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Holy Crap! They killed Archie! Archie is dead. Unbelievable.
@Gigili That looks awesome!
1 hour later…
@jolenealaska so where's this knockout Google earth shot of you ogling the neighbours?
also, who's Archie?
Yep. He was shot defending his friend, an openly gay senator fighting for gun-control.
He's dead.
They really laid that on thick, didn't they?
@Jolenealaska Do you find it mildly annoying when you post an answer and then someone else edits their answer to include yours, when their answer previously didn't cover the same info?
Well, it is a comic book.
For some reason that kind of bugs me, though I know it actually just leads to better answers overall...
Yeah, it kind of bugs me. I like it better when the answer says "In addition to what sourd'oh said..."
Yeah, I generally only write an answer if it's totally different info.
Even if it's important info, if I think it just builds on an existing answer, I'll usually just comment.
Usually that's what I'll do too unless my info seems to stand on its own as an answer. I'll include "in addition to what sourd'oh said" if the best answer includes info from both answers.
yeah, that would be fine.
If it's a bit of info, I think commenting is the best thing to do so that that the answer can be edited to include it. Like here:
A: How long can I keep bread dough in the refrigerator?

JolenealaskaYou can refrigerate all kinds of yeast-bread dough. Right after kneading, before the dough has had a chance to rise, oil the dough lightly, cover with plastic wrap or use a ziplock, and place in the refrigerator. As the dough cools in the refrigerator the action of the yeast will slow down until ...

I just find it odd in the answer in question that it previously didn't mention an ingredient at all, and then after my answer got upvoted it suddenly doubled in length to include the info from my answer (and expound on it, though not really add any more useable info)
Exactly! It wouldn't make sense (to me) to write another answer covering the same info just to add one little caveat.
Still not as annoying as when you post an answer and someone else posts exactly the same answer an hour later.
Salt and bitterness?
That's the edit one. I've answered others where someone has then literally posted the same answer a few hours or minutes after me.
Often that happens without the poster even realizing it. For the longest time my most highly upvoted answer was one that I wrote almost simultaneously with SAJ. Since mine posted seconds later I asked here if I should delete mine. SAJ said "Nah, leave it." It cracked me up.
Q: Are Pyrex casserole dishes safe for use on electric stovetops?

BobWould it be okay if a Pyrex baking dish is used on an electric stove top to reheat food?

I think that one is also the shortest answer I've ever written.
Oh, yeah, that's fine. I mean like when you post something like "Use bay leaves" and then like 2 hours later someone else posts "Try using bay leaves."
on the bitterness question, I did a ctrl-f to be sure no one else had mentioned salt before I posted (perhaps I'm a little obsessive about such things though)
Yeah. Those even show up years later.
anyway, I didn't come here to kvetch.
... I came here to dance
Go for it!
1 hour later…
@sourd'oh that escalated quickly
@ElendilTheTall Hi stranger!
hi strangest!
how goes it?
Not bad. I'm procrastinating.
about what?
just flash the neighbour and be done with it
it's a free country
I need to thoroughly clean my apartment. It's been too long. Plus I have overdue correspondence.
I don't want to deal with either.
I'd rather flash the neighbor.
hey, if he likes what he sees, have him come over and clean the apartment for you!
There's an idea! :)
write 'Help Wanted' across your chest ;)
then when he knocks on your door, just say, "Great, mop's there, duster's there, see you in a coupla hours" and go for a coffee
If I did it that way, I'd have to pay him!
i'm sure you'd come up with something
Take another look at the Bournvita question. Weird.
What's it gunna do, combust?
Isn't it just like malted milk stuff?
I dare you, I double dare you
to write an answer saying ABSOLUTELY NOT ARE YOU MAD?
edited in case Google indexes and I get in trouble for slander or something
* may not be true
If you don't beat me to it I might say all that in a comment :)
Or I might not and just tell him it's fine.
This is comment that made me laugh out loud the other day...then I saw that I wrote it.
Q: Did I poison myself by eating popcorn made in a steel pot with olive oil?

Gabriele CirulliI made popcorn by putting a layer of olive oil at the bottom of a steel pot, putting in the kernels and cooking it on high heat for a minute or so. When it started popping, I noticed that smoke with an acrid smell started coming out of the pot in big quantities. I tried not to breathe it and made...

why would he not just get a bit of coconut milk, add some bournvita and sugar, and give it a taste?
He's afeared.
of what?
if he's worried about it curdling, he'll be able to see it
Wiping out a city block?
Even curdling is not that big of a deal!
and why would it curdle?
It won't.
Some people are just weird.
Would it kill you to upvote my steak answer?
I'm usually pretty good about that.
uh huh ಠ_ಠ
I've only cast 602 votes. Hmm. It seems like a lot more than that.
I could swear I wrote another comment to the silly malted milk question. But it's not there. Weird.
that will be the Stack Exchange DASAFSQ filter kicking in, preventing any more attention being given
(Don't Ask Such A Fucking Stupid Question)
I was just about to Google :)
it would probably have been fruitless, I made it up on the spot
Though there is probably some organisation with that initialism
Did you catch on the steak question that he had used a whole stick of butter the first time?
Danish Actors Social Association For Stacking Quoits
DASAFSQ "Contentbox headline. The Following Errors Have Occurred: Character Dasafaq does not exist."- well, there ya go.
Dirigible Air Ship Airmen Fellowship Society - Quebec
good old ELU, picking away
Q: Capitalising “river” or such geographical entities when preceded by “the”

LWTBPIn British English, it would be River Thames, River Jordan, etc. So: I swam in River Jordan. But, what happens to river’s capitalisation when the is added? I swam in the River Jordan OR I swam in the river Jordan as in I played the game Half-life

That must be why it 'blows cock"
Who gives a fuck about the whys and wherefores - if you put the bloody river name down, you capitalise the word river.
It's The Empire State Builting.
The United States Secret Service
I don't think it is, actually
if you mean the 'The' should be capitalised...
If "the" is a part of the title, then it is capitalized.
well, if it's in a title yes, but not in a regular text
You wouldn't write 'I work at The Empire State Building'
anyway, he's not asking about the, he's asking about river
I can't swear to it, but I think the "the" is a part of the name in that case.
you would never write 'The River Jordan'
unless it was the start of a sentence, or a title, or the name of a band or something where the The was explicitly part of the name
No, that would look weird.
I baked the first loaf in that series I've been planning with different flours. That's the first time I've actually baked in my breadmaker. That is one weird looking loaf of bread.
I dislike bread makers
i don't know why, because I'm all for power tools in the kitchen
but bread makers just smack of laziness
there, I've said it
it's like - whipping egg whites is no fun and it's hard work, so a stand mixer is fine and dandy
but half the fun of bread making is kneading and shaping and slipping it into a hot oven
a bread maker seems so sterile
Yep. I picked this one up for $5 at a garage sale just for throwing together everyday bread, and I like it for that, but it's definitely a lazy thing. The only reason I'm using it for the experiment is to eliminate human variables.
Letting it do the work then throwing the loaf in the oven works for me because I've done it a gazillion times, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
Speaking of that loaf. I'm hungry. I need to snap some pictures so I can eat some. BRB
It's not a lovely loaf, but it's edible. A grilled cheese and cold cut sandwich is in the works.
i am trying not to laugh hysterically in the office at this
also, sorry for the GIFS, but this is the definition of 0 Fucks Given
The first one is darling. What is happening in the second one?
it's that massive meteor that hit Russia a couple of years back
Ahh. Dude!
the driver is just like "Ho hum, another giant meteor, better put the shade down"
Another day, another giant meteor...
now let's alternate words to get them off the page
let's make a little story
I'm unclear. What?
you type a word, I type a word
I will start with
(Your steak answer is on the Hot list)
(pinch me)
. They
aquiver. (on that note, now that I've eaten, I'm sleepy. I'm going to go back to bed for a bit.)
I'm going for a cold shower ;)
Cya later!
cya, sleep well
also, aquiver, lol

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