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@kevinvandervelden @batophobia @ronanforman
how often are you in here
@Flaunting 100% of the time
fair enough
I just created it
out of interest what are your plans for the game
immediate plans
@Flaunting I'm working on settlement mechanics, @Kevin is working on exploration
Settlements will have a size, and will be populated with buildings that are expensive, but give special rewards
that is kl
how are you planning on displaying the information
@Flaunting Not got that far yet
but in theory you could have a blacksmith which increases the rate you can smelt ore
@Flaunting Yes, something like that
and a lumber mill to increase the speed of converting wood to planks etc
Houses give you extra villagers, etc etc
sounds like a good plan
I'll probably work on the UI next
balancing it will be fun
I've got the data layer pretty sussed out
@Flaunting fun/tedious
i presume it would end up being something along the lines of smith smelts x no. of ore every 5 seconds x No. of villagers (based on villager level)
@Flaunting Yeah. Something like that
what is the perpose of the shovel villagers atm
@Flaunting You give them a tool (different to assigning them in the first place) and they use it super efficiently
ok now that makes sense
I'm beginning to think tools isn't the best way to assign villagers anyway
When you create one you should choose, and it's fixed like that forever, but you can upgrade via a different mechanic
do you know about the issue with resizing your browser
also you could add in emeralds as a really low chance and use them to upgrade
You should be able to change their professions, but they lose all upgrades they've been given.
i think their professions should stick
because you can always get more
in actual minecraft you can't change a villagers profession you are stuck with them
Ooh. It could be like tinkers construct, you give them redstone to work faster, emerald to be luckier...
Maybe if the tools you gave them ran out, iron or flint or something would increase their durability.
i still think create an enchantment table mechanic
and have xp as a reward for exploring
enchant a pick has a random chance for enchant then when you give to a villager they take on that trait
That's also an option
i.e. luck, efficiency etc
Definitely more Minecraft rather than modded Minecraft
yeah it would make more sense
then you can also implement those to the user while adventuring, like have a sharpness sword and protection armor
an alternative to changing villagers professions could be having durability on tools (time durability) so that when the tool breaks you have to give them another one, but they are fixed till it breaks
@Flaunting Intead of time it should be number of uses
since number of uses on this is based on time i presume the same
I was thinking you meant real-world time
and it adds the possibility of an unbreaking enchantment having a use, and another benefit of diamond tools
I just woke up
That'd only work for digger villagers, the blacksmith wouldn't have a tool.
im in the UK and at work so quite awake
brain no work before 10am
@RonanForman his pickaxe can break
doesn't have to make sense
@flaunting I'm in the UK and have just woken up.
layabout @RonanForman
@bat We were thinking of changing that, so villagers weren't assigned by tool.
@RonanForman hmmm
@flaunt I'm a student, it's my right to be lazy.
what is your proposed alternative
if you did that and introduced the building mechanic you can assign them based on the building
then give them tools to give them a purpose
Because a blacksmith can't actually mine because they're stuck by the furnace, so why do they produce ore?
They could mine while it is smelting
i like it - multitasking
i still think the more furnaces you have the more efficiently you smelt
Hmmm, this sounds like it's getting out of hand
brainstorming is fun, and unfortunately its what i do for a living
We should really have a doc that says what everything should do.
@RonanForman Way ahead of you
@Flaunting multitasking seems like a bad idea for an incremental game
one resource should do one thing
@Batophobia Agree
A resource can be influenced by multiple things
But it should only do one thing
I think we should add Emeralds as a sort of currency and then you can buy upgrades to the furnace
@Batophobia Yeah, was thinking of doing that with emeralds
maybe have a trader villager that does like 1000 cobble : 1 emerald
@Batophobia I have a market building
It's pretty high-level though
I actually kind of liked badp's joke of having cobble be score
But yeah, by removing the tool business, villagers can be made into many more things, which are more logical than 'pickaxe? smith.'
@Batophobia Missed that
I think Yuuki was wondering if there would ever be a use for all the cobblestone and badp said it represents your overall score
@Batophobia Like in Minecraft: You'll always have too much cobble and dirt
But I can make buildings have insane cobble cost if that helps
but dirt is still pretty much useless
Currently they have a high stone cost, which will proabably be the bottleneck
@Batophobia Yup
stone cost is good
I was trying to think of something cool we could do with redstone
@Batophobia Yeah. I'll think on it
redstone could be used to upgrade buildings
like it
its how it works with minecraft, you use redstone to automate processes
so you use redstone as the price for an upgrade to the building
My initial thought was to make something like Bead Machine for redstone
i think if you add too too many interfaces to it then it will get crazy
when you can just add to a current mechanic,
@Flaunting so long as the interface and interaction are the same, multiple interfaces is fine
plus, it makes something new for the player to figure out
like you could have stone upgrades(more capacity for villagers) and redstone upgrades(efficiency in its process) then buildings could be fun
@Batophobia This is interesting
@Flaunting I do like this idea
@fredley problem was I couldn't figure out how it could work
tools already gather the resources
@Batophobia Goddammit! Now I'm playing this.
@RonanForman now you see why I wanted a redstone system like it
@Batophobia It is kind of fun. I've created a free lunch economy.
@RonanForman How?
damn you stop addicting me to things
I'm still trying to get 1000 triangles
the shuffler is amazing for triangles
@Flaunting 1 every 3 seconds, on average
I have another 2 pipelines making trianlges
FUuuuuuuccckkkk! It doesn't auto save.
@RonanForman nope
> The 'gentleman' stuffs all the triangles into his mouth at once.
great game
This cat just wants $100,000 again and again
Did I reach the end?
lol no you didnt
he wants it like 5 times, then you go "son of a..."
wtf pope
now i have to give away everything
takes forever
i have 600000 beads ffs
Transmuting all to $, 1k$->sink
Q: How can I quickly lose all my stuff to talk to the Pope?

BatophobiaWhen going for a walk, eventually you run into the Pope. He asks that you: Come see me when you have given away all of your posessions. This is a problem since I have millions of dollars and beads. How can I quickly get rid of all my things?

thanks quick change of plan
@Flaunting Hmmmmmm
I think it will take me longer to get to $1B
nah its easy
depends on what materials you have
i just wish i could convert beads into free lunch
I remember Triangles being the best starting point
@Flaunting How?
Oh dear, I've unleashed a monster
spend money to make money
i have focused everything on money production and the triangles to money works out really well
@Flaunting What's your $/s?
unluncher --> shuffler --> Converter(T-->$100)
you get 100,000 when it hits triangle
@Flaunting Room for a doubler on there
no i now have 60000 a tick without free lunch
Currently trying to give away everything.
Well actually turning it all into money so I can vend more hoppers to give away faster.
@RonanForman How many sinks do you have?
@fredley 1, but I'm not using it.
Vended another.
@RonanForman How are you throwing stuff away then?
No point sinking money when I can vend it away.
Good point
Operation Bribe the Pope
One word: Puzzlers
sigh I'm only losing 200 beads a tick.
This is going to take ages.
Don't remember when you get them, but you can lose a lot quickly
Ooh, got another sink
ok have to stop, work to do
Still going for $1b
Need more bead hoppers, I've only got 2 100 ones.
@RonanForman Vend vend vend
Trying, almost got 8.8mil.
I got a single *->$, sigh.
@RonanForman Wow
I've got two shufflers, but need another $->T
Hmmm, maybe I should start again, you only need beads for that first person right?
And triangles for the second.
I swear my $->$$ doublers aren't working
Do they have red arrows?
@RonanForman Not there
Oh no wait, I see, doublers don't double, they split
@fredley They copy
$600k (max)
Much better, I've started again and carefully controlled my bead production, now I just need to sink a bit of money for the pope.
If I vended until I got another shuffler and converter could get it up to $900k, but my vend price is too high right now
@RonanForman cheat
@fredley I ain't letting no game trick me into making useless beads.
Anyone past the machine yet?
@Batophobia Still saving for pope
How little do I need?
And now I need to produce beads.
@RonanForman might as well begin a little stockpile of triangles
This game is pretty stupid
addicting though
Awww crap. I'm the school's taking all my money, now I can't vend.
@RonanForman vending eventually changes to a different currency so get it while you can
Yeah, that just happened.
Ugh, still not saved up enough to bribe pope
Thinking this was a bad idea
I'm going to stop playing this game.
Probably for the best.
Getting to 0 for pope is impossibe though, since money piles up automatically
I went to him with $3: 'too much'
$-> *-> ]
have 2 of those, bam no money
anyway, machine idea like that for our redstone
but never, ever the "lose everything to continue" thing
unless we call it "Throw everything you own in the lava" so there's no wasting time figuring out how to get rid of things
That's the worst
I like the idea though
I really don't like the fact that the town automatically takes your money, makes it difficult to build up enough to make loads.
I wanted to vend, but when I got like 1% of the way to the next vend the school takes it all.
Gorram schools
@RonanForman You can turn school off
Well I've stopped anyway.
@fredley Answered

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