@KevinvanderVelden There was also a bit in the 198x (idk) olympics where one of the broadcasters (a former ski racing silver medalist) went down the course in ice skates to prove how icy the course was (by design). WHAT ABOUT THAT?
I've read that in Pokemon Go battles yellow sparks give warning that your opponent is about to use it's Charge Move. I do see the wording 'x used x' but fail to recognise these sparks. Does anyone have a better description or image of what I should be looking out for?
room topic changed to Olympic Hell: It Is a Real Place, and You Will Be Sent There at the First Sign of Defiance. (wherein @fredley really IS an idiot) [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek] [gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah] [noooooooooooooooooooooooo] [whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy]