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@Magician no yeah Im feeling pretty meh about the cambion as presented as well and I agree the non magic weapon damage resist is ridiculously common
'morning 'morning
2 hours later…
ok, (dis)advantage is so freaking elegant
want to intentionally fail a save? "roll it, but you can have disadvantage"
@waxeagle It's a pretty neat way to avoid problems
Though I'm still 'fighting' for my right to fail, I have to agree--the mechanic is super elegant.
btw, have a silly question: Acid Splash allows one to target 2 creatures within 5 feet of each other. Adopting the '5-feet = 1 square' rule, does that mean that the creatures have to be adjacent to one another, or that there can be at most 1 square between them (bypassing the adv. diagonal distance thing)?
rule == variant
@waxeagle you see the walking minds post to some economics of D&D posts?
I find it intriguing but flawed
D&D always comes to me as a dark ages/post societal collapse setting
theres all this cool magical stuff to be looted from ruins
stuff that the party for the most part cant make on their own/get made
@JoshuaAslanSmith I did, I was reading through
That awkward moment when you find a mistake in your answer that completely perverts the meaning...
@Khashir Gotta say, that question just entered the "too broad" territory for me
saving throws != ability checks != attacks
and all 3 have different rule sets that govern them
Hmm, the checks and attacks examples were added to make a point of how it might go in a more familiar domain (i.e., in real life, we KNOW we can do these things. Unfortunately, we haven't figured out how to cast Dominate Person yet)
They are not part of the question
Rather, a line of thought I considered potentially useful for the discussion
well, discussion == getting at the answer
Does that help/should I add it to the comments of the question?
You might clarify that this is the intent. I've withdrawn my close vote
Alternatively, you could just remove it. It's not bad, but the question was clear enough without it, and it might avoid confusion.
I've made an edit to my answer as wel
@Miniman I'd prefer this.
most spells read "you must make a saving throw" and I think that's pretty clear that it can't be declined
taking disadvantage lets you swing chance towards failing pretty heavily without losing the spirit of the chance that it still might miss/fail which I think is important
Well, it's also pushing my 'secret agenda'--where's a good reason to say no, when all of these instances strongly suggest that 'yes'
@waxeagle Damn, now i want to add this to my answer as well.
ah, i was tying a comment about that
i'll just paste it here
Hmm, I don't know if per-spell distinctions would be a very fruitful approach. Compare Acid splash to what you have above: "a target must succeed on a Dex saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage;" "The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be banished." In this case, the action you 'must' do is succeed the throw OR face the consequences. Clearly "must" isn't used in the same sense as in Burning Hands. Not to mention that the disjunction
@Miniman just credit me (link to my answer, that's all that's required by the license). I do that all the time and I think it's more important to have complete answers than for one person to get the credit.
@waxeagle Ok, thanks!
@Khashir yeah, that's an issue worth looking at specifically actually. How they use language like that should be dictated by a style guide and it should have specific different meaning...but it (sadly) probably means the same thing
Not to mention that the disjunction just concerns itself with whether you succeed or not,.
not the mechanics of why the first disjunct didn't occur.
(a fine-haired point, I know)
Ah, here's why it typically matters. "must make" is right away, "must succeed" can come later
@Khashir This whole issue is turning on single words. There is no point too fine-haired :P
no :( not consistent enough for that
Yeah, agreed
Just thought worth fleshing out
everyone save vs pedantry
i fail my save
@waxeagle I failed mine when I took Logic for the fifth time.
Anyway, thanks for the banter
and the insights
(any help with my silly question above, about "within 5 feet of each other")?
I got nothing, I'm never sure about that.
thanks for the candor
@Khashir adjacent
Like, if a cone would affect half of the square, does it affect a creature in the square or not?
X_X is 5' away not within 5'
@Miniman I've ruled Cones to be square on my grids
hmm, so, within is <, not <= ?
@Khashir yes
yeah, going off the description of spell cones, it's safer that way
becuase 5' away means 5-10' away
they're not within 5' they're as far away as 10'
'they are as wide as the distance from the origin'
something along those lines
@Khashir yeah, its slightly unsatisfactory for that if you cast a cone on an edge. but it's the most fair ruling IMO
(anything else ends up with a mis match in #square if you cast on an edge or a corner)
Q: How do I map a 15' cone to a 1" grid?

wax eagleI've been playing 5e for a while now, and mercifully this hasn't come up yet, but it's definitely on it's way. When a caster casts burning hands, how is that properly mapped onto a standard 1" battle mat? The easy response is a 3x3 square, and that's the method I've told myself I'm going to use....

This is what I was asking about.
I asked and got PF rules :(
The second row of the 15-foot cone, does it affect 1 square or 3?
@Miniman 2 :P
and there's your problem
Yep, exactly
i'm confused
what's the problem there?
@Khashir 1-2-3, which 2 do you pick?
the most advantageous? random? Dm discretion?
Too hard to do in chat, check the question wax linked.


are both valid
adjudicating which one is a problem
ah, i see
I went with - it affects half the square that you're standing in the centre of, it'll affect you
PF goes with
Yep, like that
and something different for corners
it works out in the players favour
In my games it's 9 squares....
no matter where you place it because well...that's what makes sense on a grid
well, not really in the player's favour
enemy casters get that too
@waxeagle they are as wide as the maximum distance from the origin
there, fixed
@Khashir Players need to worry about the area of their spells more and more often
since they're generally outnumbered and actually care about hitting their allies
I gotta go to bed, looks like @waxeagle wins another 5e question :P
@Miniman huh?
@waxeagle Lol my bad, I saw an accept mark on that question and assumed it was your answer.
sleep well Mini
Cya guys
@Khashir just a note, it's often a good idea to wait a day or so before an accept, that way you give answers some time to breath, be edited, commented upon and improved.
(also solicit additional answers)
it's OK and in bounds to move the check mark around, but it can sometimes make people mad
Ah. Thank you, duly noted.
Well... Life is cruel?
I heed your counsel, I'll wait one day :)
@Khashir oh sure. Definitely and people should learn to deal with disappointment better...but some don't.
Also it signals to others "your answer isn't needed here" and with open ended stuff that can sometimes mean you miss out on awesome answers.
Yeah, that's true
I recommend even longer wait times on questions that require a lot of thought
makes sense. I'm a bit trigger happy in general, so, should temper it in this case.
Hmm, does anyone know of a good place to ask/discuss cool uses for Mage Hand and Prestidigitation?
cool = RP value
@Khashir reddit?
or any gaming forum you hang out in?
I don't actually
hangout in any forum
WOTC has a good forum if you're not asking about anything too controversial.
na, nothing saucy
My current non SE home is the reaper mini forum. Mostly because sometime in the next month or two I'm going to have a very large box of their minis delivered and Ima need help figuring out how to paint them all
kickstarter keeps cleaning out my wallet
tell me about it
though I've dialled down my KS expenses
mostly because I've spent on digital games, and that has proven very... disappointing
like video games?
computer games
I've only done a couple of those. One is half way done (Broken age) and the other is still in development (there came an echo)
and there came an echo I've already gotten my money's worth because they gave us the first game they'd made for free with a pledge
my DND buddies of yore are now living in different countries
so, we'd stuck to co-oping video games
gotcha, I don't play games online much as my internet usually sucks
I'm able to webchat pretty well, so online D&D works well, but that's about it
this comic sums up my experience so far
I've mostly backed RPG products so far. A few non RPG ones, like a really cool cardboard standing desk (which delivered early...which was just wow), and THE OOTS KS (which is still mostly rpg...but hey it's comics). My wife is more broadly based in her funding, but we've yet to be had...most projects are late, but we try to be discerning about what we support
That's awesome
My buddies have had good experiences with physical products as well
There's a lot more hubris and uncertainty involved with digital goods
it seems like most physical products the creators understand their industry a bit better (also KS is harsher on them to be more prepared for their KS).
Whereas, the physical projects I've seen, they usually have a proof of concept
Which is more than what digital doods have
anything in the design category is required by KS to already be prototyped
ah there you go
I feel like you should be able to sell magic loot in a large city, but not really anywhere else
my issues are that this kind of analog to medieval/early Renaissance economy falls apart because they fail to take into account all those magical abilities to make all sorts of things, the author handwaves it in the previous post about making agriculture only slightly more efficent, but I should think the ability of magic to improve complex mechanical processes to be of much greater impact.
BG pls?
I'll head out, gents
and ladies
have a good one, thanks for the chats
@Khashir when you come back, the two articles linked here
@JoshuaAslanSmith agree with this, that's something rather huge to handwave. although the typical practical day to day impact of magic seems rather low in POL/FR
I think its just D&D wanting to have its cake and eat it too
which is why I prefer how DW handles world building
Waterdeep definitely has the guild wars stuff going on though that she/he mentions
the general powerstruggle between teh zeraphrim and the lords alliance also would fit right in with the scenario described
Ah, thanks. They look like interesting aspects to build into campaigns
Will try to read before Thurs session
They do, although proceed with caution as they kind of tear your carefully constructed game world to shreds :)
ah... handwaves suspension of disbelief and all that jazz handwaves
cheers :)
(truth be told, if I wanted to deal with economic problems, I'd look at a newspaper or my bank statements)
1 hour later…
some of those questions asked of mearls and collected by enworld are hilrious
why would INT matter for reactions
one of my tweets is in there. shame it's not credit at all
@JoshuaAslanSmith supposed to be init
re: readied action
..make it 2 of my tweets :)
mines in there too
Do reach weapons threaten 10 feet for the purposes of triggering opportunity attacks? yes. -M

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/#ixzz3CkQffPKS
I do feel like opp attacks got so nerfed in the edition
what a great avatar
Dungeon Master!
(we've got the old cartoon on DVD and the kids really enjoy watching it)
not gridded, but interesting convo between Sly and Crawford re: cones: twitter.com/SlyFlourish/status/509048487963807745

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