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[Minesweeper] Games Played: 277, Bombs Used: 214, Moves Performed: 34825, New Users: 19
3 hours later…
@IvenBach I finished all of my work for today and then played for about 2 hrs. I still ended up feeling guilty about it...
2 hours later…
FML... Why does factorio use the term ghost instead of queue for items you want to build. I get it with things that were destroyed though.
@SimonForsberg IrmaGourd. Logistic robots are like the mindless/soulless mechanical slaves I never knew I needed to fulfill all my building desires.
The tutorials alone show a level of refinement that's sorely lacking in many other games.
That Factorio is aware of keyboard switching in real-time makes it something special.
#TIL You can transfer between labs. Daisy chaining research here I come.
Having selectors place their finished product onto the underground conveyors... Enables a whole lot more build area. Time to gorge on factorio videos.
@Marc-Andre Parents don't want me to be gaming past midnight
@brug @Marc-Andre @Phrancis in Factorio if you Ctrl+Click on structure that has contents you can take from it without having to open the menu for it #TimeSaver.
@M.Doerner I've been watching some videos. I haz much 2 lurn.
I think it is best do do your first factory on your own.
After that, you might want to use something like this material calculator to get rid of doing all the math yourself.
My inner OCD has been nagging me in the back of my mind knowing that how I'm building is inefficient because I'm still just learning.
@M.Doerner Do you know of a hotkey that allows you to build electrical lines only at their maximum span?
No, but when you hold the mouse button down and drag (or just move) it will only build further poles at max distance.
It does not have to be super efficient, as long as you have fun figuring everything out.
1 hour later…
@IvenBach I knew you would like them :)
@M.Doerner Or a mod like FNEI or Helmod. Which the server is not using at the moment.
Actually I'm not sure how to specify which mods to use in the headless server... 🤔
2 hours later…
Hey everyone :)! Good morning!
Have a nice day all!
We were watching tv yestersay and heard water dripping. Welp turns out there a bit of water in the ceilling in the basement. Nothing major but well need to find where it came from.....
@skiwi how old are you already? And they dont want because of noise or for healthy style purpose?
@IvenBach That's also you that want to play factorio ahaha
@SimonForsberg Do you kbow about Docker Network?
@Marc-Andre 26; they don't want it because they don't want it
@SimonForsberg That calculator served me well for my lazy playthrough.
1 hour later…
@M.Doerner Lazy playthroughs are easy, don't handcraft more than what you need :)
@Marc-Andre Unsure.
I have to admit, I turned biters off for the lazy playthrough. Not being able to hand craft ammunition is a bit troublesome at the beginning.
@M.Doerner biters is all the ennemies or just a special type?
@M.Doerner Is that allowed for that achievement? :O
@Marc-Andre Technically biters is just one type of enemies, the crawling biting ones. There's also spitters, which are ranged units. But the setting that @M.Doerner refers to is for making them peaceful, so that they don't attack you unless you are attacking them.
It's called "Peaceful mode" and is one of the options when generating a new map
room topic changed to Coding Projects and Factorio Addicts :): Minesweeper Flags, Zomis' games, PDB, Cardshifter, and all other sorts of games and projects! All games found here: bit.ly/codereview-games [browser-tabs] [duga] [factorio] [fleet-command] [kotlin] [minesweeper] [pdb] [vue]
Factorio made it's way back into the room topic!
WE gotta feed Iven and Brug addiction to the game!
@IvenBach Did you buy the game?
@SimonForsberg Yes, it still counts for achievements; only mods are not allowed.
@M.Doerner Ah, I see
So I managed to shave off like a minute, and it cost me an hour, how many times do I need to do this task for it to be worth it?
That's totally how it works, right? Right?
@skiwi Once a month for 5 years. i.e. 60 times. But you could have figured that out, couldn't you?
@Marc-Andre Not yet. Using Simon's bootlegged copy he got me. If I buy it Factorio will consume my soul until I complete the game. That isn't an option available hence why I haven't bought a copy.
If you save 1 minute and you spent 60 minutes...
@IvenBach I have no idea what you are talking about.
No need to put it behind a pay wall. They know their product is good addicting. Give people a try hit and they'll be hooked. Perfect strategy.
Work time for me. :disconnects:
@IvenBach I had the same experience when I started playing. My cousin (@Etrisa) let me try it on his Steam account. I bought it about an hour afterwards.
Always happy to get people hooked on factorio, Factorio, the new heroin since 20something
I wish that they would add the classic 4 pack or whatever or actually do sales
@Etrisa ... which they will not.
@Etrisa 2016 I think
I'm aware, kinda lame
@SimonForsberg I mean shouldn't I figure it out before I start to work on the script? :D
Think it averages down to using it weekly though
Hey @Phrancis :)
I've befriended this young guy on Twitter, he's cool and always talking about learning coding. Also this is a fun little observation! twitter.com/jonamichahammo/status/1250125035454566406
3 hours later…
Hi all
I see the room name has changed
@dustytrash Hi!
@dustytrash It does semi-regularly :)
Based on what is the "hot topics" in the room. You can see thst Simon doom us all by sharing with us Factorio
hahaha makes sense
it's a pretty sick game
Looks like the hospital are sending out emails for employees to do the training for phishing emails... so people are calling IT to see if the email about phishing emails is a phishing email...
Ahahhah it's perfect
2 hours later…
Found this article on James Webb Space Telescope interesting, if anyone else is into space and shit. nasaspaceflight.com/2020/04/…

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