Q: Do Hindu Scriptures support or oppose marrying a foreign woman, provided she possesses good character (satvik qualities)?

ĀryānPlease don't confuse my question with this question Do scriptures allow Hindus to marry foreigners? My question is a bit different because in that question i believe it is assumed that marrying a foreigner is automatically by default marrying a "Mleecha" But I'd like to point out that while it is...

Vaishnavas are present in foreign too and foreign vaishnavas reaide in mayapur like places too they cannot be considered as mlecchas .
@ShriHitHarivansh I agree they cannot be considered mlecchas but they are outside of Varnas or will be considered Shudras. So can a Bramhana marry a shudra or not?
@Vatapatrashaayi No according to varna dharma they cannot, though most vaishnavas follow caste order but in our RadhaVallabhi or Haridasi vaishnava tradition we are neither outcaste nor do we belong to any of four varna after initiation our caste become "Rasik Ananya" and we do not discriminate in a swapach or a brahmin and our God realised saints(like premanand ji maharaj) also says it's best to have same Upasana(Although after initiation both husband and wife are of same gotra "Gopal" and caste "Rasika Ananya") for husband and wife.
@Vatapatrashaayi therefore if you ask me then if they both get initiated into radhavallabhi or haridasi sampradaya then there is no problem and they can marry each other.... proof of what I said is in our Rasika Granthas:- brajrasik.org/articles/66e9c7570ebd5e00033afc23/… (2) brajrasik.org/articles/643ff1fa27db7b0008168670/…
@ShriHitHarivansh So the 4 varnas don't exist in your Sampradhayam?
@Vatapatrashaayi Yes only Rasika Ananya is the caste Shri Harivansh
@ShriHitHarivansh Okay can you recommend any site so I can know more about your Sampradhayam?
@Vatapatrashaayi before this you must know here Lord Krishna is not given much priority in comparison to Shri Radha... Welcome to Vrindavana Rasopasna(ras-upasna )I'll give websites after I search them all
brajrasik.org here you can find all our vrindava saints biography and their writings this website however is not sufficient for finding each and every sloka of their writings
sriharivansh.wordpress.com/literature-and-audios here you can find all our sampradaya authored books(most of them)
shrihitsurajgoswami.com/about all our history and Upasna you need to know
Also note SHRI HIT HARIVANSH MAHAPRABHU IS Lord Krishna's Flute ALSO THE SECRET SAKHI OF SHRI RADHA as described here in Rudra Yamala tantra :-सुतल्पे शाययित्वाथ `सम्वाहय च पदाम्बुजम् ।
रहर्य समयं ज्ञात्वा वयरस्या वाहिरागतः ।
एका सखी तु श्रीराधा कृपातिभर पूरिता।
तदानीमपि सेवार्थ तल्पोपान्ते विराजते।।`
Meaning "After making the Yugal Sarkar lie down on a beautiful bed and taking care of their lotus feet, the Sakhis went out knowing the secret time, but due to the overflow of Shri Radha's grace, **one Sakhi(female friend)remained near Shri Radha's bed for service even at that time **
Shri Harivansh
Thanks. Ill go through them. :)
1 hour later…
Our Harivansh mahaprabhu is merciful that his shelter that too just by words(he just said it as a lie and doesn't even follow any rules of upasana) gives nitya-vihar as written in my profile you may check that too Jaya Shri Hit Harivansh
Also note that it will be hard to walk on this Upasana as the person must atleast know Hindi as it(upasana) is spead in the braj region only and outside people are mostly unknown to it therefore no possibility of English satsanga and without satsanga how can walk on this path unless he is a Siddha