A: How can Jesus be God if he represents God? Hebrews 1:3

Timothy EnglehartThe trinity is a construct of the Roman empire and is rooted in Egyptian and Babylonian mythology. Constantine, while ruling the Roman empire, wanted to unify the early Christian gnostic beliefs as a means of control over the people. so Constantine, along with the religious leaders, created this ...

Well the next time I meet with Harrison Ford for lunch I will be sure and ask him how he knew God's name is Jehovah?
Welcome to the Biblical Hermeneutics forum, Timothy. Please note that this forum is different than most others because it's focused on actually supporting your assertions with specific scriptures, opinions of experts, context, linguistic analysis, historical sources or references, and logic to build a case. Simply making assertions or doctrinal statements is not enough. For example, can you provide any source for your assertion that the trinity originated in Egyptian and Babylonian mythology?
Yes of course Dieter. Thank you for clarifying that for me I appreciate it . Here is an academic journal about the topic of origin of the trinity from JSTOR. I would love to go more into detail and divide the references and will do so as time permits me to do research but for now here is this one . daily.jstor.org/a-holy-trinity-in-ancient-egypt.
There is a great brochure about the origin of the trinity at JW.org you can find there as well if you go to publications as search trinity. I was lured here to this forum by a random email of I don't know who . My email is three weeks old so there are so many people it can be. I just wanted to throw my two cents out there about it but I don't foresee myself being an active member on here. This was my first time posting, and thank you for letting me know the rules. I'm not sure why I was invited to this page or from whom but it's definitely interesting . I've never been on such forums before
I understand and appreciate what is trying to be achieved here Dieter, because there can be a ton of questions regarding scripture. I have found a lot of answers to questions with free in home Bible studies with Jehovah's witnesses. If both you and Mr. Bond are curious or have more questions you can download the JW app in the playstore or I store or go the JW org. As for me I'm probably not going to return here. But how did you, Mr. Bond and Dieter, get recruited to this page initially? I received a random email to a new email address that few are aware of and led here
What do you think is up with that? Did the same happen to you ? Were you lured here by anonymous sources ?
@Timothy Englehart. Thanks for the invite but I have been dealing with JW"s for over sixty years. I also have an extensive library of Jw materials. Can you please tell me a little about yourself and how long have you been studying with them? And my question to you! Who is Jesus Christ? Thank You!
No I won't tell you Mr. Bond.
Why? It's a legitimate question? You had no trouble explaining how you have "accurate" knowledge about Jehovah's real name. I'm simply asking you who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God or "a god" according to John 1:1 in the NWT? What are c scared of Timothy?
Mostly because of the way in which I was lured to this site it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I don't understand the reason , or devious intention behind that luring or drawing one out , I don't know who is behind it so I don't want to include personal details. As far as your question in regards to who Jesus Christ is, I believe what the Jehovah's witnesses believe and teach from the bible , and since you are familiar for 60 years I don't see the need to discuss it in a public forum because things posted and discussed on the internet can be used for potentially negative purposes
depending on ones utilizing the information it could be good or it could be bad for certain individuals if others in the "metaverse" misconstrue things. So for all things you wanna know what I believe. I will refer you to JW.org. I believe that is the truth. Which brings me back to my ultimate question of who it may be that lured me this site and for what purpose?
I'm not scared of the questions. I'm scared by the methodical tactics that brought me to this site and what the intention is of those who brought me here are. If I knew who sent me the email and for what purpose I would answer any questions and continue this . How were you brought to this site Mr bond ? Were you also anonymously emailed and directed here?
I'd like to think that you were drawn to this site to help the likes of me out, a self confessed non Trinitarian, who has always been in the minority here. I guess I see myself as possibly ... entering through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction - Matthew 7:13-14. I could downvote each and every one of the answers here (excepting your own) without saying another word (here anyways), but then how would that help those that may, but then not necessarily, have gotten themselves lost on the way. FWIW, you now have my (up)vote at least.
@TimothyEnglehart I have no idea how you were "lured" here. It does not necessarily mean it was for "devious" reasons. You could also look at it from the perspective that it was for good reasons. I found this site about 4 and a half years ago when someone ask a question about the angel of the Lord. I replied and received a lot of "likes/points" so I joined. You should also know that there are a few JW"s who post on here or at the Christianity Stack Exchange. I personally post here to learn and to teach. And as a side note I post on 3 other sights. One of them I've there 25 years. Hope you stay
Thank you for your comments Mr. Bond and Olde English. here are the reasons I feel I was lured.
Brand new 3 week old Gmail account. Recently moved back in with family a couple weeks ago again. Recently questioned a variety of belief systems including beliefs held personal to people close to me and myself. A few days ago received an email in my new inbox with only chime and crunchy roll subscription to "share my knowledge" in the biblical hermeneutics forum. ..continued
There are people that have been removed from having interaction with family, friends, business interests, all things familiar, lives shattered, dreams destroyed, psychiatric problems and mental illnesses and suicides from ...continued
Throughout history and unfortunately in modern times there are people who have used others questions and statements to defame and slander and ruin others reputations in what would be considered heresy throughout the history of the Catholic and Christian church and into the modern era. So I found it coincidental or peculiar to receive an invite to a forum such as this under the timing and circumstances. It's almost as if trying to set a trap for an individual seeing if they will say something wrong in public that could be used to defame and slander that ones reputation
In which case would be highly devious and malicious if the intent were to strip that person of familial bonds or reputation. In some courts it could be argued illegal and trying to slander or defamation of character against a person if it results in psychological or financial harm .
But it seems fun to interact so I'm up for discussing things further.
@Timothy Englehart. I'm glad to hear you will be sticking around. I read your post and you said, "Jehovah's witnesses have the correct idea and accurate knowledge because Jehovah is God and Jesus is his son." Are you aware or would you agree that it is a universal law that a son shares the same nature as its father? Since His Father is Jehovah and it was His Holy Spirit that caused Mary to conceive of Jesus would not Jesus have two natures? One on His Father's side which is deity, and one on His mother's side which is human. Matt. 1:21. This is explained at John 1:1-14. Does that make sense?