I have decided yesterday to remove write access of Wizard and Ethan, as their joint participation on straying away topics causes huge traffic. Chemical topics then get quickly out of the sight and get lost in the abyss of the past.
I still keep them in the explicit Read access list(that has no effect, it is used just at private mod rooms to grant ordinary users R/O access), so I can add them back quickly if I change my mind.
@CuckooBeats Me, some years ago, travelling by train on some outdoorsy trip. (I am always in lack of my usable photos, as I do not like taking photos of myself.)
See, still dark, brown hair, cut quite short here as more practical in summer heat under the cyclist helmet.
There are psychological tricks to boost long term memory, by refreshing the memorized stuff at prolonging intervals. You can google it for procedural details.
We were on Mazury lakes (Poland) sailing trip for 10 days in 2002, and two of us were writing a sailing log. I wrote a motto in mine that the other-she-person liked a lot: Translated:
*The half time of memories is approximately one day.*
@CuckooBeats Exxagerated it says, you have full head of fresh memories, but next day you remember just half of them, and it deteriorates slower but steadily until just major ones remain - some molecules of memories trying to find their erasing reagent.
@CuckooBeats I have said many things, like that you are clever and gifted. It does not mean anything. Unless it does.
Tthese H shift lists - and siblings - are huge
From the same site
There are tons of detailed data, IMHO great complement to your textbooks. the navigator summary list is looooong.
@CuckooBeats I am vulnerable to sad woman puppy-like eyes...... fortunately, they have much weaker effect online, unless details photo or video is presented. (What I would never request nor expect.)
@CuckooBeats Picture of memory curve data. Percentage reportedly related to time needed to restore memories of learnt info. So 70% means 30% of time is needed, compared to time to learn first time.
The decrease is slower if there were prior refreshes - as seen on the chart.
In German, compound words can be exceptionally long. While some, like "Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän" (Danube steamship company captain), are notable for their length, they are not commonly used in everyday language. The longest word in regular use is "Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften" (legal protection insurance companies), consisting of 39 letters.