@waxeagle I'd be tempted to write a straight dungeon crawl. I think I could about manage that. With the assistance of my RPG-ing degree-in-creative-writing sister, I could probably come up with a decent campaign, but the details would kill me.
@waxeagle I've kept it on a grid, but I haven't been too strict about it. It's mostly so we can have moments like the wizard killing 12 kobolds with a single Burning Hands.
I started rolling Reflex saves, and then one of the other guys was like - half damage is still a guaranteed kill.
@waxeagle Yep, almost 100%. They handled it really well, and ticked almost all of the XP-granting boxes listed at the end of the episode, it just felt a little flat.
@Miniman that actually makes sense. Those are the scenes I have a lot of trouble as a relatively new DM making pop. Combat is easier as it's already dynamic, social/skill areas are harder
oh, did your PCs fight in the duel or did they send the guard dude?