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Did anyone watch the Germany brazil game today? WTF O.O
Oh and hi
No, what happened?
Wow, I just looked. 7-1! Yowza!
3 hours later…
@jay WTF man! where have you been?!
@mien hey
@Jay is back? :o
hi @ElendilTheTall :-) how are you doing?
@Jay Yes! :D
@mien fine ta
a blast from the past eh?
Fine :)
how goes the Python?
it's sleeping
how's yours?
I am instead hunting for Rubies
more practical application
though the two are very similar
once you learn Ruby you can learn Ruby on Rails and build entire websites
how goes the job?
obviously busy seeing as you so rarely come and see us
guilt trip guilt trip guilt trip
quite busy indeed
what are you doing exactly? (IYDMMA)?
right now, you mean? or in general this period?
in the job
and right now
and tomorrow
and a week next Wednesday
I'm doing a study with children
and my main focus now is recruiting parents/children
so I'm contacting them through various media
and I might go on the street to recruit this afternoon :P
I have a terrifying vision of you running around bundling families into the back of an unmarked van...
whatever's necessary...
how's your kid? ;)
you keep your claws away!
3 hours later…
quiet in here today
Perhaps Jojo is in a Scrabble coma
@BESW how's tricks?
Up and down.
Made really simple tofu steak tonight.
any good?
Slabs of firm tofu on a rack with garlic powder, onion, carrot, and steak sauce on top. Served on brown rice and lentils cooked with more onion.
I can't help but wince
Pretty good. Steak sauce wouldn't be my choice if I were making it for myself, but my dad prefers it.
(I'd probably make a spicy soy/lemon sauce, maybe with ginger.)
you can't go wrong with soy, sesame oil, rice wine, and garlic
and ginger, if you're that way inclined
What would be a non-alcoholic substitute for the wine?
nothing really
wine is wine is wine
We've got some apple cider vinegar...
not the same
vinegar is sour, naturally
But wine's out.
i mean it's not anywhere close to the same flavour profile
For sweet, honey.
you could easily leave it out - there'd be less depth of flavour, but that's the sacrifice
yes, honey is nice
a little five spice or star anise perhaps
how does tofu react to marinades?
does it soak it up like a sponge?
Not really. Tofu is wet.
Best way I've found to get tofu to absorb a sauce/marinade is to cook it with the sauce.
sure - braising it i guess
Like, when I'm frying tofu I'll use the marinade to keep the food wet while it's cooking.
I like my tofu deep fried
(Gotta be careful with soy-based sauces doing that, or it'll get too salty.)
One of the few sushi dishes I like is the inari pocket
I don't really do deep frying, especially since I learnt last month that my cholesterol is inexplicably out of control.
a deep fried tofu pocket with tasty tasty rice
Does Guam suffer from an over-reliance on Spam?
It does, though I don't.
I don't like beef, lamb, or non-fish seafood. I don't drink or smoke, and even the meats I did eat--fish, turkey, chicken, ham--were sometimes foods. I also ate a lot of cheese.
I'm cutting it all way back or out completely now until I can get my cholesterol under control; apparently I have the liver of an alcoholic.
perhaps you should give it back...
If I ever find out who it is, I shall.
I suspect it's just bad genes combined with a few too many ham and cheese sandwiches.
you cut back, you live 10 years longer
but they're the 10 years you spend pissing yourself in a nursing home
might as well spend the time enjoying cheese and ham!
Eh. I would like my liver to not be actively turning to fat, at least not until my family isn't relying on me as much.
have it your way ;)
I wish you luck in your dietary endeavours
Right now I want to get my liver under control and my cholesterol normalised ASAP. Then I can figure out how to tweak my diet to something more moderate and sustainable.
sounds eminently sensible
But I'm actually having a pretty decent time of this near-vegan thing; I'm finding lots of excellent and pleasing foods I wouldn't otherwise have tried, and so far I'm not missing anything too much that I haven't found a good replacement for.
It's a bit more effort, and it's harder to accept peoples' hospitality--which could be a problem in the long run if I have to keep a strict diet--but I'm not miserable or feeling deprived.
nice one
(I found an awesome vegan chili dog that's much more satisfying to me than the real thing.)
'awesome vegan chili dog' is something of a contradiction in terms, but I'll humour you...
And that's, again, why I hardly ever share my cooking ideas and experiences here.
I'm only pulling your leg
each to his own, live and let live and all that
Hey @ElendilTheTall ,whazzup?
I guess I just missed Tall, huh?
Darn it, I was going to see if he wanted to play some Scrabble.
Oh well, it's a bit early for me to be up anyway. I should go back to bed for a couple of hours. CYA!
@Jolenealaska heyhowareyag'bye
4 hours later…
@Mien yeaaaa I'm back baby!
It was kinda heart breaking to watch all the Brazilians cry as their hearts shatter
How's everyone's life?
2 hours later…
@Jay bugger that, where have you been?!
1 hour later…
quiet in here tonight
@Jolenealaska you not around?
@ElendilTheTall I'm here
@Jolenealaska hello stranger!
you've been scarce today
I've got a dental appointment in just over an hour to fit my new crown.
I sure hope this will be less unpleasant than the first appointment.
Have you ever had a crown?
thankfully no
fillings, yes
crowns no
It's not fun. It starts with grinding the tooth down to a cube.
But that part is done. Today they will remove the temporary crown and replace it with the permanent one. That doesn't sound too bad.
I wish I had some kind of la la drug, but I don't.
Maybe after.
On that note, I'll probably be hurtin for a distraction. I hope we can hook up for some Scrabble tonight. If I do hit the whiskey, that could be a great advantage for you!
Well, that depends what you mean by tonight :)
as it is now 5 minutes to bed time pour moi
My tonight, your morning :)
In that case, I will do my utmost
I need to get dressed. I'll see you in a few hours!
ok, good luck
just imagine a pod of rorquals floating above you

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