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@KitZ.Fox Ping!
I had to intercede in a mission gone wrong.
Ruh roh!
Video games are hell on your word count, even when you're not playing them apparently.
@MattE.Эллен It must be late at night there right?
It is almost morning here.
Well morning. 5 AM heh.
Argument over one of them "letting" the other get killed, even though the first refused to repeat his position.
Ah, the failure of telepathy in co-op.
and hi @MattE.Эллен :)
@Arrowfar yes. I'm off to bed, soon
@Metamaterialgirl hi :)
It was about 302 words. I've got a bedtime assist at the moment.
@KitZ.Fox Good luck with the writing Kit. You can do it! I'm here to cheer you guys up :-)
Always appreciated :D
@Metamaterialgirl You did agree to let me read your story in December, right?
@Metamaterialgirl Hopefully now, he realizes that a snarky "Dude, I already told you" is not the best tactical choice.
Yes, though, um, I reallllly want to figure out the last third before I inflict it on anyone. Maybe the first 2/3 in Dec?
Let me check on the bedtime plan, then maybe we'll sprint again?
That second bit went over my head
Well, see, it went like this:
Big: I'm pinned down. Come help me!
Little: Where are you? I can't see you!
Big: I'm surrounded. Over here. Hurry up.
Big: Dude, I already told you.
Little: I can't find you. Where are you?
'If it's clear in my head, it must be clear to everyone else'
Little: But you wouldn't tell me where you were! cries
Hell, I know a fair number of adults who haven't grown out of that one.
Big: I did tell you.
Then it was a horrible tearful awfulness.
He's usually very good at describing that sort of thing. He may even have been more specific earlier.
But then just flat out refusing to repeat himself didn't help at all.
And the little one was devastated that he couldn't help.
Especially because then the big one was upset.
So I had to make the point to him about being right and being dead.
Ah, parenthood. You're a stronger person than I for being willing to do it.
And if he was going to lead a squad, then he'd better focus more on what his squadmates need than on being a little douche.
Or he was going to get everyone capped.
OK. I might not have used those exact words.
I'm pretty sure I said "Don't blame your brother for refusing to repeat yourself."
Which is less dramatic.
That first method though
I can't breathe
I have several times today admonished them to get in the fight. I laugh to myself every time I do it.
"Get in there and support your fireteam! This is a co-op game!"
Such good team players they will be someday
"Your squad is getting shot up! Go take some vengeance!"
Are you familiar with Archer?
It's an adult cartoon.
Well, it's not as funny if you haven't seen it. Basically, it boils down to that my boys have now picked up my habit of shouting "Suppressing fire!" when they are full-auto and miss everything.
Maybe I have
Oh, okay, yeah, I haven't seen it, but I've seen approximate 1 x 10^7 memes based on it.
It's interesting humor. Not for the faint of heart.
It's sort of mature juvenile humor.
adds to list of 'stuff I should be watching but never seem to actually get around to'
OK. Sprint?
Wait. I am missing booze.
CanNOT forget the booze.
Ready when you are.
OK. Looks like bourbon tonight. So much mixer, nothing to mix with.
I'm ready.
Bourbon and branch drinks, I always forget what the branch is supposed to be.
hmm. olives?
Steady at 6:00
Oh. It's bourbon with water.
See you guys later. Have fun :)
@Arrowfar good night.
G'night @Arrowfar, and belated ping @KitZ.Fox!
Got a little side tracked.
@Metamaterialgirl Ok, good. I had a ton of words.
502. Craaaazy.
Another one like that and I've got my quota.
OK. Ready?
Steady at 6:22
@KitZ.Fox Ping! 356.
Oh. Already?
Not quite there yet.
How close?
200 words. I think I need to take a break and watch some football though.
Ping you at halftime?
I hope the Sportball team of your choice does the most points!
Hooray [sport]!
1 hour later…
@Metamaterialgirl Ping.
@BESW It's American football.
And we're rooting for the New England Patriots.
Who are facing the evil-yet-worthy-opponents the Denver Broncos.
Oh, wait, I'm supposed to be cheering for the horsey ones!
Which is exciting and also depressing because your quarterback is out, possibly never to return.
I mean, they live in my city and all.
Oh, there's a quarterback?
In this sport, yes.
I thought that once John Elway retired they retired the position of Broncos quarterback in his honor.
At least, that's the story that makes me happiest.
Your QB was Peyton Manning. He was very good and also very old. He is injured and there are rumors that he might not come back.
Aww. Well, I hope his multimillion dollar salary helps him to a comfortable post-30 old age.
Our QB is Tom Brady who is also the best QB in the whole world.
Oh, I think I heard of him.
@Metamaterialgirl He's actually in his forties. Like 43 or something, I think.
That means he MUST be good.
He's REALLY old for a football player.
But Brady is 38 or something.
Huh, 43 is pretty senior for a sport that requires the elasticity of a kitten and the body mass of a large pony.
Oh. Actually, he's 39.
He's like three months older than me. Ouch.
I suppose football players must be like female actresses. Once they hit 40 they are put away in a closet and never heard from again.
They usually don't stay as players that long.
With a very few exceptions that prove the rule.
Mid-thirties. QBs and kickers are sometimes longer because they tend to take fewer hits.
OK. But writing!
Right! I mean, write!
uh just a sec
what was I writing about?
right ok
I suppose a football player could jump out of one?
1481 ready when you are
@Metamaterialgirl I'm not that much of a fan.
Hokay. Steady at...8:01
also snork
@KitZ.Fox Ding! 295.
Go Pats!
ima pee. another after that?
the cats made me stoke the fire.
This is entirely within cat capabilities.
when we had the woodstove installed last year, they were all like wtf is that thing?
then the next night, they were sprawled in the den like omg wtf is this thing?
Hah! And how long did it take for them to realize that it was the Source Of All That Is Warm?
whups, jinx, but yeah, that sounds about right.
One is draped on the coffee table and the other on the armchair.
Half the time they are on the damn hearth, singeing their whiskers off.
I believe it. I have two pet warming pads and they basically live on them all winter.
The girl, who ignores us the other half of the year, will come and be all lovey when we're on the couch in the den.
Please make the warm thing work. Please. Pleeeaasee.
aaaahahahahaha, now she doesn't even need the body heat.
I wonder if I should make a cat tent again for the winter.
The pads are warm but the air gets chilly in here.
I promise to knead my claws into your thigh until you do.
oh god. Shades of me being awakened by the little one when she decides it is time for me to get up.
The loving passive-aggressive light needle poke into unprotected flesh.
they know exactly what they are doing.
Do we know what we're doing?
I think I'm done for the evening. A little over 2K left for tomorrow.
I am puttering away and about 150 words from 50k I think.
I'll post it tonight, I'm certain.
And woo, you caught pretty much all the way back up!
Almost. I could have pushed it through, but I'm tired. I can do 2100 words tomorrow. Pretty sure.
Hopefully, it won't be like last year when I find out that I'm like 100 words short once I post it.
Yes, you can. You shall triumph. All shall bow.
And cake next year.
Always cake. The cake is eternal.
but cake story next year, yarrrrr
DONE. With the reaching 50k words part anyway. Now to make it not suck.
Thank you @BESW!
You earned it, that's hard work.
Well, if I can get it to come together as a coherent book, then I'll feel like strutting :D
That would be awesome.
8 hours later…
@Metamaterialgirl Congratulations!
@Metamaterialgirl woohoo!
2 hours later…
You killed it dead, gyrl.
srsly, like 9000 words in a day? I wish I could do that.
57k! holy moly!
Must be all her meta material.
it makes light bend around her, so she can move faster than light
3 hours later…
Q: If I write an erotic / porn novel now, what are the chances that it might impact my mainstream writing career?

user3002318Given that I have written a few erotic / porn novel now, what are the chances that it will impact my mainstream writing career later? Even if I do write using a pen name. Will people be willing to accept it?

2 hours later…
Q: Disable Auto-Enumeration on Export to tex in Scrivener

jhoffjannI use Scrivener to write almost anything and recently got into writing Tex for University submissions and papers. Recently I hit the problem that most Exercise Sheet for my University are numbered like this: Exercise 1 a b Exercise 2 a and the next sheet will start with Exercise 3 ...

1 hour later…
@Metamaterialgirl !
Who will I sprint with now?
Oh, I still need to write stuff :D
How close are you to finishing?
Oh, and that extra 7k was stuff that I'd written already that was just hard to separate from the NaNo-written content. I WISH I could do 9k a day consistently...
Oh poop! I have to do 50,000 words by tonight! starts typing
Now my boys are reading inappropriate language over my shoulder. Thanks @Mr.Shiny.
Also, that was funny.
Sometimes I get one or two or three or four letters wrong.
They laughed.
seriously I envy you nano people. You have your sh... poop together.
Good save.
Considering I just used that word in front of them about 30 minutes ago while playing Garden Warfare.
my daughter has started saying "Damn it!".
They claim to not know what I'm talking about.
I wouldn't be surprised if, say, at school, she's also using other words she hears her mother say.
I have 2135 words left to write.
Her mother? I mean, random people. yes. them.
I suspect it's categorically impossible to keep kids from learning how to swear.
It's just...so SATISFYING
We joke and call them "Daddy's special football words."
I don't mind if she learns how. She needs to learn when not to
My mom used to swear like crazy when she was driving, this weird half-english, half-french cursing.
I'm not worried about them swearing. We say there are no bad words, just inappropriate times to use them. Like in front of Gramma.
Oooh, that must have been fun to pick up.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 omg I love French Canadian swearing.
Also, yes, that fine art of environmental/social discrimination.
OK, I should go. bbl
@KitZ.Fox that's just it though, it wasn't the typical stuff.
Take care Kit! We can pound some words whenev.
The nice thing about bilingual swearing is it opens up more social options for swearing.
If Great-Aunt Esther doesn't speak French...
Her favourite was something like "Shit de merde d'enfant d'chienne!"
Wait...shit shit son of a dog?
That's just GLORIOUS.
Gotta hit that redundancy at the beginning
I love it
only while driving.
at home she was very careful not to swear.
Does 'bitch' 'd'chienne' have the same connotation in French as it does in English I wonder?
oddly, she's loosened up over the years, and now she swears more often, and in front of my kids, which doesn't bother me much but my dad always scolds her
@Metamaterialgirl I mainly grew up speaking English so I'm not really sure how it gets used. But I feel that it would have the same impact even if it weren't an idiomatic expression. I have no idea really.
Hm, fair enough. As a complete monolinguist I have no idea either, heh.
Hey I got 200 points for answering 'virgin' on ELU, LOL.
my french-speaking cousins all swear using traditional french-canadian swear words, like 'tabernacle', etc, or the use english words. The best is how the word fuck has been turned into a sort of -er verb, as in "C'est tout fucké"
And I just watched Wrong Turn 1,2,3. Time for 4,5,6, LOL.
...tabernacle is a swear word? O.o
Oh, in English, fuck is almost a metaword, it can serve pretty much any purpose now.
yeah, but I find it funny that it works the same way in French.
Anyway time for me to leave. cya later. congrats on the nano.
@Metamaterialgirl Yeah, it's roughly equivalent to 'fuck'.
Tabernacle seems much more cumbersome than fuck, for emphasis purposes.
Well, it's "tabernac!"
I suppose that could be a good thing if you need some gravitas.
It's surprisingly satisfying.
I shall have to incorporate it into my lexicon :D
Maybe that's just because of living near Canada.

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