Q: In John 1:1-2, does "in the beginning" mean that the Son already existed or that he began to exist with God?

OneGodOneLordJohn 1:1-2 In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was [a] god. He was with God in the beginning. "In the beginning" (ἐν ἀρχῇ) of John 1:1-2 correlates with "In the beginning" of the Genesis 1:1 narrative, starting with Day 1. Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there...

Nice collection of verses related to creation. It's a legitimate request for a Trinitarian to correlate them within a unified theology.
Thank you, GratefulDisciple!
The answer is in very next verse, John 1:3, "All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made." (ESV) Then, in verse 9 and 10, we read, "The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him." Naturally, there are some people who believe that Jesus must have created himself when he created the world, and who insist that Jesus is Adam, Satan, Michael, Melchizedek, Moses, the Buddha, Krishna Venta, Jim Jones, etc. Complete biazogesis!
@Dieter, John 1:3 confirms that God made the true light, Christ, and then God made all things through the true light, Christ.
Oh, I see. So John must have lied. Yes, all things were made through Christ, except the true light and everything before the words, "Let there be light," which includes space (for light to travel in), time (for light to travel through space at the speed of light), the heavens, the earth, and the deep. Paul writes to the Corinthians that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. So angels of light must also have been created after the other angels. According to Job 38, when God laid the foundation of the earth, ". . . the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy."
Firstly, nothing existed before the true light except God the Father. The heavens and the earth were created after the true light was brought forth. You mentioned space and time, which are nothing, and the heavens were created on Day 2 with the earth on Day 3. Secondly, the angels were all created on Day 2, a full 24 hours after Christ was created on Day 1. This means that all the angels were present to celebrate when God laid the foundations of the world through Christ on Day 3.
No where does Scripture say light was created. In fact Isaiah 45:7 makes the point it was not created.
@OneGodOneLord John 17:5&24 say He had a glory prior to Creation, thereby annulling your claim that nothing but the Father existed outside of Creation. Sure the Son might not have been the angel of the Lord until day one of Creation and might not have been Jesus until He was incarnated in the year 4900 after Creation but the Son that inhabited those bodies, one heavenly the other earthly existed as spirit with the Father and the Holy Spirit outside of Creation
@OneGodOneLord - This subject/concept has been covered "Ad infinitum" and the Trinitarians will always put in their two pennies' worth, as already evident. I have even put in my own, often contrarian, thoughts on the matter on a number of occasions and don't wish to reiterate here. When it's all boiled down, whatever is said, on either side, is at best just a matter of opinion and therefore should probably be handled delicately, or not at all.
@OldeEnglish, Prov 8:23 "God created me as his first work, the beginning of his acts of old." Prov 8:30 "Then I was beside him as a master workman".
@OneGodOneLord - If I must interact here, let me at least say the following:- My understanding is that God, before begetting the "Word" (that ultimately became the "fleshly" Jesus), created the heavens and the earth Gen, 1:1, and the earth, at this juncture, was formless and void, etc... etc... Gen, 1:2. Then, at some point between Gen, 1:2 and John 1:1, the "Word" had to have been begotten, for Him (the "Word") to have been with God, at the beginning of "Worldly" affairs, as opposed to that which happened in the first two verses of Genesis ... tbc ...
@OldeEnglish - You're very close. I believe that God created the heavens and the earth on Days 2 and 3 after creating his Son on Day 1. Gen 1:1-2 is a continuous sentence, not divided between both verses. It says, "In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was an empty void; darkness was over the surface of the abyss and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters." So there was nothing whatsoever until God created his master workman on Day 1 as the First Light whereupon through which God created all other things including the heavens and the earth.
... The "light", as referred to in Gen, 1:3,4,5, which is to be separated from the "darkness", cannot possibly be referring to personhood, as it refers to the contrasting "day". Jesus became the "light/life" of men, which shone in a different kind of "darkness" to that being described in Gen, 1:2,4,5, as now we are talking about the "darkness" of men.
You should not have jumped in there when I clearly had more to say, which I have of course now said and I don't think I need say more.
But God's first work was the Light; and Jesus is the Light of the world. The Son was the first of God's works of old (Prov 8:22), the Firstborn of all Creation (Col 1:15), and the beginning of God's creation (Rev 3:14).
I don't want to go to "Chat" on this, which is what we are being asked to do now. You need to slow down and reread what I have said. I don't think I could have made it much clearer.
@OldeEnglish, Jesus is the Firstborn of God, the Divine Name Angel, the Logos Sophia, the Workman of God, Mediator, High Priest, and the Chosen Messiah of Israel.
Ok, you clearly are not paying attention. I'm done here.
May the God of truth bless you with peace and understanding forever my friend.