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@waxeagle: Heya, how's it going?
all right
@Khashir you wanted to talk d6 rerolls?
if not too much trouble
First and foremost, definitely not denying that rerolling 5s is a bad idea.
What I'm saying is the rerolling 1-5 results in a higher average than just rolling the dice straight up.
You mean having the option?
To reroll?
no, always rerolling.
If you reroll anything that is not a 6, you will do better than not rerolling
You will do worse than rerolling 1-3 only
Can you explain the 6*1/6 + 3.5 * 5/6 = 3.92 part? Maybe I'm not understanding it. or rather, let me try to explain what I understand, and you can point out my error. The first term in the expression is just 6 (the number 'we want'), weighed by its probability. the second is the average roll, times the probability of the remaining rolls. Is this correct?
Sure. Let me expand it a bit so you can see what I'm doing
1/6 * (6)/1 + 5/6 * (1+2+3+4+5+6)/6 = 1/6 * 6 + 5/6 * 3.5 = 3.92
@Khashir that's right
basically, all we're doing is shifting the average to account for the higher possibility of a 6
Basically, the only reason I included rerolling <=4 and <=5 was to show that reroll <=3 is a sweet spot
I would be the last to advocate rerolling those. You beat the average, don't bother rerolling.
But it seems that the calculation is not taking into account that, when rerolling a five, 4/6 of the rolls are lower... i.e., there is an even higher probability of rolling much less than 6
@Khashir it's factored in
see how that is lower than rerolling 1-4?
Hmm, true
that's because you've taken certainty out of the equation.
this is why rerolling 4s is word than 1-3, and why 5s is even worse
(and it's symetrical, keeping 2s and 3s leads to the same outcomes)
What about the 5/6 probability? is that accounting for rolling 1-5?
@Khashir yes.
becuse 5/6 times you're rerolling
and you have even odds to roll anything 1-6 on that die (hence 3.5 average result)
Oh well. I was falling back on my (albeit rusty) expected value calculation. Here's the thought, though granted, it might be wrong: if X is a random variable that represents the increased damage from rerolling, the average increase is the weighted average of each possible increase. In other words, if you roll a 5, then the average increase will be sigma(p * [roll-5]). So:

1/6*(1-5) + 1/6*(2-5) + 1/6*(3-5) ... + 1/6*(6-5).
this comes out negative because rerolling above 3 is bad idea
and comes out positive when rerolling below 3
(typing up some excel stuff, to see what comes out for all rolls)
yes. that's expected value for the reroll of any one die. Different from the average based on arbitrary reroll rules
(yeah rerolling a 5 leads to a -1.5 because the average on the reroll is 3.5
so with this you can actually do these in your head, because we have a known initial value, and a known average. So your expectation changes are as follows:
1 -> +2.5
2 -> +1.5
3 -> +.5
4 -> -.5
5 -> -1.5
6 -> -2.5
(but the expected value of a random variable is the average...)
Oh well.. I think we cleared things up a bit more
I see where you're coming from. let me show you how my math arrives based on these expected values though :)
jajaja, thanks for the patience
If you reroll 1-5, the sum of the expected value changes is 2.5+1.5+.5--.5-1.5 = 2.5/6 = .416
Which is exactly what I said it was :)
but this way of going about it shows why my math works the way it does, which is cool, and helpful to me
Ok. I have to say, I'm not so convinced of the mathematical interpretation of taking the average of the average
But I haven't done prob and stats in 7 years
so, I'll leave it at that ;)
been a bit for me as well. Let me figure out why that works.
AH! because there's a missing term, expected change on a 6 is 0 in this case, because we keep a 6
(Since you're already taking weighted averages to get the 2.5, 1.5, etc., taking the simple mean of that is odd)...
(or something. Let's do teh whole equation
ok. 1/6 of our result is a 6
 1/6 * 0 + 1/6 * (-1.5) + 1/6 * (-.5) + 1/6 * (+.5) + 1/6 * (+1.5) + 1/6 * (+2.5)
that's why you can divide by 6
hang on, that's not quite right, there is a missing factor in there
oh, this is expected change. the first factor is 0, it's not changing
wait, let me type out the thought
@Khashir what do you mean?
if you expand what you typed above, what you're calculating is

1/6 [1/6 (3.5-1)] + (1/6) [1/6 (3.5-2)] ... 1/6 [1/6 (3.5-6)]
because the -1.5 already have the 1/6 probability built-in
@Khashir doesn't have the 1/6 built in though
hmm, the way i got those numbers in excel was with the weighted average i mentioned
(1/6)*(1-D9) +(1/6)*(2-D9) +(1/6)*(3-D9) +(1/6)*(4-D9) + (1/6)*(5-D9) +(1/6)*(6-D9)
1 2.5
2 1.5
3 0.5
4 -0.5
5 -1.5
6 -2.5
they're added up though to make a whole
so, the D column refers to the column with the rolls 1-6
the top factor becomes a 6, and they cancel
so, any operation performed on those [-2.5, 2.5] values already incorporates the range of probabilities
And the most important part, I think, is that it captures something we know to be true: rerolling anything that's above the average is a bad idea
Right, but only for that roll. You still have the odds of rolling that and needing to reroll it
@Khashir Right. My only argument is that rerolling 1-5 is better than average. Not that it's a good idea
and by bad idea, i mean, you get a worse result, on average
oh well
it seems we are at an intellectual impasse 8)
it's ok, the bottom line: ≤3, reroll, otherwise, no
and we're all happy campers
(or we could always take it to Math SE, ask someone to clear this up 8))
(is there a math SE?)
there are 2, and a stats.se
maybe even 3...might be a math educators now
ah, sweet
@Khashir yes, we agree there
If I reroll a 1, my expected change is +2.5. I'm going to reroll a 1 1/6 of the time. I'm going to reroll a 2 1/6 of the time for an expected change of +1.5 so on an so forth. I'm not going to reroll a 6 and I'm going to get one 1/6 of the time so there is no expected change on this roll. This is how my math is coming out. This results in an expected change of +.416
This is captured in the following: I'm going to reroll anything but a 6, so I'm going to reroll 5/6 of the time with an expected result of 3.5. I'm not going to reroll a 6 1/6 of the time for an expected result of 6. The expected result of this roll is 3.916 Which is my initial equation.
Fair enough. I see that, I guess my worry is still that the math doesn't reflect as strongly what we know is a pretty convincing conclusion (the bottom line described above)
At this point, I'll review my math, cause I really need to make sense of it
Thanks so much for the time
and patience
no prob, helps me to have to explain it
I understand why my math works much better now
on another note, re: meta magic/bonus action casting, I've been wondering whether there's an ambiguity in the rule that should be cleared up. In other words, it seems unreasonably restrictive that you can quicken Hold Monster and then Shocking Grasp, but not the other way around.
@Khashir I think it's to prevent the scenario you described. To prevent you from using a different meta magic effect on Hold Monster
Hmm... yes, it's powerful, but it's a heavy investment in one turn/char dev, no? I've picked 2 features, spent 5 SP, and a L5 spell slot...
Agree, it would be a hefty investment, but your net result is also an auto critted 4d8 spell.
(at L20), and at L20 that's not very many SP :)
(and man my your you're and there they're their is bad today
(well, not net result... still subject to them failing Wis saving throw, and me not missing my attacks)
Yes, they have disadvantage on their save, and I would have advantage on my attack
still not guaranteed... given the heavy investment
Hmm, well, L17 ;).
and the monster remains held :)
right, 17
Yep. Monsters at that level can often choose to save anyway...
only legendaries
that's reserved for bossish types
though there aren't many CR 17 monsters that aren't legendary....
I'm kind of interested to see how high level play works. Hopefully RoT will have a solid taste
I'm really happy with how fast campaigns move in 5e though. the starter seems like its going to take about ~10 sessions
and my PCs will be about L6
We haven't had that much luck in moving quickly through the campaign
though I have made liberal use of random encounters
(just because the party didn't move Stealthily to the keep, and the ended up rolling 3 encounters)
yeah, I haven't. We've had 1. And I may do one or two more in the cave if they take rests in bad places
That's largely out of interest of time. I'd rather get stuff done than spend time killing randoms
but this has been good because it's helping set the pace (our previous sessions were usually very slow, mostly because of ADD + excessive over the top sand-boxy RPing
group would get distracted, lose focus
start looking at birds
@Khashir gotcha, and in that case, a random encounter can bring you back to focus on the game
yeah. they were surprised that we got through 3 encounters in 2 hours, which is a record for us...
my guys here have done a great job of staying on task and getting stuff done
@Khashir I love how fast combat moves. We did the first 1/3 to half of WEC in like 3.5 hours the other week. And that was 4-5 combat encounters
(i'm basically defibrillating the group, so we can get into the adventure at good pace)
Wave Echo Cave
I haven't looked at the starter
well, I haven't even looked past greenest in flames
I'm hoping proper GM takes charge at the end of this
I'll be starting HOTDQ sometime either late this month or early next depending on when this current adventure ends
Sweet. If there's a spot available, let me know :).
Would be awesome (and very instructive) to see how someone else runs it, esp. someone much more experienced.
Will do (please don't take me for experienced at this point...I've been playing D&D for about 4 years and only DM occasionally)
any one of the players in my current group have probably twice as much experience as I do
(well, but you've run more 5E than I have ;))
and been more in touch with the RPG community
at large
fair enough. i've run 10 sesions now :) (plus a few play test sessions)
I'm just realising how taking 1 Level in Life Cleric can be a sweet deal for a sorcerer, given Twinned Spell and Quicken Spell.
So does the 5e Player's Handbook offer optional combat rules, like armor as damage resistance or giving players a defense bonus as they level up, as 3.5 ed did?
@RobertF Not that I recall
Hmm, I bet it wouldn't be too hard to use those optional rules in 5e w/out breaking the combat system.
Hmm... I think that feature might be taken up by higher-level equipment
so, magical armor with resist 5/
or something
So the 5e PH offers magical armor with +5 damage resistance?
Oh no--most magical equipment will be in the DMG, it seems. And the feature you're describing sounds like it could be filled by such equipment
Rather than being given passively to players or non-magical equipment--that would run counter to bounded accuracy.
Ah, got it. Something else that could be tweaked in 5e is to allow advantage dice to be stacked. The average die roll when rolling 2d20 & taking max roll is 13.825, vs. 10.5 for 1d20, equivalent to a +3.325 modifier. Doing a little math, the average die rolls when you have two advantage dice is 15.4875 (= +4.9875 modifier), and for three advantage dice it's 16.4833375 (= +5.9833375 modifier). So the modifier effect flattens out as you roll more advantage dice, which is a nice mechanic I think.
I think advantage dice could be expanded to cover more combat modifiers. Especially if playing a gridless campaign, give +1 advantage die to a combatant with longer weapon (spear vs sword, or sword vs, dagger), or mounted on a horse, or wielding a shield.
Hmm, no comment =P, seems like a lot of changes... not to mention that, while the average might be a 3.325, I vaguely recall someone commenting on how much more likely you are to crit with adv
and if you combine that with features that expand critical range...
or multi attacking
I'm still wrapping my head around many subtleties of the current mechanics, so, I really can't say much of substance re: drastic changes like the ones you propose
Though I can say, re: longer weapons... you'd have to offer something of value/impose a penalty to players who want to wield short weapons/long weapons. Otherwise, everyone would be wielding a 10"pole with a scythe tied to one end.
Wonder if you could mitigate critical hit inflation w/ mutliple advantage dice by letting any 1's cancel out a 20 as a crit hit. Would have to do the math.
I quite like the elegance and nuanced simplicity of the current system.
Historically, the spear was a kickass weapon. Spear + shield was a really effective combo. If everyone fought with spears and shields (including the Orcs), then the advantage dice would cancel out.
But that doesn't sound like fun =p
everyone fighting with the same weapon. I'm not particularly fond of spears; at least not all the time.
Anyway, I'm heading out
Take it easy man,
The problem is that spears don't inflict a lot of damage compared with heavier weapons (only 1d6 piercing). So even when your opponent has a reach advantage, if you're wearing plate armour you could walk right in.
Wasn't Faerie Dragons used as familiars before? Noticed that it doesn't have a familiar variant box in the new 5e monster manual.
@Chryckan it is not in the list for Find Familiar, so not in this edition
@RobertF Really the only optional rules in the PHB are a very quick note about gridded play, and feats. All the rest of the optional stuff seems like it's going to be in the DMG or future supplements
Just learned the functional difference (on a grid) between a cube and a cylinder
(Though I'm still working on the difference between a spehere and a cylinder re: grid)
well, one difference actually is important there.
Cube: origin can be anywhere on a face
Cylinder: origin must be the *center* and is either the top or bottom
Sphere: origin is the vertical *and* horizontal center.
Cone: projected out, can't include your space (may only be 2-d)
interesting all of these can be the exact same area on a grid
(At least in my games)
30' cube , 15' radius cylinder (and 30' high), 15' radius sphere, and 30' cone are all 6x6x6 (or so) on a grid.
@waxeagle - I have a feeling WotC didn't want to recreate combat mechanisms from the 3.5 rules, which many see as too fiddly.
well, they haven't said what spell effects look like on a grid yet. I'm really hoping they do what they did for 4e, and just use square measures. I'm guessing they'll go with something more complicated and more verisimilitudinous though
Origin is the square occupied by the spellcaster?
depends. Some spells yes, other spells no. Cone spells yes. Other spells maybe.
Also, 5e uses the terminology point (it stays away from square, but does use space). Cubes can ignore their point of origin, but it's unclear how exactly that happens, was reaiding some WOTC forum discussion on that. It may be because they can project a cube, that they don't have to be in it of they don't want to, or it may be that they can stand in the blast and not be affected. I honestly can't tell.
Do the sphere & cylinder spells extend below as well as above the spellcaster?
sphere yes. Cylinder no, it can either go up or down from the origin point (as hte origin is one of the flat faces)
the origin of a sphere is the center. The origin of the cylinder is the center of the top or bottom
@waxeagle No but I meant in earlier editions. Could you use faerie dragons in those as familars?
no clue before 4th. 4th had a dragonling familiar
Dragonling was that like a pseudodragon?
2 hours later…
So, I think I found a combo that's likely to get the nerf bat asap... Sorcerer with 1-2 'lock levels basically gets the Sorc capstone feature.
dem casters
I was so excited when I realised that I could recover 6 SP after each short rest
only to realise that it's so good, it's broken
(well, you give up 2 SP by dipping 2 levels, so, net 4 SP... which is the capstone)
@Chryckan In 3.5 a faerie dragon was avilable as an Improved Familiar
Anything you can do the DM can do better
@Khashir You can use the Warlock spell slots to cast Sorcerer spells, but can they be traded for SP?
it is the ultimate leveler for D&D
I thought that feature said sorcerer spell slots specifically (try saying that 5x)
NA, it doesn't
it just says spell slots
you could tweet mearls for an off the cuff adjucation
well, i don't think any sane GM would allow it
but 5e is ultimately "whatever you want it to be"
i wonder if my twitter account is still active
Oh I'd allow it but it would be clearly telegraphed that news of your spell slinging exploits had won you renown, enough renown that powerful forces wanted to control/destroy you
basically you would get a capstone as early as level 3, PLUS the benefits of dipping
also that PC becames the meta focus of all combat enemies
well, that's 'soft prohibition'
in-game, there's no way enemies have a way to know that you're recovering spells on short rests
im not saying this in a rocks fall everyone dies way
not for awhile no, but enemies in 5e will quite often be spell casters
they will know the ins and outs of magic and figure out your secret sauce
what I am saying is, on a meta level, the challenge of the game will rise to meet the aptitude of the party'
sorry, net glitch
it's not like I'm casting Meteor Swarm at L3; , there's very little sensory 'leak' such that enemies could find out that this is going on.
ah, fair enough. i'm down with that, increased challenges sound fun
im envisioning a recurring villian or recurring antagonist organization figuring it out
though if i were gming, not sure how i could handle that
trial and error i guess
balance is a fickle lady
(btw, did you see my post about Wall of Fire? We got it wrong =P)
thats my biggest negative to 5e, balancing is trial and error and very table dependant
yeah, when there's so much looseness, it takes a while
still, one thing i learnt after fudging, err, improvising like a madman in the last sessions
is that, as long as people are having fun, feeling the challenge/excitement
it's good
(gonna try to log into twitter)
I wish I could force my followers to unfollow me
All these acquaintances added me over the years, and today is my first tweet
They must be so excited.
Anyway, tweet is off
I'll report back
I only follow my favourite Gelato place in Vancouver, so I know when they have Mojito Gelato.
Hmm, what's considered proper etiquette when tweeting Mearls? If I have two questions, should I ask 1 first and wait a while, or can I ask 2 right away?
@Khashir Ask it on twitter.SE, obviously!
oh crap
How do I do that?
That was a joke
I gets it
I think there might be an etiquette.SE you could try, or you could just go ahead and ask Mearls your questions
I don't think he's too hypersenitive :P
just did

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