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So: when shall we meet?
y helo thar
Ah, is that numbers for the weeks?
I realized that if we don't organize this soon, our window of opportunity will close
I was just thinking about this today as well, actually
You probably have the strictest availability, having exams and all
@FallenAngelEyes Considered that this will most likely happen on a weekend (saturday?) I guess that's the most compact way of putting the poll
@FallenAngelEyes Actually I expected you to have a pretty strict schedule, you busy woman
Oh, if it's on a weekend, then yeah, my schedule's not as flexible then
@FallenAngelEyes Well that's what I was shooting for because it's bound to be easier for everybody, but for me it can very well be any evening if it happens at Amsterdam
if not, well, my only problem is that I'm currently bikeless, but Amsterdam Zuid is a 30 min walk from here. Train timetables become my only limit
If we're meeting in Amsterdam, then yeah, trains will be my limitation as well, though I could probably con Jochem into picking me up rather than taking the train home at night.
well, if we're bound by trains then that means leaving at 11pm, so we'll want to schedule well in advance of that. Perhaps bring laptops for a lan party or whatnot.
I lack a laptop, unfortunately. :( Mine died earlier this year, though if it's a weekend, I could steal Jochem's work laptop for the day, if whatever I need to install on it isn't too hefty. Where would we do a LAN party?
I assume we couldn't set that up in a bar somewhere >_>
good point <_<
I certainly don't have the room here for that
I don't at my house either, my apartment is very tiny and @Arda still lives with his parents so that may be awkward.
I doubt Ivo has enough space either. Oh well. I mean, I could talk with the guys at the Uilenstede Cafè, which usually have very quiet weekends, but I doubt they are logistically ready for that
Have you invited @Ivo and @Arda to the room?
I know @Ivo doesn't stick around in the bridge often for productivity reasons (aka his crashes when he's there) so he might not see that the room exists otherwise
When do you leave exactly?
I haven't, but I didn't want to spam them either
@FallenAngelEyes Late January.
I don't have a day set in stone yet
Actually let's change week 4 to ifneedsbe
Gotcha. Yeah, we're coming up on holidays in Dec so that'll be busy.
I have exams on the last "work" week of December too
there's Sinterklaas in the beginning of Dec (though it's mostly a kids' thing) then Christmas and all
Yeah that would be bad
Should we shoot for somewhere in Nov, before everything gets busy?
That was my thinking too
Now perhaps a few of you might want to stay home on Nov 11th, especially if you're getting Skyrim...
and I imagine Arda would be busy with his school stuff in Dec too, so
I'm not a TES player, so I'll be passing that one over :)
@FallenAngelEyes Arda is never busy with school stuff.
Arda is always busy with school kidnapping stuff.
Luckily my age puts me in a safe place with that regard.
Err, kidnapping school is like... covered before you turn 10.
They teach you kidnapping while you're still a kid.
Right after you're done with the bikes, I imagine.
Bikes are covered before you turn 4.
(I'm not kidding with that last one)
@ArdaXi This does not surprise me at all
@Thomas is gonna grace us from across the pond? :O
What's @ThomasMcDonald doing here? :P
Looking at the rooms on index and wondering whether I want to come to Dutch
and then continuing to be nosy.
for like... only an evening?
or day, whatever, if we find something to do all day, like sit around staring at our laptops, talking with each other through chat rather than at each other's faces, you know, the usual for online meetups
I've only ever met one person I knew online first.
I've met about 3 dozen
give or take
Take a person? Now you're Dutch.
Give... not so much.
Anyway, I don't have a proper laptop either. I have a behemoth from 2 years ago that doesn't even run Windows 7.
Yeah, the one that I had, before it died, was a huge heavy one running XP. It could run some Steam games on low graphics and indie games and such, but nothing too hefty.
I'm not really much of a "go out and drink a lot" type person, so if that's the plan, then I shall plan to sit there awkwardly sober
I think mine could handle up to... well, Half Life would be pushing it.
@FallenAngelEyes I don't think that's a very good idea for a meet-up of like 4 people anyway.
@ArdaXi Seeing as we're all mostly uh, here talking on Friday and Saturday nights, I'm gonna assume that those of us who are meeting up aren't exactly huge "party people"
@FallenAngelEyes Heh. I do go out, just... rarely.
I feel as though someone in here is starring everything I am.
@FallenAngelEyes In my defense, everybody else here has exams next week
so I didn't even try seeing if somebody feeled like going out today
with my new meds, I'm not even really allowed to drink apparently
something about exacerbated liver damage, etc etc
I only have exams for the period 2 though. So I'm available now.
Oh well.
So what do we want to plan first, what we're doing or when we're doing it?
Or where?
Or [insert italicized interrogative here]?
@ArdaXi Because we're awesome sagenod
We're trying to see 'when' first
That's all the italicized interrogatives I know, aside from how?
@ArdaXi Whence?
If our schedules don't really overlap, it's a bit useless to discuss what.
Doesn't 'when' kinda sorta depend on 'what'?
Well the 3 of us have filled it in now, looks like we have overlap for just about all of next month
We need Ivo too. Dunno what other dutchies are around
late Dec. and early Jan. start become inconsistent
However, since a LAN party is out of the question, I guess the next big thing we could do is eat together.
Tom Wijsman is in Belgium
Early Jan is my birthday. I'm still available though...
Alexanderpas used to be around, but seemingly isn't anymore. He lives fairly close to where I do.
@ArdaXi You have a long birthday.
@FallenAngelEyes Well, he's online, just not here.
3rd week of Jan is my friend's bday, so I put myself tentative for then
@badp Yeah, well... it's a long story.
@badp IIRC you've seen him on Reddit, neh?
@FallenAngelEyes Go poke him.
@FallenAngelEyes Twitter mostly
I guess Drupal is taking all of his time
Ok, hopping into a LoL game so I won't be able to chat much for a bit
So yeah, based on availability so far, I'd vote for sometime in November?

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