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@ElendilTheTall It's even a legal Scrabble bingo! :)
4 hours later…
@Jolenealaska ooo
It comes between "aqualine" and "ar" in the OSPD. :)
@ElendilTheTall I obviously had you in mind when I posted my most recent question.
@Jolenealaska i thought so
The blow torch idea has possibilities. Maybe if I dredge in a bit of flour/cornstarch first.
that was my first thought
man, I must've been in a bad mood yesterday
that answer to the microwave noodles question is brutal
DASAFSQ, essentially
Essentially. :) It was accepted though!
some people need tough love
Indian culture ties food to health much more tightly than ours I think
they choose spices, for example, not just for flavour, but for their supposed medicinal effects
turmeric settles the stomach and so forth
I think that spills over into questions like 'Will my microwave kill me?!'
wow, 1000 views for the steak question
Yes! That whole Ayurvedic thing baffles westerners.
@Jolenealaska there's the whole 'absolutely no evidence for it whatsoever' angle
The steak question has been on the "hot list" all day. I won't mention that I wrote up exactly that procedure twice this week. ;)
@Jolenealaska but you didn't write it up on this question
jealousy is a terrible thing
Ok, well, I guess I'll mention it once. :)
I upvoted your steak answer. Yet there is my chicken question still at goose eggs. See how you are? And I wrote it with you in mind. tsk tsk
there you are, ya big baby :P
Much better now!
I will try the blowtorch, with and without dredging. That might work!
I keep forgetting that I even have that thing.
I'd try broiling too
anyway, are you getting your sweet ass into a Scrabble server or what?!
I've done that. It helps, but not a lot. Only the very tip top gets crispy before it burns, the blowtorch should give more control.
Hey Sour! We're playing Scrabble, not ignoring you on purpose.
I don't take offense.
Good! Tall is getting good at Scrabble, this could turn into quite the rivalry. Last game he played bauxites! What?? :)
Sent me to the dictionary!
Named after Baux, the French village
We need to find an online trivia quiz...
failing that, you need to get a smart phone so we can play QuizUp
You would so soundly kick my ass that I would be afraid to show up again.
oh, jeez, where have I heard that before?
Pogo has Trivial Pursuit!!
Oh crap.
i think it's multiple choice, that makes it easy!
@Jolenealaska ok, you had enough of a break?
fed, watered?
brushed down?
aquiver with anticipation?
1 hour later…
ahhh, Subway
What's your fave?
Peppers, lettuce, onions, olives, Southwest sauce
Oh for Chrissake. S@B (but I add hot peppers too)
@Jolenealaska we don't have those
it's like the Dark Ages
do you have the 6" or footlong?
as the actress said to the bishop...
Here jalapenos are required for that kind of thing. It would be better if they had Cascabel peppers, but it's best not to ask for too much.
oh, we do have jalapeños!
I'm a fool
I'm not wild about jalapeños
OK, I want the punchline now.
the SW sauce gives enough heat
what, for "as the actress said to the bishop"?
Cascabels are much better.
Yes, actress and bishop.
it's not the opening to a joke
it's like "That's what she said"
I said "Do you have the 6" or the footlong"
"Said the actress to the bishop" is an informal (and usually vulgar) exclamation, said for humour in the form of a punch line after an inadvertent double entendre. The equivalent phrase in North America is "that's what she said". History and background "Said the actress to the bishop" The term, or its variant "as the actress said to the bishop", may have been used as far back as Edwardian times, and is apparently British in origin. The phrase is frequently used by the fictional character Simon Templar (alias "The Saint") in a long-running series of mystery books by Leslie Charteris. Th...
wiki knows all
Wiki is smart
actually it's only as smart as the last bumblefuck that edited the article you're reading, but I know what you mean
Well you should! It's a (vague) TNG reference!
too vague for me I'm afraid
<shudder> Pulaski
Give me Gates any day
I didn't like her much either, I very much preferred Crusher.
Although, if I were Picard, I would have court-marshaled her for that proto-vulcan episode.
"Who Watches the Watchers"
I knew thast
I can prove it...
i know you like to have a celebratory whisky after winning at Scrabble, but considering how often you do win at Scrabble, perhaps lime and soda would be more appropriate? ;)
<backs away slowly>
:) Done eating?
Ready to play?
that depends on what game you're talking about...
selective hearing is my friend
you're a big meanie who is just mean
2 hours later…
@ElendilTheTall you're up to 22 upvotes with my, um, your steak answer!
it's all about the votes with you isn't it?! :P
votedigger :P
once one achieves the heady heights of 20k+, such things are beneath one
All hail!
<you're in my sites, ya know>
whew - at least I'm not in your sights
that would be scary
Well, that too maybe, but we don't talk about such things.
22 and accepted! WooHoo! :)
yeah, it was accepted a while ago
I have noticed that you have edged me out for week, month and quarter.Well! I may have to hit you now.
jeez, catch up, grandma :P
that's my evil plan - distract you with Scrabble and kick your ass in SA :P
OOHHH Grandma!!!??
This means war.
<descends into bunker>
You'd better!
EEK! Which one am I?
you're off camera
Good call.
the two women are shocked at 'grandma'
I am grinning :D
Oh yes, I recognized you right away.
<That's a smart ass Tall if I ever saw one>
I laughed myself stupid when I played "wuss" and "ass" on the same turn after you had talked smack. That one will live in my memory.
you need to get out more missy
Of this there can be no doubt.
I can still get in trouble though. Damndest thing.
@Jolenealaska 23
Oh! LOL, but who's counting?! :)
the stack exchange backend
then it tells me
then I, in my generosity, tell you
making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside
A: Can I use extra virgin olive oil for cooking steak?

JolenealaskaNo. Steak needs be seared at a high, high temperature. Not only would extra virgin olive oil lose everything that makes it special at such a high temperature (so not worth the expense anyway), it would also burn. The smoke point of EVOO is 350F, 180C (give or take). That's simply way too low for ...

But I will still pat your head for a job well done.
Learning from your elders...it's a good thing.
Now go play
4 votes? Yeah, you knocked that out the park...
@ElendilTheTall LOL, just funnin. Although it is kind of weird....
What the hell?
I call shenanigans.
How dare they?!
Rat bastards!
I'm going to take my toys and go home!
explain damn it!
what are you calling shenanigans on?
you just went off on a rant with no explanation!
Well,shit, I've moved on. damn.....OK
I was funnin about 23 upvotes vs 4 upvotes.
go on, do
not much, really
whisky again?
that's it, my big joke for the day
how do you make a turtle run?
Nope, but am considering that for tomorrow
it's a joke, jackass
how do you make a turtle run?
or are you saying you know it in some strange way?
Jackass! I was was responding to the message above!
well, for the third time
how do you make a turtle run?
Yet, I still don'tknow.
liquidize it!
turtle run...turtle run
How do you make a duck sing soul?
Put it in the microwave until it's bill withers
<thumps table>
Have you heard the one about the two old friends who meet, and one invites the other to his apartment?
I was really trying to get that too.
Oh crap
Stop me if you know it
Two old friends meet and one says to the other, "Hey! Come and see me some time!"
So the friend says, "Sure, where do you live?"
The first guy says "I'm on 59th Street, 2 blocks from the subway. Come up to the front door, press the buzzer with your right elbow. Kick the door open with your left foot. Go to the elevator and press the button with your nose. I'm on the twelfth floor. Hit the 12 button with your right elbow. When you get off the elevator, turn right and press the doorbell with your nose."
The friend says, "Ok sure - but why all the elbows and noses?"
First guy says "What, you're not bringing gifts?"
Where do you get this shit??
that's a classic!
What do you get hanging from banana trees?
Sore arms!
What's E.T. short for?
Because he's only got little legs
Guy goes to the doctor, says "Doc! I've got five penises!". Doc says "Good god man, how do your underpants fit?" Guy says, "Like a glove!"
Oh Chrst.
Well, it's time I quit my job at the helium factory. I won't be spoken to in that tone.
but sheriously
I'm offski
catch you later, Alaskanator
Cya later Polarater?
Have a great weekend, sweetie. Think of me once while hugging your lovely wife and darling child. :)
2 hours later…
I can't sleep. I'm watching Fiddler on the Roof. Awesome stuff.
Topal doing If I Were a Rich Man is worth the price of admission right there.
2 hours later…
@Jolenealaska good grief, the lack of sleep must have addled your brain
You are soo missing out.
I've seen it
bits of it
in between blacking out to save my sanity
maybe you didn't have the maturity?
I think I was in my twenties
to understand?
Yeah, that means nothing.
There is that.
i just cannot reconcile normal dramatic performance with frequent musical interludes
AFAIC it's just, like, really stupid
but hey ho
if you're happy i'm happy
Then Les Mis will unconfound you.
At no point does the music interrupt the story.
I promise.
i'm aware
Mrs the Tall likes it
Good for her!
yes. but not for me
so how come you can't sleep?
I'll try again
I did make the calls I needed to make.
meditate for a bit
Gee, I've never imagined a solution like that before.
have you done the whole sequential muscle tension thing?
Is that the the one where you start with convincing toes that they are relaxed?
no, you tense your toes up as hard as possible for a count of ten
then relax
then you do the same with your feet
Been there.
then your ankes
have you tried sacrificing a goat by the light of a full moon?
Not this month.
oh, well no wonder
no goat sacrifice and off she swans to bed like she's just going to drop off to la la land!
:) Fiddler is singing a great song right now.
ooo, Amazon are doing Kindle Unlimited
9.99 a month for unlimited books
that is my idea of heaven
naturally it's US only atm :/
wow, this is amazing
an eggshell with 2000 holes drilled in it
Wait, wait, what??
9.99 unlimited..what???
it's not all books unfortunately
but there over 600,000
But still, how on earth does that work for them?
for every person that reads 5 books a month, there will be a hundred that read one
it's a guaranteed ten bucks a month
But, they don't have a kindle.
The ones that don't read!
I get it
don't get me wrong.
holy crap!
At the moment I spend about £5/month on books
which is about $10
but not every month
some months I don't buy a book at all
gee, glad you cleared that up for me.
I'm just thinking out loud,
I'm not trying to explain anything
I'll leave you to Fiddler, I think. Have a good one.
Wow, I don't buy books that cost anything 'cause I have to ask permission (it's Dad's account)
$10 per month?
I do more than that in a week
That's asking first!
(my rule is $5 without asking)
Hmm, I'm their money loser. Fine. We all have crosses to bear.
Have you really left?
@ElendilTheTall I was only reacting to this:
That's it.

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