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I just made myself squee with something I wrote. I hope that means it's good and not 'this is so cheap-ass cheesy that I could lure catfish with it'.
...oh god I am southern.
Hey, catfish bait still catches catfish and grocery store novels still make money.
Hah! Thank you (I think) for that encouragement. :D
Caught up from yesterday, 2617 words so far today; hooray!
How're you doing @BESW?
Good kind of tired! The Twin Holy Birthdays celebrations have been pretty awesome, and I made cookies for my friends at Geek Night tonight.
Oh wow! First time, huh? So Sat as well; cool! I never got to see a new tradition created before. Not a big one like that, anyway.
Ooooh, existing celebrations but new calendar. Interesting!
Yeah. First time they've been celebrated at the same time by the whole world.
Then...Happy Twin Holy Days!
Thank you!
Yeah, my friends who come to Geek Night were working during the big community celebrations, so tonight I'm having cookies and pie and things for them.
Chocolate chip pumpkin cookies are brilliant.
Remind me of Geek Night, I think you mentioned it but I'm not sure IIRC. Friends hang out and game?
Also, this sounds amazing and I want a recipe pls.
Yup, every Saturday I open my house to any friends who are available. Most weeks we play tabletop RPGs.
Yissss. And have pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Much approval.
It's my way of trying to make it easier for all my friends with busy schedules to get together: any Saturday night they're free, they know I'm available to hang.
When I was having games here every two weeks for awhile I'd do a snacky buffet menu, which was fun because they were ALL MY GUINEA PIGS, BAHAHAHAHAH
Hmm. I'd have to reverse engineer the recipe, since the version I have uses my generic baking mix as a base.
Oh, that's really good of you; it can be rough for adults to all show up in the same place on a regular schedule.
What's your generic baking mix? Homemade? Or something like self rising flour?
you can always give me BOTH recipes :D
I mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, and salt in a ratio that's roughly appropriate for a wide variety of recipes, and keep a big jar of it to speed up the baking.
Oh, that IS handy.
@Metamaterialgirl Yes, exactly!
Sounds pretty much like self-rise but for the sugar.
Do you use it for sweets particularly or for things in general that might not all be sweet?
I use it for other stuff too. Drop biscuits, pancakes, cornbread, whatever.
Ooh, okay, so not a whole bunch o' sugar. I could probably wing it.
> Baking mix:
4 c whole wheat flour
4 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
2 t salt
2 T (brown) sugar
Ooh, whole wheat, so healthy!
copying and pasting into my recipe google doc forthwith
> Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/2 c canned pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling!)
1/4 c (brown) sugar
1/4 c (olive) oil
1 T unsweetened applesauce
1/2 T vanilla
1 C baking mix
1 t cinnamon
1/8 t cloves
1/8 t ginger
1/8 t allspice
1 c semi-sweet/dark chocolate chips
> Combine the pumpkin, sugar, oil, applesauce, and vanilla. Mix well.
In a separate bowl, combine the remaining ingredients except the chocolate chips. Mix just to combine.
Fold in the chocolate chips and let the dough sit for 5-10 minutes (for smoother cookies).
Aaaand...dittoed. Whee!
> Use an ice cream scoop to drop onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Should be cooked through with golden brown bottoms and edges. They firm up a bit when cool, but remain cake-like.
Sometimes I use double or more ginger.
I do like cake-like. And also like ginger.
Depending on the consistency of the pumpkin puree and applesauce, it often takes more time to cook because they're so wet, but it doesn't hurt them any.
Also, I almost always at least double the recipe.
As is right and proper with delicious cookies!
And here's a popular drink for my Geek Nights:
> Cranteade. Mix ingredients to taste.
cranberry juice (not punch)
lemon, lime, calamansi, or similar juice
ginger salabat punch powder (you'll probably have to fudge this one; it's ginger powder with a little bit of cayenne pepper, lemon, and sugar)
hot tea (I like using red herbal teas, like Celestial Seasonings' Red Zinger)
carbonated water
brown sugar until it's not too strong for your guests
Wait, is it served hot or cold?
Mix hot, serve iced.
How long does it keep if you make a jug?
Usually I make it ahead of time and save the carbonated water to add just as I serve it.
But I've never had this stay undrunk for more than about 12 hours, so I can't say how long it keeps.
Once I used pomegranate tea, and that made it very... complex. Not bad, but attention-getting and unexpected.
Ah, that makes sense. How much carbonated water per cranteade mix do you usually do?
Not much. Less than a cup per pitcher.
Just enough to make it fizzy.
Just enough to give a sparkle, yeah. Nice!
Heh, I don't know if you get the whole Sodastream cult over there, but I bet your mix would make a good base for that.
I don't have one myself, but people who do go on and ON about it.
I'm aware of it, and I can see the attraction.
Things ARE more fun to drink when they're fizzy.
There are springs that are naturally carbonated here, in Manitou Springs specifically. They have public water fountains where you can tap the fizzy water. It's a little bit sweet, and kind of 'fuzzy' instead of 'sparkly' to my tongue, if that makes sense.
And I'm sure it was a draw for people ever since it was discovered.
Manitou goes well with it, it's a very artistic and fring-y community, goes well with fizz.
Once I dumped a bottle of ginger beer into the cranteade instead of sparkling water and ginger powder. It was... okay. You gotta experiment to find the right drink, I suspect.
Oh yes. This recipe looks like it's friendly for much customization.
The cayenne pepper makes it sound particularly intriguing.
A tiny little kick with your fizz.
Yeah, there's just the faintest hint of it.
Welp, now you've given me another reason to go get groceries tomorrow besides catfood.
I've got a coffee cookie recipe somewhere, but I can't dig it up right now...
It mixes coffee grounds straight into the wet ingredients.
WHOA. Like, actual chunks of coffee? or instant coffee granules?
Instant coffee, I think.
I'm not a coffee drinker or mocha flavor seeker, but even if I were that would sound hard core.
Oh, okay, that makes more sense.
I'm not very fond of most hot-brewed coffee, but I love our home-made cold brew.
The closest to that I've ever heard was chocolate-covered espresso beans, and one of those was more than I could handle.
Oh, I've heard of cold brew. It's just like an 8 hour soak of grounds with cold water, right? Supposed to get a lot of the flavor compounds without the bitterness?
Put coffee grounds in a tea infuser with a sprinkle of turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper. Drop the infuser into a pitcher of water and leave it in your refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours. Fish the infuser out and it's ready to drink.
You can use cheap grounds because they aren't getting boiled.
I attended a family wedding once and the bride's family made a giant carafe of the cold-brewed base for a breakfast buffet; it seemed to go down quite well, though I don't know if they added the spices.
Yeah, the spices are my family's personal recipe.
People who hate regular coffee, even gourmet fancy stuff, love our cold brew.
My mom started adding turmeric to her coffee b/c turmeric is intensely good for you, and she says she quite likes it. Good match, flavor-wise.
She just does regular drip brew, I wonder if putting the turmeric in with the grounds would be a good idea.
I tried it in tea but...I think infusing it and then removing it would work better. I don't know if there's any fresh turmeric root to be had here, but if there is, that would be an interesting experiment.
Yeah, we tried putting the spices into the coffee cup, but that... didn't work so well.
I think those powerful flavors do well with something stronger than tea anyway. Maybe i should try a hot chocolate variant...
Yeah, just a touch TOO earthy and intense.
Ooh, hot chocolate.
During research for my book I found that apparently nutmeg, of all things, is a narcotic. So I invented a nutmeg tea, with citrus oil and ginger, that the folks in this city drink for relaxation sometimes.
I have not actually tested it for flavor, mind you.
I love the kinds of things I find out when I'm looking up random bits to give flavor to my worlds.
> BESW's Chocolatl For Wimps
powdered baker's chocolate
chilli powder
(soy) milk
Ovaltine until it's sweet enough to drink
Bahahahaha, Ovaltine...
Chili powder, hmmm!
I have never really explored the 'spicy' axis of drinks except for vegetable juice. You have my curiosity piqued.
Inspired by the original Aztec chocolate drink, which was thick and spicy and bitter and almost a meal in itself.
I did hear of the hot peppers being used in chocolatl (no idea if that's conventional spelling).
Not sure if it would put hair on my chest or burn it off.
That spelling is a nod to the original Aztec word.
yeah, the original spelling would be a bit hard to reproduce with this keyboard, heh.
...damn it, now I want chocolate.
For a while I used my chocolatl as a breakfast wake-up substitute, sometimes adding coffee.
Nomf. Chocolate would make waking up easier for me.
Or at least, I'd resent it less.
Yes, indeed.
I've also found that a cup of ginseng tea every morning makes me a lot more optimistic and upbeat. Totally changes the way I can handle challenges and stresses.
Unfortunately, somewhere in the second week the taste becomes totally unbearable and I have to stop for a very long time. So it's not exactly sustainable, but a good trick when I'm having a really rough patch.
THAT could be handy. I drink black or chamomile, depending on what my body's asking for; haven't tried ginseng. Does it mix well with other stuff? Or have you found it to need to be served straight, for that effect?
I put honey in it to help with the taste.
Haven't done much experimentation beyond that.
Oh, yes, I have a massive sweet tooth, I put honey in all my tea.
adds ginseng tea to list
Also, there's some interesting but as-yet-un-verified studies which imply that some kinds of depression are actually symptoms of inflammation caused by allergies. This is one reason we put turmeric in our coffee: it's an anti-inflammatory.
Can't say it works miracles for us, but my mother in particular notices a difference.
Yes indeed! And I have dealt both with depression and have Hashimoto's, which is an autoimmune thyroid condition exacerbated by inflammation, so I have all kinds of uses for anti-inflammatories.
Ooh, that's rough.
I drink ginseng plain. It's nice that way.
I'm thinking about getting some local honey to try and ease my allergies.
Eh, it responds to medication, so of all the chronic conditions out there it could be a lot worse.
Hi Jasper!
Oh, definitely do that! I get a few Colorado honeys for that reason. It is supposed to help significantly.
Never heard of Hashimoto.
The discoverer of the condition, in this case. Not the only Hashimoto out there of course.
'Hashimoto's Thyroiditis' specifically.
Seems that you are here to stay, now that you have returned after a year!
I don't have severe allergies but I do notice a bit of sniffliness during some seasons. And yes, it is good to be back and catching up with folks again :)
I started coming to this room because Kit only comes here these days.
Oh, you're friends with Kit on a different forum?
She used to frequent the English room, but not anymore.
The programming one?
I hang out in the math and English rooms too.
Oooh, okay. I think the folks who do multiple platforms here probably ebb and flow between them depending on what's going on in their hobbies/rl; it makes sense.
I SHOULD hang out in the English rooms, heh.
What kind of questions get dealt with there usually?
The English chat room is mostly talking about all non-English stuff, lol.
There are 2 main English sites. ELU and ELL. Latter for language learners, so easier questions.
I spend most of my time in Role-playing Games.
I am not active on the main site these days, mostly here to chat.
It is 3 pm here.
Oh, another cross-worlder (from my perspective); where do you hail from Jasper?
and I need to check in on the RPG page again, @BESW.
I prefer to keep the exact place secret. I am somewhere in South East Asia.
I have never left my country since birth.
Ah, si si.
Do you know about the shootings and explosions in Paris? Shocking news.
Well, I haven't left my own very much either. I hope your own is pleasant for you. :)
Oh crap, yes I do. I heard ISIS was claiming responsibility, last I checked...
I hope to leave my country one day and settle in another. It is a very unpleasant place.
Oh dear. Then I wish you the best in that endeavor.
Are you not sleeping yet?
I'm going to say some prayers for the Paris situation with my friends this evening.
Also, I have been suffering from OCD and PTSD and depression for many years, so I hope I will get better soon.
@BESW What is your faith?
I'm Bahá'í.
Not very common.
Numbers-wise we aren't the largest, but we're among the most wide-spread.
I did read that the attackers were all dead, so hopefully it won't get any WORSE, but it looks pretty horrible for them. And it's tough, dealing with all of those together @Jasper, you have my sympathies.
I don't understand why terrorists want to kill people they don't even know.
I guess there are many things we will never understand, like how life came about.
There's usually a process for turning people into terrorists that involves finding people who are disadvantaged, or resentful or otherwise dissatisfied with their lives and looking for a reason, then pointing at an enemy and blaming all of one's misfortunes on them. Enough of that, done among a culture that reinforces it and a lack of exposure to anything else, and, well...
You get this.
We have a fair number of terrorists in America too, of the white supremacist variety, but unfortunately their culture is so mainstream that they don't get CALLED terrorists.
From your sentences, it appears you are a good writer, like Kit.
Oh, thank you; I'm trying to be good, though I wouldn't call myself a good writer yet.
I have a small vocabulary. I don't read much, so I use very few words in daily life.
That's not uncommon, though...do I assume correctly that English isn't your first language?
If so, you're actually doing amazingly well; better than I do, for certain.
Well, I would consider English my first language, together with Chinese, lol.
I don't know why they want to test people on vocabulary in SAT and GRE.
Oh wow, being raised truly bilingual in both seems a little unusual. The only friends I know who could be called so are usually born in the States to people who moved here from China.
Well, I had to learn both in school for at least ten years.
Well, unfortunately, most standardized tests have a class bias toward people who had advantages in education. GRE, SAT, lots of IQ tests, all have that bias, because people correlate access to reading and a push toward it with intelligence, when mostly it means access to resources.
Aha, but I think there is a difference between reading and acquiring a large vocabulary, though they are correlated.
Since SAT and GRE to a degree are intended to measure how well you absorbed the information you were taught in school to that point, it makes some sense to test on vocabulary, but there are plenty of biases still remaining in the form that testing takes.
I took SAT many years ago, and got 680/800 for verbal and 790/800 for math.
Oh, certainly they are two different things, but considering that most verbal dialogue uses a MUCH smaller word pool than the language is capable of, it's hard to get a good vocab exposure out of just talking.
I hope to take GRE in a few years time.
Good luck with it! With those stats on the SAT you should do well in GRE.
I took some test preps for GRE, to get familiar with the type of material used; I recommend that tactic.
I am planning to do math in grad school in the US, eventually. Of course, it would be hard to get in given my history and background.
What sort of programs or scholarships are you looking into? Exchange programs and such?
But it's OK if I fail. I will just try my best. Now, I just need to get better from my mental illness.
Are you seeking treatment for them?
Well, if I enter, it's largely free, and you get paid to be a teaching assistant too.
Oh, that's helpful.
I went for some sessions of psychotherapy and stopped, but I am still on meds.
Let's see, that was way back before Skin Horse, wasn't it?
When she was still making Narbonic comics.
I stopped working since 8 years ago. That should give you an idea of my age, LOL.
Well, being able to concentrate on getting better is a good thing. There are some new PTSD treatments that are worth investigating too.
Cognitive behavioral therapy--it can be good for depression too.
Just building the tools in your kit to deal with these things can help.
Drugs are great when they work. But the more directions you can attack it from, the more chances you'll have to find combinations that let you function decently on a more regular basis.
It's pretty amazing I am still alive, considering how much suffering I have gone through.
What time is it there?
I'm sorry you've gone through such things.
Bye. Good night to you.
Good night @Jasper, sleep well.
3013 words. GOT IT.
4 hours later…
@Metamaterialgirl "drugs are great when they work." ---behold fellow writers; a simple and infallible truth. heheh. having been diagnosed PTSD myself I can, ...uh ...second what you said about cognitive therapy. also there is no one in here and your comment jumped out at me so ...
@Metamaterialgirl I decided to reply to it way out-of-context (it is evident a serious discussion preceeded, perhaps anyway...) as a way of saying, "hi, I'm bored....my name is Tapper I like to read, write, edit and proofread.' 'sup?
A writer that hasn't suffered is about useful as ...as.. (let's go full-bore cliche') ... lipstick on a pig!! yee-haw! get-a-long-li'l-doggies!!! $ to Jeff Smith on that last cliche'
Q: How to write an elevator speech for MYSELF?

Tapper7"Write an elevator speech for prospective employers" is an action-item that's dogged me for weeks. Perhaps this is the place to reach out and admit-- I've got a bad case of writer's block on this. Anywhoo - I know how to write an elevator speech for a company, a project, a product, a Six Sigma p...

3 hours later…
Q: What should you do if the events in your story have happened in real life just when you finished writing it?

JayI was finishing my novella when I heard about the terrorist attacks in Paris (I pray for the souls of the victims). I was surprised to know that circumstances revolving around the violent attacks were somehow similar to those in my novella. In my story, there were also eight attackers who each ha...

4 hours later…
Hi @Tapper7...yeah, the drug statement was made while I was thinking back to my own small portion of The Quest For The Drug That Works And Doesn't Give Too Many Crappy Side Effects. That's for the folks lucky enough to have more than one somewhat effective drug available to treat their condition, of course. Hope your own situation is in an upward-improving trend.
@Metamaterialgirl Hey!
Hey @Jasper :)
It's almost 5 am here, and I am awake!
Just getting up or needing to get down?
I don't really sleep regular hours.
Going to sleep later.
Hi @Arrowfar.
@Jasper It is 1:50 AM here and I am still awake.
Howdy @Jasper!
Hi @Arrowfar, have I met you before? I don't think so.
Hello @Metamaterialgirl. No we haven't met I guess.
Nobody in chat has met each other before, silly.
Well then howdy :)
Howdy :)
Anyone here dong NaNo this month?
I was a regular here at Tuesday's writing exercises but I haven't done it in a while.
It was fun.
I did only a few exercises.
@Metamaterialgirl I think Kit is doing it. Are you doing it?
@Arrowfar I hear you. I took a year or so off before coming back. And yeah, Kit and I have done a 10 minute race or two. It's a good word count building exercise :D
@Jasper So I saw you guys here so I entered. I haven't chatted here in a long time. Just like old times.
@Arrowfar I learnt about your problem in the ELL rooms. =)
@Metamaterialgirl I see. So you are an old member. Nice!
Yisss. Nice to see folks here again.
@Jasper Yeah, it is all over now. I moved on and life goes on :)
@Arrowfar I was reading the transcript. You don't need to care about them.
@Arrowfar Although I have been away, I read things, so nothing escapes me. =)
@Jasper Thanks.
Oh don't read the transcript. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Noooo! :)
@Arrowfar We all do stupid things now and then.
Yeah I know.
I guess I was getting attached to the room a lot.
So, I don't chat much at all these days. Like once or twice in a week.
I come here mostly to talk to Kit and Matt and Delta.
Mitch and Cerbs in ELU has been very nice to me. I love those guys.
You had a bad experience in the ELL room?
@Metamaterialgirl It is history now :)
Ah, si si.
@Metamaterialgirl You Italian?
Nah. Just a habitual thing.
@Metamaterialgirl Your writing is very good. Are you a native speaker of English. Btw I'm not a native speaker, my mother tongue is Urdu.
Plus I learned a little bit of Arabic.
And English of course.
@Arrowfar Oh gosh, thank you! And yes, English is my first (and only, if you don't count some Latin) language. May I ask where you're from?
I'm from Pakistan.
And you?
Ah, I had a coworker from Pakistan, in materials engineering. He was an interesting fellow. I'm from (and still in) the U.S.
> a form of Hindustani written in Persian script, with many loanwords from Persian and Arabic. It is an official language of Pakistan and is widely used in India and elsewhere.
Heh, I wiki'd it too.
@Metamaterialgirl What are you doing right now? Other than chatting?
This is kind of my 'catching up with people' hour, so I'm chatting with a few folks. Grocery trip next. You?
Nothing at all, lol.
Do some writing! :D
I am hoping to start studying on my own soon, though.
Need to study lots of math.
Ah, in school for it?
Nope. I just study all by myself, if I get to start. I have not been starting because my mind is in a mess.
Ah. What math are you studying now?
Nothing, LOL. Hence I have not started. =)
But in general?
Well, I am just going to read the books I have to prepare for GRE, that's all.
I am still finalising my reading list...
I had a big dinner just now. My mum cooked fish for the first time in her life, LOL.
Ah, best of luck on both the GRE and on the reading list. I hope the fish turned out well!
Do you know Kit well? I email her now and then.
She is a really nice person, and a good mother too.
Only through this chat and a tiny bit of Tumblr messaging, but I think she's awesome too.
OK. I get the impression you are a mother too, but it's just a feeling!
@Metamaterialgirl I used to paste my weekly Overlook writing exercises here:
I haven't participated in like months now.
Got bored I guess.
Nah, I just ran an online guild for awhile. Possible similar level of dealing with tantrums and such.
And cool exercise :)
I should try sticking some of these words in my books sometime.
Have you written and sold any books?
Written, yes. None sold yet.
Still working on getting them into sellable quality.
@Metamaterialgirl But those are foreign languages words like Polish, French, German etc. Never heard them, looks nice though.
Ha! found you!
Howdy Mitchy!
@Arrowfar I struggle with portraying emotions in my writing sometimes, so it's fun to have extra options. And English steals a LOT of words from other languages.
@Metamaterialgirl words are for beginners. real novelists don't need words.
@Arrowfar hey!
Hey @BESW! Hi @Mitch!
@Metamaterialgirl Hey!
@BESW and hey!
It would be fun to track that list and see how many (if any) actually do start being incorporated into popular writing.
@Metamaterialgirl nice. all those words are great. Also al the meanings. But frankly none of the words 'sound' like the meaning they're next to.
except maybe onism.
and maybe altschmerz
Eh, the perception of sound probably follows the use. If it's useful enough it'll start being perceived as sounding appropriate. The words that are adopted through their 'catchiness' (sounding good) are often low-info content, like LOL.
I am jumping in and out of rooms.
Or for shizzle.
It's very annoying to find the same patterns over and overagain.
fo' shizzle.
Like 'Why is my aunt still acting like that?'
LOL is my favourite word in chat.
Or picking up a newspaper about the palestinian problem, and you can't tell if it was written yesterday or 30 years ago. Shit, I had that thought a while ago... back in ... 2000.
Or about terrorism.
The mermaid there looks sweet.
@Metamaterialgirl funneh
@Jasper that's what's her name, the Little Mermaid. of yeah, Ariel. which is a weird name for a mermaid since it is the name of one of the archangels
also a bunch of other things that don't particularly count.
I've heard that if you say 'Ariel' enough times in a row, you disappear.
That's a load of horse shit.
Ariel, Ariel, Ariel.
See? Nothing.
Ariel, Ariel, Ari...
Ariel, Ariel, Ariel.Ariel, Ariel, Ariel.Ariel, Ariel, Ariel... Yeah nothing.

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