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I have seen pasta with a hollow center at Marc's with a 1.5 mm thickness labeled as spaghetti and never as bucatini. This makes me think that bucatini has a thicker layer around the center whereas spaghetti has a thinner layer around the center when both have the same diameter
I've never seen hollow spaghetti.
And I've never seen it much thicker than that photo, but that could easily be 1.5mm
@Jolenealaska Right.
@Cerberus nothing to do with verbatim, the double quotes should work, and don't seem to there, I'll look at it tomorrow.
@caters I've never seen hollow spaghetti either.
@Jefromi Hmm I see.
Don't trouble yourself, it's not a big issue or anything.
@Jefromi But you are aware that double quote normally don't imply verbatim, right?
Had I not flipped the Verbatim switch, I wouldn't have been surprised to get China's president despite my "China president", because it has done that for years (it used to be different, though).
@Cerberus So if I'm searching for a quote. I'm sure the words "lend me your ears" are correct and in order, but I'm unsure of anything else, is there a better option than Googling those words in quotation marks?
That seems to work, in this case anyway.
@Jolenealaska Right: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Problems mostly occur when your search is unusual and there is a very common search that is very similar.
You have a to use Bing, or some other search engine that gives the user more control over what he wants to search.
Ok, next time a search is giving me fits, I'll play with it. Anyway, my chef has given up on the rice paper :) (what a doofus) I think I'm going back to it. Cya later!
Jefromi indicated that that my case was an error, but I'm not sure...
Haha, OK have fun!
What about it?
more control than your standard Google box
Not really, I typed the right things.
It has less control, in fact, because it has no Verbatim option.
ironically enough, if you type "advanced search" into Bing, that's the first result :P
Well, Bing gets me the results I want in this case!
where is this Verbatim option?
It is inconveniently hidden under Search Tools → All Results → Verbatim.
Impossible to find unless you know.
Y'all, double quotes are absolutely supposed to mean exact word/phrase.
If you see them matching something else, that's not the intended behavior, it's not about denying you control, it's a just a bug.
You should not have to add on verbatim mode.
@Jefromi Are you really 100 % sure?
Because it has been this way for years.
I find it hard to believe that Google never noticed and I do.
Do keep in mind that the meaning of double quotes changed relatively recently (a year or two ago), when the + operator was removed.
Oh, what happened?
So anything about "it's been that way for years" is definitely at the very least oversimplifying.
(One more thing: you can add asterisks in quotations, which is very handy, but not really exact.)
@Jefromi I don't remember how long ago I first noticed.
@Cerberus We've had this discussion before, and I don't really want to get into something long here. I'm aware that there are bugs, you've found some before, you find more than anyone at Google does because you use double quotes and verbatim way more than we do.
But it seems like more than a year, I'd probably say more than two years too.
If you keep letting me know about bugs, I'll keep trying to get them fixed, just understand this isn't some deliberate sabotage of the double quote operator or anything.
@Jefromi I didn't mean to say anything bad about Google. On the contrary, I think they do tons of research and are very capable.
@Jefromi do you work at Google then?
I was just wondering whether you were 100% sure it was not intentional. There have been many versions of the search engine, right?
@logophobe yeah.
But if you say it isn't, then I'll believe you.
@Cerberus I mean, I don't know there's not a conspiracy, but...
Not a conspiracy, silly.
Fairly confident "china president" shouldn't match "china's president", yes.
Just some people adding a function in a different way than someone else understood it would be.
OK noted.
ah. so that's the context I was missing.
And like I said, I'll look at it tomorrow.
what about "china president" -china's ?
You know, you're not my personal help desk! I'm just complaining to you because I can, not because I think you should act on small little things I happen to notice.
@logophobe That does work, though the last part shouldn't be necessary.
probably not, but most of my job is finding workarounds, I'm kinda geared for it
@logophobe That's what I normally do, but it doesn't (or didn't?) always work either, as Jef and I discussed a while ago.
(Perhaps it has been fixed now.)
And it can be a lot of work, depending on the query.
Well, if things are broken I do want them fixed, just hoping you'll remember you're reporting bugs that should eventually get fixed, no need to worry about whether we're doing it to you on purpose.
I didn't think Google was personally out to get me, oddly.
I just thought it was intentionally fuzzy search, but now I know it wasn't.
So, good.
Well, okay, it's just every time we talk about one of these things you make comments about Google not giving you control, about how maybe it's deliberate, trying to let you know we really do try to make things work!
Sure, sure. But what works for one person may impede another person's searches, right?
Yes, which is why double quotes do something different from not-double-quotes.
So you can pick whether you want that word to match exactly or not.
I noticed they usually worked as I expected.
Well, the documentation is:
> Use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words on a web page. This is helpful when searching for song lyrics or a line from a book. But only use this if you're looking for an exact word or phrase, otherwise you'll exclude many helpful results by mistake.
And that's how I like it, give me a method to fine-tune search to my heart's content.
@Jefromi Yes, but, you know, every rule has an exception. You never know how websites or programmes interpret their own rules unless they come up with tons of detailed examples.
I mean, for instance, they ignore punctuation. But it is still "exact".
I think it's a conspiracy
It's just written for laymen.
I think Google found a way to power their server farms on internet sarcasm and idle bitching
Which is understandable.
@Jefromi if I'm right, just tell me I'm wrong
Well, okay, you do have to know that it means "exact" in terms of what Google is capable of matching, sure.
And I know nothing about Google, except that I can test what results I actually get.
But we can definitely tell the difference between "china president" and "china's president", and so exact matches should match those things exactly.
@logophobe If we could do that, I don't think we'd be publishing all these things about how efficient the data centers are, we'd have more power than we could use.
Seriously, it never occurred to me that this could be a bug.
@Jefromi unless it's a false flag, of course
2 hours later…
Anybody wanna help me brainstorm a dessert?
>_> stumped
These are our weapons
Difficulty: no milk, no white flour
My first thought was some kind of oatmeal cookie.
that's my first thought too
Not pictured: butter
Oatmeal (maybe with peanut butter) cookies sound okay. But I want to make something awesome!
Do you have a food processor?
Oh. I also have a few eggs
The pantry is actually a little better stocked than I realized for impromptu dessert naking
You can make a peanut butter/chocolate "cream" with powdered sugar (you can make that with granulated), cocoa and peanut butter. That's not a base of a dessert, but it's yummy on top of about anything but sushi.
naking? cute.
Like a frosting. Or some kind of layer in some baked thing
I think you can make reasonable cookies with that. The cream in between, sandwich style.
Naking = naked baking? :P
That was my first thought (and a favorite hobby :)
let me pull up one of my favorite cookie recipes. BRB
Even just sugar cookies with that frosting sounds pretty good.
This is a fabulous recipe. Do you have any chocolate? Like a hershey bar in the car or something?
Even if not, you've pretty much got that
Nope. Just the cocoa powder.
No brown sugar but I could probably swing it with honey + white
that's ok, the cookies would be fine without chips, especially with the peanut butter cream
That's what I was thinking
I think I'm going to give it a shot. Other than some weird quick bread thing or muffins I can't really think of any better idea.
And those cookies do look good. :D
the WW flour will want a bit of water. Other than that, just watch 'em close.
I'm looking at WW cookie recipes, I retract the water comment. None of the recipes ask for it.
I added about a teaspoon of oil. Just on a hunch
We are in the oven now @jolenealaska!
Good luck! Let me know how they turn out.
I skipped the frosting idea. Too much work for midnight snacking.
Well lookie there! Those look good!
@Jolenealaska Congrats
Thank you @Gigili :)
@Jolenealaska What the ...?
@ElendilTheTall waves back in slow motion
@Jolenealaska How exactly did you get the idea that I am pregnant?
I apologize and will retract! I thought that's what you meant by the conversation we had a couple of days ago after I inquired about your gender. Exams and sleepiness and coyness and such.
Jolene apologizes profusely to Gigili for misunderstanding! Jolene had no good reason to think that Gigili was hinting that she's pregnant!
Oh, no problem at all
You can star that if you want :)
hugs @Jolen
I'm sure I'll see Tall later and Cerby tomorrow.
It doesn't matter, I was just wondering from which sentence of mine you concluded that I am a she and I am pregnant
Is pan pizza better than oven pizza?
Interesting, I haven't heard of it before
Now I'm not wrong about the she though, am I?
Pan pizza is cooked in the oven, it's just put together in a pan so it can be loaded with tons of toppings.
Jun 21 at 9:21, by Gigili
@Jolenealaska I thought it was obvious! Should I drop a hint?
starting here
@Jolenealaska Oh. I thought it was cooked in the oven on medium-high heat
Yes, that's exactly what you said
high heat actually, but baked in the oven. I did give that pizza a couple of minutes on the stove after baking just to brown it a bit more on the bottom.
Is that recipe better than the one you posted earlier? slice.seriouseats.com/archives/2013/01/…
They're the same
Kill me with one bullet
One is just the article that introduces the recipe:)
2 hours later…
but not for long.I is tired.
that's good!
<warms up drone>
did you see Gigili's not quite denial of impending motherhood?
and indeed womanhood
She asked "where did you that idea?"
@PrestonFitzgerald we see you lurking there
@Jolenealaska not quite a denial
perhaps she was surprised she'd given it away and was covering up
sneaky gigili :)
Few men would be coy about their gender.
Except perhaps absolute flaming drag queen types. I don't think that's our Gigili.
Nah. I am definitely under the impression that Gigili is female as well.
@Jolenealaska that fits cerb's bill more
Oh snap
not even :)
@gigili it's just a chat room thing. It's not necessarily that there's one particular line that rats you out. People just eventually get a feel for you and build a mental image/persona
OPEN FILE => Preston Fitzgerald
Gender = Male
Likes: Skulls, (...)
Dislikes: (...)
Notes: parents live in North Carolina
that's all I've got
I'd transcribe my jojo file but we'd run out of internet
Gee, I thought I was pretty secretive
@Jolenealaska heck, I even know your last name!
Mrs Smith
There was one time on IMDb that I kind of wished that I was more security conscious. But the guy just a harmless troll.
Yes you do.
He put up a good act though.
well, for the record, I'm a chat bot
I should have a little chat with your programmer.
"Elendil has be very naughty!"
Oh Tall, was it you I had a discussion with a couple of weeks ago about the seriousness of hitting a moose in a car accident?
@Jolenealaska to give him hearty congratulations?
Moose are HUGE
or a smack down
@Jolenealaska no, but I am aware of it - long legs = moose through the windshield
Yes. There was a pretty dramatic incident just right here earlier today and I looked online to see if I could get a photo of what I saw on the news. (People in the car are OK)
I couldn't find today's pictures, but I came across another that blew me away. The dead moose is in this picture, so don't look if that will bother you. Amazingly, the driver was only mildly injured. This is in Canada: outdoorsniagara.com/outdoors_niagara_moose_story.htm
holy christ
it went through the car
what they need is moose-bags that inflate in front of the windshield, gently buffering the animal away
they would have to be transparent obviously
Shoo little Moosie, shoo
perhaps the more humane option would be to capture all the moose and fit them with air bags
special air bag trousers
or roller skates, so they just roll along in front of the car rather than turning into ballistic missiles
There ya go!
Guys, I've got to go to bed. I'm about to crash through my keyboard.
I might see ya in a few hours.
I leave you with this thought to ponder
Cleopatra was born closer in time to the moon landings than to the building of the pyramids
crazy eh?
so crazy they've all buggered off
well, I will just leave a few more staggering facts strewn about the place for people to gawk at
male bees have no fathers and no sons
there are more atoms in a glass of water than there are glasses of water on earth
ant eaters use the acid from their prey's stings in place of making their own stomach acid
sharks will only attack you when you're wet
1 teaspoon of a neutron star weighs as much as 220,000,000,000,000 teaspoons
that's 2.8 times the total mass of all life on earth
assuming a volume of 20 cubic cm for the average teaspoon, 220,000,000,000,000 teaspoons would occupy a volume 1.8 times that of Mount Everest
wolfram alpha is great
@Gigili hello
@PrestonFitzgerald Well, I was surprised by Jolone's mental image
Hey, crafty Tall
crafty? moi?
je ne suis pas crafty!
I am not pregnant or whatever. Mind you, I dislike children except for a few of them which are very attractive and beautiful. And yes, thank God I am a woman, a very nice one =P
well, that remains to be seen :P
je ne suis pas sneaky.
I know, only pulling your leg
umm, don't you know a better method?
dubious look
it would seem not
2 hours later…
Veggie FTW!
1 hour later…
@Jolenealaska stories like that are kind of surprisingly common
my brother's favorite is a car that literally ripped in half as it was going around a corner
and yet had no injuries
two people in the car at the time
(my brother was one of the paramedics that responded to it)
Hi, can anyone recommend a recipe (or recipes) for a pork rice dish? Or anything pork with a sort of Asian theme would be Ok too. I'm in India. But no highly spiced dishes, please.
@FaheemMitha how long have you got?
there are hundreds if not thousands
can you be more specific?
@ElendilTheTall Um, sure. Specific on what axis?
A) what do you mean by Asian
I just want something that would work in India, is not too complicated, and not too highly seasoned. Though as you know Indian cuisine is big on spices.
B) what kind of pork
@ElendilTheTall Blimey. Bits of pork pieces. Are there different kinds?
@ElendilTheTall Thai/Indian, lets say.
Something for example in coconut milk would work.
I know Indian cooking uses coconut, and so does Thai I think.
@FaheemMitha of course - some cuts are better slow cooked, some are better cooked quickly
well, pork doesn't feature massively in either cuisine really
the Chinese are the real pork fans of the East
@ElendilTheTall No, Indian pork dishes are not big, granted.
@ElendilTheTall Chinese would work too.
pork tenderloin/fillet benefits from marinades
you could easily do 'pork tikka'
Something with vegetables would also be good.
marinade pork in yoghurt and spices
@ElendilTheTall Is that highly spiced?
@ElendilTheTall Ok
depends on the cook
you could make it mild or spicy
or you could do a simple pork stir fry
Something like this? Random net search.
Thai Pork Chops with Ginger Coconut Sauce
Or this one
that looks pretty good to me
all the ingredients should be readily available in India
@ElendilTheTall True, that's the problem.
My only concern would be the use of ovens
I don't even know what pork tenderloin is.
it depends on where in India the cook is, but mainly people only have hobs
@ElendilTheTall We have an oven here.
Finding the meat cut in question would be more of an issue.
The pork tenderloin also in some countries called pork fillet, is a cut of pork. It is often sold as prepackaged products by large grocery stores. They are available plain (not seasoned) and flavored with a marinade. As with all quadrupeds, the tenderloin refers to the psoas major muscle along the central spine portion, ventral to the lumbar vertebrae. This is the most tender part of the animal, because these muscles are used for posture, rather than locomotion. Uses A pork tenderloin sandwich (also called simply a "tenderloin") is a very thinly sliced piece of pork, usually the larger...
@ElendilTheTall Bombay.
@ElendilTheTall Thanks.
well, it will depend on their personal set up obviously
@ElendilTheTall It's for my family.
Maybe that wasn't clear. :-)
well, if they have an oven, oven recipes are fine :)
any lean cut of pork will do for fast cookiing
We don't live in darkest Africa, but some things aren't readily available here.
@ElendilTheTall ok
tenderloin/fillet or loin steaks are fine
for slow cooking, you are looking at leg, shoulder or belly
@ElendilTheTall ok. I guess I need to visit the local pork shop to see what cuts they have available. It sounds like that would be a constraining factor.
I mean, if they butcher pigs, they will have the cuts I'm sure
@ElendilTheTall thanks for the feedback. I had the impression this chat room is usually more busy. Where is everyone?
or they should be able to cut it for you
oh, it varies
it's usually busier in the American evening
@ElendilTheTall So one would hope. But this is India, so common sense rules don't apply.
@ElendilTheTall Heh. Are you familar with India then? :-)
not in the slightest
other than what I've learned on tv
@ElendilTheTall ok
@ElendilTheTall what tv?
oh, every tv chef does a show on India at some point
@ElendilTheTall well, it is something of a madhouse as places go.
Rick Stein did one a while back
@ElendilTheTall That's news to me.
@FaheemMitha that's the impression I get: organised chaos
@ElendilTheTall Ok
@ElendilTheTall not-so-organized chaos. :-)
I'm British, so I'm perhaps more at home with what we call curry than other denizens of the room
but by the same token British Indian restaurant food is probably nothing like the real thing
@ElendilTheTall Sure. I think the UK has a lot of Indian restaurants. Some of them are actually reasonable. I remember a Cambridge restaurant once that was Ok. It has been a long time though.
@ElendilTheTall btw, why Elendil, if that is not an overly personal question?
I'm a Lord of the Rings fan, and I'm tall
@ElendilTheTall Not necessarily. Depends on the restaurant. They might cut back on the spices, though.
@ElendilTheTall OK, fair enough.
@FaheemMitha maybe, but you can get some pretty mind-blowing curries if you so choose
@ElendilTheTall I'm sure.
i prefer medium ones personally - a little heat, but not so much that you can't feel your mouth for a week afterwards
When I was a student there the "ethnic" restaurant scene was pretty dismal. I gather it is better now.
I suppose so
I have no frame of reference :)
@ElendilTheTall I'm a low-spice person myself. I used not to care, but lately my digestive system doesn't cope so well.
@ElendilTheTall Ok.
time is a harsh mistress :)
speaking of which, it's time for me to go. I wish you luck in your search for pork
And I've never really been that fond of spices anyway.
@ElendilTheTall Indeed.
@ElendilTheTall Thanks. And I appreciate the feedback. When is this chat room busier?
@ElendilTheTall Take care.
usually when the Americans turn up
@ElendilTheTall Ok, thanks.
there's usually someone around
@ElendilTheTall Ok
@ElendilTheTall Speaking of awake Americans. Mornin hun!
Pah! I probably missed you. Oh well, cya later!
@Jolenealaska hey. So, what are your views on pork? :-)
It's my favorite meat.
I prefer the fattier cuts to the very lean cuts like tenderloin (AKA fillet).
As a matter of fact, a smaller version of this is my next project: seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/12/…
Pork isn't huge in Indian cuisine, but it can work in just about any recipe replacing beef or chicken.
@Jolenealaska True, but the problem is the flavor seems to get drowned out easier than with beef or chicken. My cook made a pork curry (with spices), and I could hardly taste the pork. Of course, it is possible it was not very good pork, but my impression is that pork has a milder, more subtle flavor.
If you can get really nice produce, here's something you might enjoy: foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchens/…
More subtle than beef maybe, more pronounced than chicken.
@Jolenealaska Something with more veg in it might work better for us. Or at least rice.
@Jolenealaska That looks interesting.
I would definitely serve those with rice (the wraps)
shallots are a kind of onion, right?
@Jolenealaska Ok
Pork is red meat, right? So probably not so healthy. But then again, so is beef.
Yes, shallots are smaller than regular onions, more mild and light pink in color.
Onions are an OK substitute.
@Jolenealaska Ok. Not sure we could get all this stuff. What is fish sauce, for example?
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