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I don't see any need to make the DC easier. I feel like the intent is if you know the spell and level you can cast at higher level, but if you don't then you cast as normal and have to make the DC
It depends if you want to reward correct judgement or mitigate incorrect judgement, I guess.
yeah. Honestly, I like the suggestion in the answer that just came through, but I think the DCs are way out of whack
I'd go 10 you know the school, 15, the spell and 20 the spell level
with adv disadv depending on how many components you observe.
1 dis adv, 2 normal, all 3 adv
hmm, fair enough
the alternative thought was that, just like the higher level spell can counter without a roll, so can it facilitate the roll
i.e., it's simply a more powerful counter
@Khashir I can see the reasoning, and it makes sense
Just seems like a difficult thing to keep balanced
will, you're basically bridging the gap between the spell and CS
doesn't seem so outlandish
moreover, I don't like the idea of an 'arbitrary' leap in counter potential
imho, doesn't feel right: CS L3 has the same chance as CS L8 to counter L9 spell
Again, I can see your reasoning, and it makes sense
ah, sorry
was trying to defend the 'balance' part
in good spirit, of course
@Khashir Yeah, I guess I'm just not comfortable with houseruling, personally
ah, but there are so many things that need errata atm
Yeah, but I almost made a ruling that would have turned my Assassin player into a god
we're merely filling-in the gaps left by the devs (not to mention that such is 5e's spirit
oh... do tell?
spare me the mistake
Well...you know how the Assassin rolls enough dice on a surprise attack to kill a dragon with minimum damage?
I almost said that attacking from Invisibility would be a surprise attack.
@Miniman oh yikes no. just adv
@waxeagle Yeah, that was where the Invisibility question came from
speaking of which, I owe someone a better answer on an R20 question. firing it up
Surprise has very specific constraints... not to mention that dragons have blindsight anyway
so, unless the rogue is attacking from at least 60 feet away
*more than
@Khashir Does blindsight let you see through invis? It hasn't come up at all, so I barely looked at the ability yet
huh, why did R20 actually launch...I'm signed into our VPN....shouldn't have worked...
well, it means that depriving the monster of visual input doesn't affect how it perceives its surroundings
whether it's blindness, invisibility
the flavour varies from one monster to another, but presumably, a dragon's is based on smell and hearing
(oh, thank you :))
@Khashir Nah, dragon senses are like an awesome radar. The dragon continually sends out waves of awesomeness. It can read its surroundings by how much bounces back from mundanity.
That's why if you want to hide from a dragon, you have to be as awesome as possible.
@waxeagle: I just heard back from the R20 forums, it seems that I'd need a subscription, + tinkering with the API
to do the fancy initiative rolling thingamajig
yeah, I gathered that from the answer that was there. withdrew my answer...though I'm thinking about undeleting and editing that it looks like it should be possible, but it doesn't actually work
so, what's the best way for a sorcerer to have a decent melee attack?
the options i've seen so far
(for the purpose of anti-caster, with the Mage slayer feat)
dip 1 lvl in monk, gets unarmed strike
dip 1 lvl in druid, get shillellagh
dip 1 lvl in rogue, get sneak attack
*melee weapon attack
(or does this question qualify for SE?)
@Khashir Cast polymorph?
@Khashir do they get magic weapon?
And that question would definitely be edgy
who gets magic weapon?
best melee weapon for a sorcy? shocking grasp.
yes, but it's not melee weapon :(
(who needs a weapon)
so, I can't use it with Mage Slayer
@Khashir If you're looking for mage slayer, you'd be crazy not to use a reach weapon
hmm, how so? 2 of the 3 perks require you to be within 5 ft of the caster
@Miniman why? doesn't help anything
• When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.
• You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.
Oops, my bad. I was thinking in terms of OAs, but that's not how it's phrased
If you're looking for mage slayer, you'd be crazy not to use a reach weapon
there, fixed!
there really isn't going to be a way for a sorcy to have a competitive melee attack without a hefty (5 levels) dip into something else
@waxeagle Yeah, the problem is that every class is reasonably good with any weapon they are proficient in
Bonuses above proficiency + stat are basically only obtainable from class features
man, 5e has been really cramping my style :(
yeah, I'm more thinking of scalability though. having a tier 1 attack is great...but if you don't have a way to boost the damage significantly, it's not worthwhile past there
(well, shillelagh scales pretty well)
i've had to rework my char 4-5 times now
not really....
it's still 1 attack
and no bonus damage
The thing is, any character in 5e is reasonably optimised just by being in 5e. The higher levels of optimisation that existed in 3.5 are almost impossible to obtain
oh wait shit
But to match that, it's difficult to accidentally make a character suck
when I cast shillelagh, it's Wis mod bonus
not cha
well, actually, the 3-4 concepts I had in mnid
or rather, the 3-4 iterations of the concept
hence, having to scrap them
@Khashir yes it would be...but even still, 1 attack is good at tier 1, will lag throuhg tier 2 and will abysmal by tier 3
still, I was thinking Cha Mod
which at least goes up
so, no luck
Your best bet for a 1 level dip is probably monk for 1st level multiple attacks, then find spells to buff your damage
oh well...
@Miniman that might work
yeah, originally I had monk, but then realised unarmored defense doesn't stack with Draconic Resilience... so, I was stuck with a 16 AC char
and it's dex which you want to boost
unless there's a way to boost AC taht I haven't seen?
@Khashir Shield is op, but the short duration hurts
@Khashir not really, no...
I mean, if I could have a Black Dragon Mask, that would solve all my problems
single level dips into specific things (fighter), defensive duelist feat...better armor
yeah, i dipped into cleric
The problem there is that most things overwrite your AC calculation rather than adding additional bonuses
for Shield prof, Shield of Fait
good call, both highly useful
Cleric is definitely the best 1 level dip (again)
Especially since it gets you all the proficiencies
even fighter doesn't do that
yeah, that seems ripe for some errata...
i thought cleric only gave light, medium, shield prof
ah nvm
i you mean the actual mc
rather than starting Fighter/Cleric
yep, domains too op (again)
yep... dat Life Domain
@Khashir Honestly I'd say Life is weaker than War or Tempest
why? I looked at both
thought life seemed ebtter
might be wrong
@Khashir Life doesn't give martial weapons
(This is all from memory, so take it with several grains of salt)
yeah, that's true for war, and probably tempest
still, at most that would get me a rapier
which I have to stow to cast spells
True, I was speaking in general
ah yeah
That said, the other Life features are gonna be pretty useless to a guy with no healing spells
you can grab cure wounds
at L1
and it heals 3 more than non-life... and scales from there
Cure wounds isn't too useful
in battle, healing word-style healing is way more useful
out of battle, there are better ways to heal
i see what you're doing... you come to crush my dreams again?
(I kid, do tell)
hmm, for a sorcerer, CW is probably better than HW because I can't cast a spell
after HW anyway
so, might as well use my action to heal as much as possible
Lunch soon, I'll check my books so I have some idea of what I'm talking about
@Khashir cantrip after
use your cantrips, they are awesome
oh that's right!
nvm, I said nothing
i forgot you can cast cantrips
what are these out-of-battle healings you speak of, @Miniman?
@Khashir Short rests
There's a few ways to make them more effective
-_- lol
I'm super hungry, (wax's fault) so I'll be back after lunch with refreshed knowledge
bon appetit
1 hour later…
Ok, with my newfound knowledge, I can say that Life domain was probably a good call
1 hour later…
It's not bad, and can act totally non-violently but still destructively, as its description implies. Though I never was a fan of the creature itself. A couple of notes. First, this really could use a quick rule on fixing things, say, a blacksmith would do it for 5gp per point of penalty. Second and more importantly, once it has touched an item it is immediately ruined, which removes any further concerns.
I'd rather see, for instance, a DC 10 check made at the end of the encounter with -2 per each point of rust, to see if the weapon just needs cleaning or if it's gone. That way, each round of fighting is further risk and further choice.
Or, even, DC 0 +4 for every point of rust penalty, to really drive it home.
Another point to make is that at the level you'd be fighting it, the damage penalty would soon make the weapon less useful than fists. d8-2 averages to the same as d4. Perhaps... Yeah. I'm going to rewrite the bloody rust monster right now. Should probably do it for 13th Age, but lets start with 5e as an exercise.
Rust metal: Each time a metallic object is said to become *rusted*, make an unmodified d20 roll DC 0 +4 per each point of rust the object already has (each metal object has 0 points of rust by default). On success, the object gains another point of rust. On failure, the object is corroded into a pile of useless rusted metal flakes and is gone forever. At the end of a fight in which at least one point of rust has been inflicted, all rusting objects make the check with same modifiers. On success, rusting is superficial and can be cleaned up during a short break. On failure, the object disinte
For a nastier monster, let it heal whenever an object corrodes (though healing monsters are generally to be avoided).
I think such creature would be much more interesting to fight, as there are multiple layers of risk vs reward decisions present, some of which can be mitigated via other game mechanics.
Though... I might be inclined to have the DC 0+ save only at the end of combat.
[shrug] That's really a style choice.
It definitely can be fiddled with.
is no. 7!
5 hours later…
@Miniman ;)
@Miniman life is sweet for non-dedicated healer: the trickle starts to add up. The only downside I have with the domain atm is that, with 8 str, heavy armor prof is not useful. And Knowledge is so so sweet (just because I like polyglot PCs and proficient PCs)
@Miniman also, Healing Word is so much better than Cure Wounds: it's not just a bonus action, but no S component, and range 60 ft, rather than touch.
1 hour later…
@Magician fists are only 1 point of damage, but agreed
personally, I'd keep a staff around for the rust monsters
@waxeagle Actually, that raises an interesting point. Rust monsters, historically, are only interesting as a meta-creature. It's a check: do you know about them and have you prepared accordingly? In many ways weapon damage types are the same, though less reliant on D&D mythos.
how many monsters has WotC released?
By demonstrating your knowledge of D&D, you trivialize a vast swath of creatures.
@Khashir ...ever?
oh no
just leading up to MM/DMG
Intellect Devourer thingo
this one
@Khashir Oh, haven't seen that one. Do you have a link?
@Magician huh, good point.
I guess the proper play here is "is my character aware of the existence of rust monters?" Y: you have a staff; N: you do not have a staff
But if the party is aware and prepared, the encounter with rust monsters becomes pointless!
hmm, not really
they can still rust armor
so, unless the medium/heavy wearers are gonna doff in the underdark
read: bad idea
They'd have to purposefully try to feed and not fight for survival, which is a very odd behavior for an actual creature.
or they can send the monk to FoB it
or the shapeshifted Druid
the thought was that, without meta-gaming (as you said), some of these monster encounters are brutal
and can take down a low-level party
the little i've heard/read involves GMs making monsters 'easier'
@Magician lol, now I'm picturing a rust monster stalking the metal critters, and gnawing on their armor when they sleep...
@waxeagle See, that's actually fun. "You wake up to slobber on your naked torso." "I thought we've established dwarves always sleep in armor!" "Yup!"
i wonder how many monsters will require such tweaks, and what it reveals about the 5e design =P
I've read Intellect Devourer (thanks, btw). If it's not a party killer, I don't know what is. CR2!
@Magician yeah. Rob Donoghue had some excellent comments on it and how it could be a group breaker if used badly
not just a TPK, but an end to your RP group
Badly? I don't see how it won't be used badly.
> Bottom line, this is a scary monster. Like, maybe crossing the threshold of the implicit GM/Player understanding scary. Some tables will be fine with that. For others, this is one of those monsters that will probably be made more scary by it attacking NPCs, or otherwise used very cautiously. But figure out which way your GM leans before deciding to use intelligence as your dump stat.
well, one GM said that a party unaware of it could face the following situation: the cleric gets its brain devoured, and the only notice to the player is a paper slip saying: role play a cleric that's now hostile to the party, without giving it away unnecessarily (stylistic flourish added for effect)
Yeah. It does damage enough to kill outright, has a secondary save-or-die in case that wasn't enough, and can then take over the body and be a dick to the rest of the party, taking 5 feet out of its movement to leave the victim without the brain.
also, i'm confused by the Senses entry (blind beyond 60 ft), vs. Detect Sentience
And now imagine facing 4 of these puppies in dark caverns, where they're lying in ambush.
actually, at CR 2, it's going to have a tough time hitting L2 characters, and that's not much damage at that point
detect sentience clearly says 'presence and location'... so, it's not really blind beyond 60 ft
18 damage not much? I thought the hp went down compared to 4e.
but it's intellect devour attack will be rough
@waxeagle yes, but it doesn't have to hit to get the Int attack
@Khashir It knows where you are, but probably can't attack you without penalties. Not that it'd help against Devour Intellect.
@Magician missed the multi-attack
@waxeagle Yeah, the melee attack is basically irrelevant.
ok, let's figure out the odds that it eats your brain
But given Int as usual dump stat, I don't like the chances of the party.
@Magician it knows where you are from a distance of 300 ft. It can't attack from that far, but I wouldn't say it's blind
@Magician Why is Charisma not worth dumping?
It has actual skills attached to it!
@Khashir It knows you're coming, which gives it plenty of time to hide.
Oh, also, 2d10 damage. Potentially 20, unless averages are used. What's the expected hp at level 2?..
@Magician yes. what i'm getting at is that, for all intents and purposes, it's not blind beyond 60 ft.... it can see up to 300 ft, unless your char is lucky enough to get feebleminded
@Magician with a d8 HD, 16
I don't know about other folks, but I use averages in my campaigns
@waxeagle So, very real chances of one-shotting with that attack.
@Magician yes
and a crit basically makes it a definite
our group likes rolling dice... thrill of randomness
@Khashir Sight is not just knowledge of presence, though. But yeah, it's not exactly limited.
and, as one poster pointed out, a L20 char not proficient in Int saves almost just as screwed as a L1 char not proficient in int saves
Int 8 no prof, at L2, you need to roll at least a 13 to save. So 60% failure chance. Then it has to roll at least an 8 on it's dice which anydice indicates has a 83% chance of success. multiplying those together because they are dependent leads to a 50% chance of turning an int dumping fighter into a blithering idiot
Other end of spectrum now
Not much point. After it takes over fighter's body, it stabs the wizard repeatedly.
int 16, int save prof, needs to roll a 6 to save. So a 25% failure chance, and anydice indicates that on a failure they have a 4.6% chance of getting stunned. A 1% chance
fun fun
at the same time
Right. So, claw the wizard while thinking at the fighter until fighter starts drooling (or just dies).
well, nvm...
@Magician takes it a second round, and a good chance it's already dead
Not if there's two of these :D
Also, when your good news is "at least the fighter died on the first round"...
was going to say that int devourer would probably be attracted to highest int (similarly to how it can't detect below 3 int), but it's an intelligent creature: it'll target whoever has the greatest chance of falling to it
agreed, it's a nasty beastie
@Khashir it's not that smart
only has an int of 12. It eats intelligent beings, it is not itself smart
@waxeagle well, maybe not that smart, but it won't go for the wizard either (it's why I said "nvm")
Eh, Int of 12 is above average intelligence. It's enough to know pointy hats = smart.
it's above Commoner intelligency!
@Magician true
@Magician What happens when you have dwarves in heavy armour?
@Metool rust monsters eat the armor while the dwarf sleeps
the flavor of this monster seriously leads me to believe it should be controlling an NPC...
to be honest, as written, if it consumes the fighter, it should do so behind closed doors and not attack his buddies, but lead them into the layer of his masters
rather than waiting in ambush for the party?
@Khashir more of a skulky tpe
hit the party while it rests, get a surprise round and eat the fighter. Have him lead the party to his masters
gotta be done in concerts with the player though
All the better for that coveted TPK, and all the more fun for the fighter.
so, is your idea that, given the power and natural inclination, it should have already succeeded at finding a host? in which case, after killing the host (hello, adult blue dragon! Int save +0), the devourer steps out?
Yeah, that's also what I'm thinking.
Or it can "lead" a tribe of goblins through their shaman.
(yeah, someone also suggested that... would be horrible if the fighter is the one normally leading the party... no one would suspect anything. if not the party leader, at least it would raise a bit suspicion when it tries to take the lead)
ah cool
@Khashir yes
I was going to say that the D&D world would be split: Cambions rule cities while Intellect Devourers rule caverns, but I was wrong. Intellect Devourers within Cambions rule everything. They also ride rust monsters, because why not.
I had a similar go at them a week or two ago in this chat.
but why?
ok, lemme read
sounds right
odds of a Cambian getting munged by an int devourer: 4%
I reckon that needs to be automated, and added to every monster entry. Odds of finding an Intellect Devourer within this enemy: X%.
at least for certain campaigns
Concept for a website: intellectdevourerodds.com. Very simple page, prompts user to enter monster's Int and whether they're proficient with Int saves or not. Calculates percentage (rounding up), and also rolls for them.
should add "odds of random appearance of ID in your campaign world" or something
that scales it
That's probably mitigated by chances of multiple run-ins and more than a single round of combat.
It's all very handwavy, while also very scientific.
so it's D&D :)
IDOdds. I wonder if that's taken.
Do you know anything about web design? :)
check that, IDOodds is available, checking idodds
@Magician design...not really. development...that's my day job
Hah. Guess I can recruit someone to make a pretty page. Would you say idodds.com is a good name for a website?
darn idodds is taken
idoodds is free :(
.org is free
aye, it would be a free service...right :)
Premium subscription models available!
the fremium version tells you the odds that you are currently being consumed by an ID
Welp. I'm now a proud owner of idodds.org for a year. Clearly a brilliant financial decision on my part. But I can see having fun with it.
There'd be a simple version of the page, and the advanced one: the Drake equation of Intellect Devouring.
@Magician should be pretty easy to write up a basic HTML page with JS to generate the odds
And theoretically I can stick it on the same host as my blog.
Stay tuned :)
11 HD only translates to a +3 proficiency bonus? Or do monsters not have those?
(looking at cambion page)
@Metool no, monsters get prof
Right, just wondering why the cambion only has +3. Is that roughly in line with PCs?
it goes up to 4 at L9, so it looks to me like the Cambian has 2 HD too many. (you subtract 1 since monsters always roll instead of getting the first HD maxed)
that's probably accounted for in his CR being slightly lower, or his damage being higher
or his crazy powers?
very possible that he gets less prof for his crazy powers...or has slightly higher overall ability scores?
I haven't spent as much time as I'd like as of yet trying to tease apart monster construction yet. I'll spend some more time when the MM comes out
i just realised that the charm ability allows for suicidal commands on a save
so... warrior with -1 Wis: kill yourself
that's boring though
but effective
in combat
turning the warrior against the party allows for the warrior to save every time it takes damage
if the suicide is 'guaranteed'
one less pc to worry about it
oh it wouldn't be garunteed at all. He'd still be subject to normal attack rules. Probably not even a coup de grac (since he's not technically incap'd)
hmm... i guess you're more benevolent than i am
out of combat is another matter entirely
well, the thought is that an intelligent humanoid knows and has unimpeded access to its critical points
a benevolent gm can impose mechanical restrictions
@Khashir sure, but there are significant other factors
@waxeagle what do you mean?
like the fact that someone else is controlling your actions, the fact that you're using something that is probably not a weapon designed to inflict self harm (in fact, just the opposite), the fact that you're wearing armor etc
luck, accuracy etc still should be factored in
oh well.
@waxeagle: if you have mentor subscription, there's a script for auto initiative
(just got a response from r20 forums)
also, there's a pretty cool Power Card script, formats attack/spell macros like so
and so
anyway, i'm out for a while--take care fellas, see you later
4 hours later…
@waxeagle, are you around? I was thinking a bit more about our earlier conversation re: mage slayer, I think we overlooked something
the thought is that, with mage slayer, you only get 1 melee attack as a reaction anyway. given that concentration check is max(10, damage/2), and no one (unless I'm missing something) can deal 22 damage in one attack (without a critical)
a sorcerer with 16 dex and a dagger is only +2 hit below a dedicated fighter mage slayer, from imposing a DC 10 concentration check (with disadvantage)
@Khashir rogue with adv can.
what level? cuz several classes would be able to
well, Mage Slayer says 'use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack"
(when an enemy casts a spell within 5 of you)
most multi attacks I remember say 'when you use your action'
(ah, true, we talked about rogues dealing sneak attack damage outside their turn)
so, is the thought that mage slayer is only worthwhile for rogues? anyone else that can hit imposes 75% of breaking concentration
rogues can impose much higher, obv, due to sneak attack
actually, (11/20)^2%
my bad
70% chance
2 hours later…
@Khashir I knew that! Why do you think I said it's so much more useful?

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