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@CuckooBeats How comes You were chatting at 4:30 AM ?
@CuckooBeats It is 4 and you can derive it, based on probability rules.
@CuckooBeats I came to it as the result of precious observation
@CuckooBeats I was chatting at 23:20 CET. Is it less expected than at 04:30 IST?
@CuckooBeats Impressive
wanders in
finds nothing interesting
2 hours later…
@PetəíŕdtheWizard It is not about finding something interesting. It is about coming with something interesting.
@CuckooBeats In the meantime, you can finally solve the Stokes equations.
@Poutnik but if I come up with something interesting it'll be off-topic for here.
Then you are supposed to visit chats where it is on topic. :-)
@Poutnik I do already :) I just thought that this chat would be another one, but after the yesterday it became clear that it's not.
Do you see it as a bad thing?
@Poutnik No, it's just that this room isn't particularly interesting to me.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I got it. You have not brought substantial chemical topics, IIRC. And it was and as intended to be mostly about a subset of chemistry.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard So the question is, if staying in the room is for you any good. Nothing personal against you to get rid of you. It is on you to decide.
@CuckooBeats I am a 2-4 finger fast "hunt-and-peck" typer, as I had no typing lessons during my student phase and later did not make myself to learn it. I do not keep constant visual check while typing and then I have often this bad habit to send the text without check, optimistically thinking it was typed correctly. It is not like if I did not know to write better, it is just I do not know exactly what I am just sending.
2 hours later…
@Poutnik I will stay in this room, because I think the occasional straying away can be interesting, sometimes. But if you think the room will be better without my avatar constantly lurking here, feel free to tell me. :)
3 hours later…

BTW, as you are learning about genetics, J. G. Mendel, the founder of genetics, lived in my city and performed his famous experiment in the abbey at now named Mendel's square.
@CuckooBeats Or rather rules of combinatorics.
And in context of science, my city is sometimes called by experts Electron Valley (paraphrase to Silicon Valley), as 1/3 of the world production of electron microscopes is manufactured here.
1 hour later…
@Poutnik lol
@Poutnik yeah i thought you were an early bird, thats why
lol = Lovely Odisha Lady ?
@Poutnik put cold water to burn
@Poutnik i am not a lady yet, technically speaking
@Poutnik he is a true legend....all the questions that came in today's paper were from this video only
Sometimes I wake up very early and then play with the phon, hoping it will fall out of my hands, miss my nose and I fall asleap again.
@Poutnik too many typossss
so just lady, not Lady.
anyways, i got what you mean
oh since you are here, umm can you please help in this lol
detect structure (as far as i know, its gotta have an ester group tho)
δ = 1.2 (s, 6H)
δ = 2.2 (s, 3H)
δ = 3.8 (d, 1H)
δ = 4.1 (s, 1H)
I knew you would.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard why do you think it would be? you dont watch anime, you dont play games, idk whats similar between us
you should have fun at this age tbh, i miss my childhood already
@CuckooBeats Many = one
@Poutnik nope nope not this time
this lol is demanding.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard nah you gotta have the W rizz with your avatar
@Poutnik lol = laughing out loud, a colloquially used expression amongst indian students idk whats so weird abt it tbh
No, lol means I have just invented in my creative minds for it. :-P
we have one more colloquially used expression - "CID" or "Children's independence Day", celebrated on the occasion of the ending of (usually final term) school exams
It is derived from the tv show - CID https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CID_(Indian_TV_series)
@Poutnik you never used lol earlier?
were the double L's a typo or "laughing loud"? cuz the correct one is ROTFL LOL
@CuckooBeats Not frequently, but I am very familiar with it. that is why I am playing with it.
@Poutnik nothing constructive about you tbh
ROTFL LOL is never seen.
@Poutnik ughhhh
i am already frustated since yesterday
@ETHANCOUSINS hiya, sorry for being late lol
You Great Hindi Hostess Harassing Hubbies.
@Poutnik huh thats not gonna happen even after ages....
BTW tmrw I might be busy, have a flight to catch, will be back in 3 days tho
@CuckooBeats You know the rules of CH SE - show you effort first. :-P
You were busy today.
@Poutnik duh i already helped with the ester thing, the ppm shifts by 4.1 for the singlet so gotta be the O linkage
and the 2.2 ppm shift of 3H can be a methyl group attached at the C terminus of the ester
the D.U. of the compound is 2, which means its saturated branched alkoate
but the thing is, where the hell am i supposed to put the flourine atom?
I cannot unfortunately pay to much analysis attention to non-work stuff for some time.
@Poutnik non-work stuff wdym?
stuff I am not paid for.
there are people who are not studying, but are working.
I am working now.
gosh why do you need to study?
I need to study you to communicate with you.
@Poutnik listen bro when i grow up in 2 years imma pay you 20 lakhs would that be fine?
@Poutnik really? this was too off man
1 lakh = 1,00,000 INR
thats pretty low in czech currency tho imma check, or perhaps, how many czech crowns in 20 lakhs INR lol
5,44,013.62 Czech Koruna
acc to google
yeah pretty much 1/4th
are you alive?
would you pretty please help now?
dude why chatgpt ughh
@CuckooBeats I will try to expand this your new nickname.
no wait it might be correct tho
Premature conclusions?
@Poutnik its wrong bruh there is a quartet
when it poped up, I got impressed. I was expecting him playing dumb.
Not saying it is right. Just an attempt.

Perhasp a part can be reused.
@Poutnik nothing comes out of chatgpt i swear
that is not true, a lot of shit can come from it. And sometimes pearls.
pearls mhmmm yeah i can think of many tbh
sorry out of context
bro thinks server farm is his home- chemistry.stackexchange.com/users/164813/…
umm bro i gotta go actually today class is at 10:30pm so i have to prepare beforehand
till then you could try when you're free, or acc to your convenience (dont worry i was joking, solve it at the earliest)
@Poutnik the reverse alphabet? o_O
I had a suspicion Cuckoo is reversed somehow....
@CuckooBeats I do have fun, lots of fun.
@CuckooBeats For example, my room is interesting to me.
@Poutnik technically, our human body is bilateral i.e., lateral symmetry across the coelum, so heck no i am reversed
And not just because it's my own room.
We need not your fun here, we will kick you out.
@CuckooBeats ignores
@PetəíŕdtheWizard without minecraft or roblox :(
@Poutnik I know.
@CuckooBeats eww lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard bro says ewww wow
what a 13 y/o you are!
Minecraft... top time waster. Ew.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard have you ever done hardcore in your life once? or perhaps played bed wars once?
then you would regret your opinions
i used to play free-fire tho most of the time, left games now
@CuckooBeats Nope (whatever it means).
i think to learn fortnite soon after everything gets over
@PetəíŕdtheWizard hmph
@CuckooBeats I wouldn't. ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard sure sure
The conversation is going offtopic again...
@Poutnik ridiculous
I mean, I am fine with it. But I don't think Poutnik is.
ohh he is just trynna scare you
you are here in this room till i am
@CuckooBeats With what?
idk he knows
Pfft, not scary.
okay then
@PetəíŕdtheWizard L
I give him 1 minute, maximally 2. Then I will remove his posting right....
@ETHANCOUSINS What a nice time to wander in.
are you talking about me
@Poutnik I swear if i understood even a thing from there....i am a genius
The Navier–Stokes equations ( nav-YAY STOHKS) are partial differential equations which describe the motion of viscous fluid substances. They were named after French engineer and physicist Claude-Louis Navier and the Irish physicist and mathematician George Gabriel Stokes. They were developed over several decades of progressively building the theories, from 1822 (Navier) to 1842–1850 (Stokes). The Navier–Stokes equations mathematically express momentum balance for Newtonian fluids and make use of conservation of mass. They are sometimes accompanied by an equation of state relating pressure...
mehhh what the heck are tensors? i thought partial differential was it
I see, I missed the referring icon.
Tensors are vectors generalized to a matrix.
matrix? 3x3 of the cartesian coordinates?
woah tell me more
E.g. a tensor matrix of polarizability of anisotropic crystal, multiplied by the vector of electrostatic field intensity, gives the vector of polarization, not parallel to the vector of the field.
@Poutnik your like teh smart peter
No, I like the smart Cuckoo.
your names are the simular
@Poutnik since when did polarization involve anisotropic crystals?
@ETHANCOUSINS what did you mean?
@CuckooBeats since science
@CuckooBeats Since when Cuckoo involves nice people?
I'm offended looks like I have to flag
excuse my teen brain
hovers over flag
@CuckooBeats Polarization need not involve anisotropic crystals.
is staying at one more
@Poutnik umm so polarization wrt?
@ETHANCOUSINS Actually, who I am to tell you whether to flag something or not. I'll let mods decide.
I wonder what will the first thing ima flag
@Poutnik like sorry i only know polarization due to chirality of molecules, i dont know if there's anything else
it would have to be something diabolical
Not my room anyway.
thinks in drama
But if there is no anisotropic environment, tensor effectively degenerate to a scalar.
@Poutnik tensors only for polarization?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I feel like I'm not wanted
@PetəíŕdtheWizard cuz you always order him duh
@CuckooBeats order me?
@ETHANCOUSINS yeah you're on the Mc donalds menu bro
NOooo....don't eat me.
unless I come with a large drink and extra friiiies
hmmmm I feel like I messed up your convo about science
I'ma just sit in corner and do some work
@ETHANCOUSINS and tbh you dont seem dyslexic to me
@CuckooBeats its very very little
ahh not a thing then
it only affects my spelling not reading
tbh i thought it only affected your speech :P
@CuckooBeats No, tensors are for gravity too - but you really do not want that.
@Poutnik bring it on
a condition of neurodevelopmental origin that mainly affects the ease with which a person reads, writes, and spells, typically recognized as a specific learning disorder in children.
there's your answer
Tensor is used also for moment of inertial of irregular bodies, relating vectors of angular speed and of angular momentum.
@Poutnik I'll stop distracting your friend now
and generally for anisotropic environments, not limited to crystals.
@Poutnik irregular bodies, okay i get it, but are you sure irregular bodies? that have no continuous function of their mass distribution?
@ETHANCOUSINS friend lol, you dont know how old poutnik is
E.g., in non homogenous salt solution, conductivity is a tensor, relating vectors of potential gradient and of current density.
y'all sound like freinds
@Poutnik do you hear that?
we are friends
:D happy
@ETHANCOUSINS you made a 60 yr old upset man
@CuckooBeats Irregular as anything not too simple as sphwres, cubes, cylinders etc.
does some clcumalations
@Poutnik but then how would you form a square matrix out of the coordinates?
I would not refused to be called like that.
@CuckooBeats ...........60?.....that explains his knolage
@ETHANCOUSINS the typos make it even better LMFAO
there is some weed here.
@Poutnik :O WHERE
@Poutnik but i will :(
okay me have to foxcos on my ELA now
@CuckooBeats then, so will I. enough of one sided friendships.
you are just a stranger unless you show me your face
we indians bond over food not chemistry duh
idk how czechs make friends
Stranger Cuckoo. Mum warned me about stranger young women. I will not talk to her, to be on safe side.
@Poutnik please dont call your mother for stuff like that, i hope she is in peace abode
No, my mother is stil alive, being 89 this June.
OMG OMG wait lemme text you on her birthday
umm in june then okay okay
I caused bad stuff oops
If you were a friend, I would let you.
In June, Cuckoo already forgot chemistry studying to become a politician.
regrets words
@Poutnik pcm, not taking humanities
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guysssssssssssssss
I feel bad now
@Poutnik helllo?
@Poutnik did I make mad?:(
I am just busy, sorry all.
@CuckooBeats cuckoo wanted friendship over food:
@Poutnik that's nice

« first day (13 days earlier)