Q: In John 11:1-3, is Lazarus ("whom Jesus loved [φιλέω]") an unmarried adult male?

RuminatorI'm thinking that that is the case since it is his sister who is taking care of him, and not his mother or wife: John 11:1-3 NASB95 1 Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 It was the Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped His fe...

We know that Jesus loved Lazareus. The sisters of Lazarus tell us so. Where is your evidence that Lazarus loved Jesus ? (An 'idea' does not have, or possess, 'credence'. Facts and evidence are what is needed for credit to be given by persons to any suggested concept.)
@NigelJ, are you the one who downvoted my question? What's wrong with my question?
Why is it necessary to see a sexual motive for so many relationships? Why not a healthy, close, platonic relationship between two men?
What would you surmise if your pastor and the youth group leader chose to spoon during a Tuesday Night Church Pot Luck supper?
Since David had a same-sex passion, it only makes that Jesus would as well, to "overfill" that story: >[2Sa 1:26 NKJV] [26] I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; You have been very pleasant to me; Your love to me was wonderful, Surpassing the love of women.
While I did not downvote the question, it is still inappropriate for this site because it asks about something about which the NT is completely silent - Jesus' sexual activities. All that one can say is that homosexual relationships are prohibited according to Rom 1:26, 27, 1 Cor 6:9, 1 Tim 1:8-11, Jude 7. Thus, I would doubt that Jesus engaged in such activities.
How can you claim that the NT is completely silent about Jesus' sexual activity when it refers to Lazarus as "the disciple that Jesus loved" and shows them canoodling? Did Jesus ever utter a word against same sex relations?
This has now moved from the area of opinion into the realm of fantasy.
@Ruminator says, "shows them canoodling" — Where?
[Jhn 13:23 NASB95] [23] There was reclining on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
Do the scriptures ever speak of "such and such is a sin"? I don't know either. Is eating bacon a sin? Is golfing on Saturday a sin? What about not living in a shelter for a week each year? The point is, not everything that was an abomination in the OT passed thru to Christendom as "a sin." I know Paul spoke to it, but Jesus did not. My thought is that perhaps the gospel writers considered okay but Paul considered it forbidden. I don't have a dog in the fight either way.
@Ruminator, are you saying that John 13:23 doesn't refer to John, and that Lazarus was at the Last Supper?
John's last supper was not a Passover meal because in his gospel, Jesus dies at the same time the priests were killing the yearling sheep. Lazarus was there, spooning with Jesus. When the disciples wanted info, they asked Lazarus, who leaned back and asked Jesus for them. Lazarus was Jesus' intimate partner. John always speaks of Lazarus in the third person.
@Ruminator, according to Online Etymology Dictionary, the Biblical city of Philadelphia "was so called in honor of Attalos II Philadelphos, 2c B.C.E. king of Pergamon, who founded it. His title is said to have meant "loving the brethren" or to be a reference to his affection for his brother Eumenes, whom he succeeded.". I don't see any implication of incest or any other inappropriate behaviour.