--Welcome to the Writers.SE NaNoWriMo Planning Chat--
So... National Novel Writing Month is just weeks away. We have a survey going out to MLs (NaNoWriMo Municipal Liasons) that more than anything hopes to bring them to the site and get them interested in it. They get a little NaNo goodie package in exchange for their time.
The big question is: What else can we do to help our site grow during NaNoWriMo?
I know the forums are pretty active so a link to the site in forum sigs (and then actively participating in forum discussions) is a subtle way to nudge people in the right direction.
Also mentioning how helpful Writers.se is in your profile is worth a shot, although I don't know how many people browse other user's profiles.
As there tend to be loads of questions at Nano about how to get that next 1667 words done by hook or by crook we could have a crib list somewhere of popular and highly voted questions of pantsing that we can point people to.
So you don't end up searching through all the questions all the time. After all I'm actually going to be writing a novel as well as visiting the Nano site and time will be at a premium... definitely.
What do you guys think about a spin on JIT business cards? I know when I meet other NaNo'ers I often want to hook up with them during the month. A Writers.SE business card with spaces for name, novel name, genre, writers.SE account, and nanoname ?
Is it possible that we could maybe get the Nano people to mark Writer's. SE as a "region"? Or something? So we can be a tribe that people can subscribe to our own sub-forum.
It's like any other kind of profession as soon as doctor's knock off I'm sure they're all smoking and drinking and stuff. When writer's get home they like to split infinitives and put prepositions in odd places.
See I wildly abused the apostrophe there.
Of course we should be careful not to do that on the Nano forums... :S
I think we've done some good stuff though. The region thing would definitely be handy.
Because it means we can discuss our strategy further on the Nano site itself.
Plus we get to see how high up the leaderboard our collective wordcount rises!
If Poland puts on as bad a show as they did last year I definitely think we'll beat them. There's a claim to fame: Writers.se, more collective Nano words than an entire country.
Anyway I need to slope off now. Good chat everybody!
second stage: the MLs that reply/receive gift boxes are evaluated. those with smaller LG's can have like 67% of their LG fill out the same survey and then get a fully sponsored write in or something
@LadybugKiller something between a useability and QC survey
Bach to these gift boxes: Besides the obvious pen and paper, I wonder if a small (and cheap) device exists which is a kind of ass-kicker, like showing "go write" every hour.
Again, I do not want a new design. Nobody at Nano knows it's only a sketch. Even if they do, so what. It's sketchy, but recognizable. just convince them to make some sticker with what we have.
Them: SE, not Nano guys ;)
If you want, I write that damn question on Meta, but honestly I do not see a need for that.
@LadybugKiller I just figure if we are going to theme the merchandise, it doesn't make sense to match it to a temporary theme. So I would say either don't bother theming it, or get a "real" theme before making merch to match it.
We have a time issue and we have a something-to-present-issue. Do you really want to not something simple as stickers, just because there is no final design? Companies change their logos every two years. (well, my does)