The worst of it isn't even the tooth. I''m still without a car. Dealing with this is going to major pain. I don't think the VA will cover doing anything to save the tooth, and I have no other coverage, so it's probably going to be pulled. Friggin wasabi peas.
On the question just above (10 messages above here) I tell of an experiment. I realize that it's a miniscule difference, but does anyone know if "proof" is measured by volume or weight?
I'd rather experiment by weight as I happen to have exceedingly accurate scales. That would mean that sugar and salt would be weighed too.
I'm up late, bored. I'm choosing to spend what should be precious hours of sleep working on tag wikis. That's gotta be worthy of your all-important judgement.
Select varieties are alright. Mostly fair, but I don't think I've found any I can be involved with. Schedule? "SKED-jule," thought I sometimes slip up with scheduled and say "shedjulled" instead.
"Serenity" just ended. :( I finished all of the Firefly series (all 14 episodes, dammit) before watching it. But thanks to you guys, I need to pick up the movie again from the middle:) YAY!
@Jolenealaska It could be really cool! But you'd have to get enough people's attention who may want to pay you. Even if it's really cheap, they still need to be made aware...
@ElendilTheTall Naaaahhh!
Holland is as over-regulated as Englahd, if not more so!
You're just cooking your own meal, but you've made more food than you can use yourself, so you share it with neighbours for a token price.
So if you let your meat rot on purpose, then sold it to neighbours, you deserve to get sued. But that is nigh impossible to prove, and any lawsuit will go nowhere, right?
Besides, you wouldn't do that, so there is nothing to prove.
Alton Brown gave that lesson too. I dismissed it. 2 days later I got a nasty burn.
The discussion of a lawsuit against the company that makes the Wasabi Peas has me thinking. What if I just contact them and ask for them to pay to save my tooth? I will promise not to sue if they do that (<$1000).
That's the point. A huge legal department doesn't want me to sue (it will cost them, and I could win) to ask them to pay an Anchorage dentist is an easier solution.
Yes, because the manager removed the safety device in the coffee machine that kept it at a reasonable temperature, and she subsequently had 2nd degree burns on her legs and genitals
you have broken a tooth on a reasonably hard foodstuff, found in a bag of reasonably hard foodstuffs
have you kept the offending pea?
can you prove it was that pea that broke your tooth?
That's a wrong thing in this country. I don't know if Obama has made it better, but it is wrong that in a powerfully rich country a medical issue can bring a family to ruin.
Had I not done my military time, I'd be dead or my family would be bankrupt.
yet people fight nationalised health tooth and nail
all because they don't want to 'pay for moochers'
I've got mine, fuck y'all
Yes, there are people who abuse the NHS' free at the point of use healthcare, but they are vastly outnumbered by the people who genuinely need it and who pay for it with their taxes
If the system in the US was fair, competently run and affordable, I wouldn't be so amazed, but it by all accounts is not
There was a time that you lot started wars over taxes, now you pay $300 for a toothbrush without batting an eyelid
Funny you should say that. There was a time that I spent $300 for a Sonicare toothbrush. There were heads for my husband, me, and our dogs. Now, here I am, wondering how to care for a broken tooth. crud, that reminds me, I have to go chase down my insurance company about them not sending me an invoice again
It's the most ridiculous thing ever: They make it impossible to pay the monthly bill (a fixed amount!) without an invoice number, but then never ever mail me an invoice on time. I'd sign up for auto-pay if I could.
Our bank has a system to allow any bill to be paid automatically, but it sucks. Most banks have them, but I can never figure out how to get them set up
but my power, cable, internet, gas, et cetera bills all auto-pay
This one is worse than the last one. When I'm feeling charitable I remember they were apparently totally overwhelmed by the number of new signups through the Exchange and thus no longer have the capacity to meet demand...
but when I'm not I remember it's their goddamn job to estimate demand and capacity and hire more f**ing people, we're in a goddamn recession FFS, it's not like it's hard to find people
after the first one got forwarded by the postal service, we called and updated it. Then the next one got sent to the wrong address and we called again and had to update in a second location. Then the third one got sent wrong and my husband raised enough hell that they actually fixed it
I don't have one, despite Windows 8.1 insisting I get one so often and so hard that I started to sound like the Mac Rant guy about 20 minutes after installing it
then you read the small print and there's a line that says "figures shown are for trains arriving within ten minutes of the advertised time" (emphasis mine)
I was happy with the UK, where I could walk to a train station and there were train stations within walking distance of pubs and unis even for my abbreviated ability to walk
I never knew when they were meant to be there, I just brought a book and waited ~5 minutes :) but that was for a local train, of course.
Similarly, I'm sure the subways I used to ride were terribly late, but they were scheduled only 10mins or so apart so it was hard to tell until they pulled into my stop and I could see out the window the bus I wanted pulling away