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Hi bern
We can continue the chat here
I assume you're reading the links I sent in the other chat room...
Ok, I understand both points of view. In the case of the user commenting, here is right in telling you not to edit old questions. This is because, when you edit them they appear in the front page. So working on tags, I would first avoid old ones and simply post them in Meta for a mod to deal with them, or the system to automatically remove the tags (old ones).
You are doing a great job helping out, but old ones are better left alone. Your best bet is to stick with newer ones.
If you are looking into deleting tags (cleaning the whole tag system), you could create a meta post about, suggesting which tags need cleaning and why.
Any additional help from the mods you would need in the future you can contact us directly with the @ symbol followed by our names. Reason why I simplified mine to just "luis".
I'm guessing SE didn't put your email on the top of the list because it wasn't really an SE issue, it was a local site issue. Just my thoughts on why you didn't get a (reasonably) quick reply.
Thanks for the clarification. I might just stay out of the way - I'd rather err on the side of caution :-)
Please avoid contacting Seth since he is some psycho trying to kill normal users
That being said, ElefantPhace's comments were rather rude.
I apologize for that.
@Bernmeister do not worry about it, the only wrong (which is not bad, just annoying) is you retagged old questions from the 1800s. In that case I recommend meta so you can ask for clarification and any ideas to help you with any updates you want to do to the site. As mentioned by our Psycho Mod (aka: Seth the killer), the comments were rather rude.
I will have an eye on that user
Thanks kindly. When I first read his comments and his question what had I actually done to help, I wanted to direct him to my PPA and show him the software which I've written for Ubuntu and it's users!
@Bernmeister btw the talk about Seth was a joke
(I assumed that)
Do I go on to meta (the site itself) or its chat version?
I had to say it, else Seth would come out at night and well.. let's just say I lost my wife, 3 kids and 4 puppies because of him.
not the puppies!
eww, that logo doesn't look too good.
There you go. The meta site in all of it's splendor!
@Luis: Thanks.
@Bernmeister So, the issue is, editing old questions just to remove one tag floods the front page with stuff no one really needs to see right now, and takes reviewer time.
It doesn't. I thought so too
so take it easy, keep on helping
but if in doubt, jump to meta
I know this causes problems when we want to remove a tag, but SE hasn't figured out how to handle that yet, backend wise.
@Seth: Yep. I'll FIRST look for a similar question on meta...THEN will ask my question. Don't want to more hot water!
And again, I apologize for the hot water.. That was not appropriate.
Anything else?
Done and dusted. Thanks muchly!
take care friend
Looks like… and the user who asked the question had the same idea as me...oh well!

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