I want to do Shiv bhakti. I thought that I should start with chanting. I have a sphatik mala at home. Which mantra should I start chanting? Is sphatik fine? Should I learn the shiv tandav stotram for some extra benefits?
Chanting of Japas by counting their number with Japamalas made of crystals (Sphatika) , beads, lotus flowers, Rudraksa, gold beads, Darbha (a kind of holy grass) is stated to be effective, depending on the quality of the Japamalas and the number of times they are chanted the higher the number and the superior the material of the Mala, the more the effect. ~Isanasivagurudeva Paddhati (also known as the Tantra Paddhati).
Do naam japa like sambasadashiv as any mantra with pranava(ॐ) only or with pranav (ॐ) and namo/namah requires diksha/initiation.
@ShriHitHarivansh And can I give water to tulsi everyday as I have heard that Shiva and tulsi were enemies
@ShriHitHarivansh In Shiv Mahapurana it is written that "A person steady in the Japa of the five-syllabled mantra is released from the cage of sins whether he be a Śūdra, base-born, fool or a learned man"
Śiva said: 45. O great lady, as a boon granted by me, Tulasī (holy basil) will be the most important constituent of the materials of worship of the gods some time. (Shiva purana
In kularnava tantra it is said One, who chants mantras by seeing them from books [that is not obtained duely from a sampradaya Guru] commits, thereby, sin as grave as Brahmahatya(15.22)
You need to first start chanting name(naan japa)either with beads or without them too and naam japa can be done mentally even In washroom and them pray to Lord for a guru(who is a Shaivite) and hear satsanga of a God realised saint like Govardhan Math shankaracharya ji or premanand ji maharaj from this you will know rules of sauchachar that you definitely are unaware of(I guessed from your words) and then follow rules of the sampraday you want to get initiated for some time then get diksha and then chant guru mantra either do upanshu japa or mansik japa of guru mantra(vachik is prohibited)
Yes you can chant without pranava but only if you know sauchachar(I.e only when you are pure) for ex when a dwija goes to washroom he removes all his clothes and slippers then excretion is done and after it if defecation is done then take bath after that wear clothes and in case of urination wash genitals and then wear clothes although it won't give any benefit as these are guru mantras(sudras and women chant without pranava only) therefore either pure or impure chant Lord shiva/Hari name as it has no such restrictions.
@ShriHitHarivansh I am sorry to trouble you so much. I just have some doubts. What is guru mantra? At the beginning you said to do naam jaap of sambasadashiv so do I do it very fast or take time?
Also, when I defecate sometimes I randomly think of bhajans and the like but I feel very bad that I am doing this while defecating. What to do about that?
No I am here for help only... Guru mantra is the mantra given by Guru in your ears at the time of diksha and naam japa can be done slowly or very fastly both will give same fruit but mind goes somewhere else when chanting very fast so you may do naam japa as you like.
Till the time mind is not chanting slokas of sanskrit like vishnu sahasranaam or any mantra in washroom it is fine naam japa must be done in washroom too as we don't know when we might die I heard this from. SHRI HIT Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj and no problem if bhajan has no mantra and has name of Lord or is a non-sanskrit sloka but you won't do naam japa many days if you don't listen to satsanga.... therefore satsanga is a must... Shri Harivansh
@ShriHitHarivansh Thank you for all your help. I am indebted to you. A few days ago, I was trying to find my ishta, which I first believed to be krishna. But then I came across my gotra and stuff, which said my deity was shiv. Again, thank you so much.
@ShriHitHarivansh I need just one more help. Can you give a video of the naam jaap in youtube so I know how to say it? I searched but there are only bhajans.
Naam japa can be done anywhere and anytime therefore It is very easy to be confidential but mantra japa has rules and cannot be done anywhere and anytime and as for satsanga it can be heard anytime and anywhere too
To find a sampradaya choose whom you want to worship and with which bhava(feelings) for ex if I would like to become a friend and attendant of Shri Radha And with Lord krishna then I would go for RadhaVallabhi's or Haridasi Sampradaya if I want servant bhava of Shri Krishna then I might go for Gaudiya Vaishnavism or If I want to merge completely in Lord Shiva then any other sampradaya..
In Padma Purana it is said Any mantra that does not come in disciplic succession is considered to be fruitless. Therefore, four divine individuals will appear in the age of Kali to found disciplic schools. The founders of these four Vaisnava sampradayas are Laksmi or Sri, Brahma, Rudra and Sanaka Rishi, and the acaryas of the Kali Age who follow their lines will appear in the holy city of Purusottama in Orissa.' Shri Harivansh
One last thing I would like to tell since you are also in teenage only is that never ever break your celibacy i.e never masturbate Very very important... Shri Harivansh
A man who ejaculates his semen in any place other than the vagina becomes equal to a thief, equal to a murderer of a Brahmin. Apastamba Sutra, Pratham Skanda, 19,15 therefore you would need to do pryaschitta and masturbation is the main cause why people are unable to walk towards spirituality and why people have depression, anxiety, hopelessness and other thinks like weak memory and weak digestion I.e constipation like problems for pryaschitta of sin You can do naam japa and not do that again only naam japa can help quit it not any other thing
By naam japa alone he may become pure now there is no need to worry in it but it is the most deadly thing and is also termed as self-abuse in spirituality