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6:20 PM
I know we can't do health questions in the main site, but this has been bothering me for a while… Is botulism a higher risk in the US than the UK? It is always mentioned as the 'scary stuff' when talking about food preservation, yet is in reality almost unknown in the UK.
academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/28/4/337/1622732 states there have only been 62 cases in the past century in the UK - which really to all intents & purposes would make it a non-concern.
6:57 PM
@Tetsujin It’s not that health would be totally taboo. Both food safety (along the guidelines of authoritative sources) and quantifiable, limited nutrition questions are perfectly acceptable.
Not sure whether the underlying question in your post would qualify or not.
7:14 PM
@Stephie I'm not sure there can be much in the way of an underlying question, except perhaps "Are we too scared of an almost non-existent threat, viz Botulism?"
…which I'm sure would get downvoted to oblivion ;-)
Have a virtual treat instead:
I do have to admit, for [too many years to mention] that very often my lunch is last night's leftovers, simply left there right there on the stove top - but with the lid on ;-)
hehe, thank you :)

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