressure washer:
You can do Kârcher once without sand.
Oh so cute!!!!
That looks like a mix between a German shepard and a Belgian Malinois...
@Fabby we have a few gaps to fill, lest it fills itself with dust and subsequently grass.
@Stephie Yup and the grass will push the stones apart.
Sand ensures you only have to clean every 2-3 years.
and the stones remain in place.
(and it polishes as well)
@Fabby nope, just a GSD. But we get that “oh, a Belgian” often. He’s just quite dark. And slim - but that’s normal at his age.
1:37 PM
@Fabby pretty sure you can bribe him with marsipan as well.
ya, we had one that used to live nearby
she was a dear and ash was quite fond of her :D
@JourneymanGeek >:-)
What the Brits call "Belgian shepard" are actually 4 different breeds.
My granny has a collie - Malinois mix.
Cute, adorable, goot tempered, nice with kids...
I'd love a collie but ugh
@JourneymanGeek Et tu, Brute?
1:41 PM
@Stephie I was referring to @Fabby :D
You both known I have Belgian citizenship...
(Singapore has very strict rules for apartment dogs, and that rules out pretty much every breed but westies and snauzers that I'm find of. Even wheatens are too big!)
If you're in need of a good laugh and like dogns, read this:
@Fabby We didn’t want a Malinois - that’s even more demanding than this one. And he’s a handful already. Working line. In other words, soooo not a couch potato.
Yeah, Malinois are working dogs and need a lot of walking every day or a very large garden...
1:50 PM
@Fabby same with the GSD, but we talked about the topic with a family friend, dog enthusiast and former police officer (always had service dogs, too). He had trouble getting his Mali properly worked and tired enough to relax.
2:03 PM
@Stephie My gran's one is chill and lazy :D
also tends to knock on doors, and randomly licks my face.
@JourneymanGeek some are. This one... meh.
2:30 PM
@Fabby OMG!
So funny! (and interesting read on character, abilities, ... too!)
2:43 PM
@Fabby how are you holding up with Corona and all that?
9 hours later…
11:58 PM
I've always been social distancing...
... but for my dad it's tough.

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