Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions. It was founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago.
Mesopotamian religion refers to the religious beliefs and practices followed by the Sumerian and East Semitic Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and later migrant Arameans and Chaldeans, living in Mesopotamia (a region encompassing modern Iraq, Kuwait, southeast Turkey and northeast Syria) that dominated the region for a period of 4200 years from the fourth millennium BCE throughout Mesopotamia to approximately the 10th century CE in Assyria.
Mesopotamian polytheism was the only religion in ancient Mesopotamia for thousands of years before entering a period of gradual decline beginning between the...
Thank you @rubberduck203 for making the credentials handling more secure! Awesome idea and very neat code! :+1: https://twitter.com/Rubberduck203/status/599631525139779584
Well they do have some differences but the majors ones are all the sames ! But they included some others myths from others nations from the time so. But yeah I would jsut pick one
As far awkward situations today, today I was trying to be polite and let someone leave her seat in the bus so she coudl actually exit, but it was a bit slow, so I decided to walk on, and almost impact
> After giving this some though, I think a value of 100 for Mana might work good. It will have more precision than say, 10, and also carry the familiar "Percent" used. Any objections?
I am so tempted to use MONKING instead of MONKEY KING ;)
card('MONKING') {
creature "Chinese"
flavor "The infamous irrepressible Monkey King and Great Sage Equal Of Heaven"
health 1
sickness 1
manaCost 1
attack 1
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit 38b496d0 to groovy: added onCard trigger that can be used to add things to cards, scrap action is now added from inside scrap.groovy
My situation
I call multiple Groovy scripts from Java, they both contain long-lived Groovy objects.
I would like my Groovy scripts to make some changes to a Java meta-class for a Java class (that have about 100 instances). However, the scripts should be able to make different changes, and chang...
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit 4f2da49a to groovy: EntityCreatedEvent is now executed by core, which is intercepted by groovy to change the metaClass for the newly created entity
Why am I not seeing the new files I made today when I bring up Eclipse...
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter francisveilleux-gaboury$ git status
On branch js
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/js'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
I emailed the folks at godchecker.com to see if they would give permission to use some of the site's content for Mythos (each entry has a "short description" and they are quite good). Will let you know how it goes