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Congrats @Mien! You could do some chocolate work, the nice thing about it is you could do it weeks in advance and not worry about freshness.
1 hour later…
Thanks :)
Yes, that was the reason I was initally thinking about chocolates
However, I'm not the best temperer :P but I still have time to learn I guess
2 hours later…
@Mien Yay! Great news!
So happy for you!
Thank you :)
how are you @Stephie?
@Mien juggling work, kids, life in general, from home.
Overall, quite well, I’d say, considering.
Don't worry about tempering @Mien, just cheat and roll them in cocoa powder with a hint of cinnamon.
I make ganache balls by melting chocolate, adding a bit of cream, chopped nuts and dried fruit (I'm not a fruit in chocolate fan but some people are), then forming them into balls and dusting with cocoa. They look and taste amazing, and are super easy.
I'm juggling work, kids, and now 2 kittens. 2 ten week old kittens from the same litter, they are settling in nicely. And they love food, they went nuts over a bit of leftover mutton. They'll fit in nicely!
@GdD you realize that the Internet is the perfect place for kitten photos...? <hint, hint>
@GdD which also means no worries about blooming if stored improperly. Your home is fine, placement at the reception can be an unexpected pitfall.
@Stephie, I'm trying to upload some, it gives an error with no explanation.
@Stephie, here's a dropbox link instead: dropbox.com/sh/cymtkgb7vxgmjfa/AABj2igqoi49Lesg5JCwJ1h7a?dl=0
Too big?
The limit is 2MB, iirc.
The white one is Indy, the black one is Rocky.
Indy is the explorer, Rocky is the more affectionate
Indy discovered my daughter's doll stroller, and likes to get rides in it.
OMG, how cute!
They really are adorable. We figured because of lockdown we aren't going to be traveling anywhere anytime soon, my kids are 8 and 10, so this is the one opportunity to have kittens when they are kids.
Great idea!
It's nice having cats again, we've missed it
Same here. We waited until we bought the house and got an outdoor cat.
There are so many cats that need good homes
Yep. That’s how we picked ours. He recently rediscovered his love for paper bags. (When he was small, we used to leave some out for him to play with, with a snipped handle for safety.)
Just not “small” any longer.
We try to keep him inside as much as possible these days - the baby birds are just leaving the nests.
But apparently there’s no better place to snooze than my herb garden. You should have seen the indignant look when I placed a pot on his favorite bare space. >.<
@GdD good idea @ ganache balls, thanks :) I'll see what I want to make
Paper bags! @Stephie I totally forgot cats and paper bags, I'll have to get some out. My 10 year old son designed and built a cat castle from cardboard boxes and tubes, and they love that too. Cost nothing but time, and it was worth it
1 hour later…
@Cerberus ;-)
@Mien on your way to star baker ;-)
One pastry at a time ;-)
I do prefer baking over making savory food tho
although I prefer eating savory foods :D
not sure whether that is a good thing or a bad one :p
@Mien it may be a life saver for your waistline ;-)
I like both and make both. Go figure.
I don't hate making/eating either ;-) don't get me wrong
Not implying anything! Just saying that for example have to be careful. I cook as a coping mechanism for stress. And I am reasonably good at it. Which leads to too much too good food around in tough times. And... you get the idea.
Haha, I get it
I hope you have a big freezer :p
I have a teen son ;-)
Close to the “can I have a second pizza, please” age.
God, I love pizza
@Mien Looks delicious!
I think I'll use the leftover meringue to make mellocakes/negerzoenen
I think you mean 'chocozoenen' ;)
I guess that's another brand?
You a Dutchie too, @LSchoon?
Yup. Not another brand, but a renaming, as 'negerzoen' was considered racist.
Darn :p
I've never made negerzoenen myself.
I bet they'll be much better than store-bough ones.
We actually call it 'negerinnetetten' here which is even worse
Haha, I love it.
There's a huge difference in quality when store-bought, some I really like, some I don't.
So I can imagine.
I've never made them either
But I guess it's just a shortcrust pastry, my meringue, and then probably tempered chocolate
Shaping might be challenging tho
You're probably right.
And I bet Aldi or Delhaize put lots of starch in the meringue.
So it should be easy to make yours taste a lot better!
no idea
some are more chewy, marshmellow-like
others are softer, cloud-like
I prefer the chewier ones
but yeah, it's that or the bin
so I guess I need to try it
are you planning any culinary adventures soon?
Ah, chewy suggests starches?
We're planning to engage in the adventure of buying a pizza tonight.
not sure, I think so :P
oooh pizza! :D
I bet you and Stephie have not risen high enough to achieve this culinary feat.
@Cerberus As a matter of fact, we had pizza for lunch the other week, from our local pizza place in the village. But truly home- and handmade pizza with slow-risen dough and all the fixings - not in a long while.
@Cerberus The distinct scent of warm cardboard is part of the experience, isn’t it?
@Martin-マーチン about the migrates post?
@Stephie Exactly.
We have two pizzas now...
@Stephie Yeah, that stirred some things up. But I didn't want to intrude.
I was able to convince my commensal that we should put one in the freezer.
@Martin-マーチン sorry, was a kind of accidental migration. Gone now, I guess?
Probably broke the “don’t migrate crap” rule.
No worries. I often have no clue about all those buttons.
The surprising thing was that it got an answer very, very fast.
Well-meaning users?
You are big. Happens.
Not a bad answer either, but not sure how helpful to the asker either
Well see what comes of this ;)
Thanks for checking in with me though.
Any time.
Have a great day!
@Martin-マーチン You too!
@Cerberus A pre-made frozen one from the supermarket, or one from the local pizza joint?
(Confession: Life has been so hectic lately that we have been serving more convenience food that ever. But each child can plonk a pack of fish fingers into the oven and stir up mashed potatoes from a box. Plus minor 2 will actually eat that.)
@Stephie The former.
@Stephie Fish fingers, why not!
What are they called in German?
We call them vissticks, sic.
Really weird. Perhaps marketing people though a a faux English name would appeal to people.
If German corresponds to Dutch here, this seems like it's a convenience food phenomenon. Same thing happens with chicken nuggets, for example
we call them fish sticks actually
I've seen both fish sticks and vissticks in Dutch stores
Oh, really.
@Cerberus Fischstäbchen. The same, basically, but using German words.
^ @LSchoon
@Stephie Haha better.
Positive side effect of the Corona semi-lockdown: The minors have to cook. Or in other words “ensure there’s some kind of lunch on the table”. That includes being involved in meal planning, shopping lists and all that.
@Cerberus necessary.
OTOH, we expect minor 1 to leave the nest and go to university (or abroad or...) in as little as four years. He’s still got a lot to learn to become self-sufficient until then.
Minor 2 has two more years, presumably.
How are they feeling, these days?
Hm. So-so.
Minor 2 suffered from the isolation, minor 1 has his friends online.
So we bit the bullet and allowed her to meet her friends, accepting the risk that comes with socializing.
We said no earlier, but that was when both Hubby and I were still suffering from a severe respiratory infection and pneumonia, plus the aftermath. (No, not Corona, we were tested.) Absolutely didn’t want to catch that on top.
@Cerberus How’s school in the Netherlands?
@Stephie Oh, both of you, how strange! Any idea what it was?
Did the socialising make Minor 2 feel a bit better?
@Stephie Online.
Which is not easy.
We cannot reach those pupils who might need it the most.
I believe the school is doing what it can, but I don't have an overview.
@Cerberus nope. Some virus, apparently, because antibiotics didn’t do anything. According to my GP, we had a true wave of something nasty this year, and when we mentioned that we had to get well asap, he burst out in laughter, (I have known him all my life, family friend) and bluntly said to expect two to three weeks minimum. Boy was he right!
@Cerberus thankfully, yes. They meet about once a week now.
@Stephie Oh, dear.
Let's hope it was another corona virus (one of the ones that are always around normally), providing you with partial immunity.
@Stephie I'm glad!
3 hours later…
@Cerberus Check this out! It's absolutely delightful.
You too, @Mithrandir24601! ^
I'd seriously pay for the whole symphony of that.
2 hours later…
@Jolenealaska Haha, very nice.
The little red man was so sad when his buddy fell.
@Cerberus HA! And my cat has a new favorite video!
She really is transfixed. Not surprising.

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