A: Are All Rules mentioned in Scriptures independent working laws or come under the Universal Law of Karma?

MarmayogiI) Your first question Is there any Laws apart from the Law of Karma?.....All the rules laws mentioned in Scriptures collectively come under and covered under the Universal Law of Karma itself? What ever action you commit, it will result into either punya karma, papa karma or Niṣkāma karma. Bewar...

Namaste sir . Just had a small question. Is Karma an universal Law which is higher than all other rules mentioned in Scriptures about promises, sins, punishments etc?? Is law of Karma superior to all the rules (or Niayamas) mentioned in Scriptures such as Manusmriti, Dharmasutras, Dharmashastras Smritis etc ?? Or does it come with same priority as other rules (or Niyamas) mentioned in Scriptures
Ancient Hinduism built a series of laws, conventions and protocols for people to coordinate their activities. There are 4 types of these manuals: Srautasutra (manuals to do large Yajnas/fire sacrifices), Shulabasutras (mathematics laws & conventions), Grihyasutras (manuals for domestic rituals & traditions), Dhamasutra (laws and customs that one must follow in the society). These Dhamasutra enforce code of conduct for all four varnas. We should simply the code; if we fail then there will be punishment. [Cont...]
Yājñavalkya says in Brihadaranyaka upanishad [3.2.13] पुण्यो वै पुण्येन कर्मणा भवति, पापः पापेनेति , Meaning: (Therefore) one indeed becomes good through good work and evil through evil work. If we fail to follow Dhamasutra, it will result in sin. There is no such Law of Karma is superior or inferior to any. Every one does their duty with Brahman as witness. That is all!
Sir my question is. Whatever rules written in these Scriptures like Dharmasutras and other scriptures, are they independent laws apart from Law of Karma or they are all covered and come under the broad Law of Karma itself?. This was my query sir
Why don't you think simply? If someone violates code, then he will be punished; because code expects him not to violate. It is like our criminal and civil code. If one violate then a magistrate/judge will punish him. Similarly if dharma sastra code is violated then that person will be punished by karma as sin. That sin must be experienced either in this birth of in some future birth.
Sir i have one question. This is a hypothetical scenario pls don't ask me how. ( Please kindly assume it for this question POV. Kindly don't ask me how), Suppose assume there comes a situation where a person is going to rot in lower Yonis for eternity and never get human life. Pls make this assumption for this question. Suppose if such a situation comes, if that person has not done such huge karma so as to never get human life for eternity will god not intervene atleast by showing grace and saving him even in such a situation also or simply keep watching as witness?
This particular thing is being one of the major biggest problem in my life . Please kindly help me with this. I'm suffering lot because of this. Pls kindly answer me and help me out. Will be very greatful . Thanks 🙏
You know very well that there are always chances where a Jivatman is going to rot in lower Yonis for eternity and never get human life. If so, instead getting worried why don't you attempt to prevent it? Of course, it is in your hands very much. From today onwards spend a portion of your salary towards Dāna (दान/charity), particularly, offer Annadhānam (अन्नदानम्) to poor. These punya samskāras when strengthened (by repeating charity/Annadhānam), they will ensure a human birth. So wise up!
Namasthe sir @MarmaYogi. I hope you are doing well. I just had posted one question related to concept of Rtam . Can you please answer this sir. hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/62035/… Will be very greatful. Thanks in advance
@Karthik Yes, it is answered. Good Luck!
Namasthe sir . If i hurt you in any way I sincerely beg for pardon. I am an OCD patient . Please kindly show mercy and pardon me and help me out sir and pls answer my questions which I have requested .
I have a small question. If There is breaking of vow mentioned in Shrutis (Dharmashastras), if there is prayaschita mentioned in Puranas or Smiritis will it work sir? I got this doubt because in one of your post you had mentioned Shruti's is higher than Puranas or Smritis as long as if something is contradicting. But in this case (there is no contradiction) if there is prayaschita mentioned in Puranas or Smritis can it be applicable for breach of promises mentioned in Shrutis sir?
Garuda Purnam [Achara Khanda, Chapter-122, sloka-4] says "I shall practice this vow from the twelfth day of the moon's increase in the month of Asvina to the corresponding day of the month of Karttika. May I not be accused of the sin of a broken vow if I die in the interim, and my Vratam be deemed complete by the grace even under the circumstance." archive.org/details/GarudaPuranamSanskritEnglish/page/n322/m‌​ode/…. Good Luck!
Thank you sir . I just had one doubt. In Shatapata Brahmana from Vedas, There is a procedure and rituals mentioned for undertaking vows(Vrata). So for taking every Vrata is there rituals to be followed like what is mentioned in This hinduism.stackexchange.com/a/45041/44150 ? Or it can just be taken randomly however we want without any rituals?
This mantra and rituals should be strictly followed to enter an vow to God.
Namaste sir . I have one small question. This is bothering me a lot. Pls carefully read and answer me 🙏 You mentioned the Kathopanishad law about karma and next birth overrides others laws as it's from Vedas. But suppose if there is law mentioned in any Dharmasutras of Vedas that if u break promise made on a third party , the third party has to face severe consequences. Such a law conflicts with Kathopanishad rule about karma . (Contd......)
(....contd) Kathopanishad rule is also from Vedas and law about promise is also from vedas. It will create conflict between both laws. Which will take precedence and override among both as both are from vedas?
Where did I say "Kathopanishad law about karma and next birth overrides others laws" ?
In one of the previous conversations you had mentioned as Kathopanishad law is mentioned in Vedas (Sruthis) which is highest it overrides. Anyway pls tell me now sir. Which is more powerful law among law of karma and law about breach of promises if both mentioned in vedas ? Which will take precedence and override ?
I would have never said such as "overrides others laws". However I don't remember where I quoted.
Okay sir may be I have mistaken. Apologies. I request kindly please answer this question. If there is law about breach of promises affecting third party is mentioned in Dharmasutras (Vedas), and law of karma is mentioned in Kathopanishad. Both mentioned in shurtis (Vedas). Which is more powerful law and have more weightage .? If both are conflicting with each other , which will take precedence . I can give example if you did not get it sir .
Kathopanishad never said anything about breach of promise. That much I am sure.
For example, if Law of breaking Promise mentioned in Dharmasutras as per it, if i make a promise such that if I do xyz thing, my grandfather will never get human birth . If i break it as per law of promise he should never get human birth. But as per law of Kathopanishad, if he has done good karma , he may deserve a human birth in future. Both law of promise and law of karma conflicting each other. What will happen in this case? Which law will take precedence and override other ?
Kathopanishad didt say about breach of promise. Dharmasutras are saying that. Kathopanishad is saying next birth based on karma
Please kindly answer this sir . I'm really worried about it . I have been asking since long time. Pls help me out and kindly answer this sir. Among law of karma and law of breach of promise which is more powerful and take precedence if there comes a conflict between two?
Pls sir. I sincerely request you. Pls kindly don't ignore and answer me sir . I promise you that this will be the last time I won't ask again . Pls read my question and answer me sir . Among law of karma and law of breach of promise which is more powerful and take precedence if there comes a conflict between two? Pls help me out and answer me . I sincerely request you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
If someone break promise given to somebody and does not uphold that it is a sin which will result in Karma palan. Now, where is the question of comparison between working of karma and a sin (breach of promise)? Sin results in a karma palan (good or bad). That is all!
Its written in Dharmasutras that if u break promise given to God if u swear on third party like father or mother etc they will get affected severe Consequences based on what condition I put
Due to my unstable mind i have put 1000s of promises that if i do xyz thing they will never get human life like that. As per Law of karma if they done good karma they should get human life as everyone but as per this law of breach promise from Dharmasutras, they should never get human life based on the conditions i put . Here law of karma, and law regarding Breach of Promise conflicting with each other regarding what should happen to my father or mother (if you didn't get what I am trying to convey please tell me I'll explain again sir )
Still you are not understanding, breach of promise is NOT a law but it is sin. Yours are self-imposed promises, so a third person is not liable to be punished. If you break promise you only be punished. If someone hit you then you alone will be hurt, not your mother or your father. Think wisely @Karthik. Good Luck!
Sir in Dharmasutras sages have created laws that if u put a vow and swear on third person with self imposed conditions they will face serious consequences based on ur conditions, actually the thing is due to my unstable mind, I used to touch god idols or Tulsi and put thousands of promises like if i do xyz thing , my father or mother will face serious consequences and never get human life like that and later when i think I used to regret. I'm worried what if my father never gets human life because of my broken promises as per law of Dharmasutras. I hope you able to understand my concern
What ever be the means of your promise, it is all self-imposed. You have no right to drag a a third person, without their knowledge, into your promise-loop as a pledge. @Karthik Do you know you are obsessed with this unfounded fear and will turn into a phobia in future. Don't give room for that. You better wakeup and come out this illogical delusion. You better focus on Annadhana, helping others, Sat-Sangam, etc.
I am in severe depression because of this sir. Yes sir as you told me last time I am doing charity by donating food items to orphanage old age homes etc on regular basis . My problem is iIn Dharmasutras sages have created laws that if u put a vow and swear on third person with self imposed conditions they will face serious consequences based on ur conditions Are they more powerful and can override law of karma? This is what I'm worried bcoz what if my father or mother never get human birth because of my promises as mentioned in Dharamsutras
Don't imagine @Karthik. You tell me which Dharma Sastra says that you can pledge someone, without their knowledge, for self-imposed promises.
Okay sir . Just one query. Suppose if dharma shastra say we can pledge by swearing on other law, then can this rule have power to completely override the universal Fundamental Law of Karma? In Other words, if any law contradicts with law of karma, does it completely override the universal law of karma? . Pls kindly answer me sir I'm asking in general
No law on earth can contradict working of Karma because it is the core of entire Hinduism that distinguishes it from Abrahamic religions. Karma in simpler terms: As you sow, so shall you reap.
I told you many times to read "Patanjali's Yoga Sutras" which contains 196 Sutras which will clear all your doubts and you will turn into a new leaf. Here is online Text: wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/yoga-sutras-with-commentaries
Okay sir so you mean no law can go against law of karma . Is my understanding Correct?
Your statements are always ending with comparisons. Every action of human beings will ultimately result in a karma palan: Good, Bad or Neutral. This is how karma works in the presence of God. Try to understand working of karma using simple logic rather than through comparisons with some other unrelated ideas. Good Luck!