« first day (12 days earlier)   
07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

Pickled cucumber and milk lived along just fine.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard such a pickle more or less just starts the lactic acid fermentation of milk, so you become yoghurt fermenter. :)
@CuckooBeats I confess I have never encountered using "imma" until this/(our prior) chat. Probably because I have been very rarely chatting with kids/grown kids.
@Poutnik Thanks. People have different opinions on that - someone says that it's a "stomach bomb", somebody another says that it's nonsense since milk already curdles in stomach acid and if you eat pickles it'll be the same effect as if you didn't eat them (I don't know myself though), lol.
By the way, it's snowing again.
Yes, milk curdles. But people are different, it may be a stomach bomb for some and OK for others.
I can drink 1 L of fermented milk in hour and I am fine, others might then visit the toilette soon and often.
At least one of my sisters also did that and as far as I know they didn't experience any bad effects.
@Poutnik nice!
So the biggest question is the taste preference, to get even such idea to eat/drink that together.
Well, it wasn't exactly together, but I drank milk about 2-3 minutes after I ate the cucumber.
And, I didn't plan this all, it just turned out that it was a comfortable opportunity to nag for drink some milk :)
Yeah, time shifts can arrange combinations that could look crazy when done simultaneously.
1 hour later…
@PetəíŕdtheWizard It has never worked for you (not stopping) or them (not caring)?
@Poutnik Them. They couldn't care less about me leaving :)
Cuckoo and me care. At least i hope we do.
I'm not planning on leaving.
Cuckoo has often very tight schedule. So we will see.
my efficiency has increased by 200%
i was originally planning the hartal for just 12 hours, I think I would continue it this way
What was the decisive factor.
A hartal is a form of protest involving the complete or partial closure of businesses, markets, and public services, typically organized by political or social groups. It often involves a general strike or a shutdown to express dissent against government policies, social issues, or to demand certain changes. It is commonly seen in South Asia, particularly in countries like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
@Poutnik bro violated the whole Eau de Toilette industry
@Poutnik the hartal
We cannot keep you from your recently gained boosted efficiency.
ohkay pretty straightforward then
I would miss you, but your happiness first. If you have a question later, I will not be brooding and will not refuse to help, if I can help.
I am not going to trek the Himalayas
I would give my damn social science paper tmrw
@Poutnik what i meant was, the brushing teeth problem was going way too off topic, so, according to the norms of this site, i was trying to bring the whole situation under control
@CuckooBeats I can use then in future the Timeout feature, that denies to all participants the posting right for the chosen time interval.
> General chat about chemistry and other things.
@CuckooBeats Why not?
@CuckooBeats Go, girl. Be the social marvel and Indian politician of great impact and legacy for centuries.
@CuckooBeats A friend of mine, who was at the time some 45-47, did the Annapurna round trek
This room was placed in timeout for 15 minutes; Trial run of timeout for 15 min.
Funny, Cuckoo came here just when she cannot post...
timeout cannot be cancelled, it must expire. The owner seems still able to post.
@Poutnik It can be cancelled.
anyways i gotta study
Meal studying?
The truth is, I have never really cared much about chats until recently. In past, it was always just a short event when comments were moved to a chat, to finalize one time discussion.
On the other hand, my participation on Stack Exchange is mostly chats.
Interesting. there are more convenient chatting platforms.
But it makes sense if focused on related topics.
@Poutnik what more convenient platforms, for example?
Most of sites/apps primarily focusing on chatting. but as said earlier, topics matter. there are also some old school webforums like physicsforums.com
Well, Discord is blocked.
Telegram? Signal? Viber? Whatapp?
Those all have another problem :)
That I'm not going to tell... but I'm sure they can be great, it's just my own problem.
But I have meant it originally in general, not for your country specific situation.
IRC :)
IRC is great, though the fact that it doesn't record logs is an inconvenience (though it's possible with bots). I do use IRC for some other things. :)
Google Groups, but that is not really a real time chat.
Ah, Google Groups falls into the same category with Telegram, Signal, Viber, etc.
Not sure if ICQ is still working.....
So you are lucky that SE chats still work.
ICQ... lol... never heard of it
@Poutnik very!
In old days, it was once a synonym for a chatting platforms. Everybody was using ICQ.
or near everybody.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard bro got the same problem as mine i am 1000% sure @Poutnik
@CuckooBeats I am 105% sure that I've got a different problem.
ermm okay
the reality is, we both dont know each other's problem
What problem you two share?
@Poutnik ah you forgot it then. nvm
I'm a bit weird... that's why I am Pe- wait why did the compose key stop working
oh who is Peteird btw?
like some famous person?
so you made that up right?
It's just Pet(er) + (w)eird + weird Compose shenanigans.
oh whose peter now?
so many peter's in this world, thats why
@CuckooBeats me, duh. lol
huh your name is peter?
oh nvm
@CuckooBeats yup
Though Pete is also acceptable, that's why I never bothered to tell that.
oh umm well that thing slipped outta my keyboard didnt wanna ask bro
@Poutnik whats the first thing you did after your school exams ended for your whole life (for me its the same, cuz after 10th boards imma never read social science and sanskrit, its just gonna be pcm + english)
since pete never attended school, cant ask him
Imma sounds like a cute girl name. I will start calling Cuckoo Imma.
its emma not imma ig
Imma is local variant.
never heard a girl name imma
imma = i am
You are in India, how could you?
but its not exactly i am, cuz then there's grammatical issues
@Poutnik how could you what?
I know what imma means. But Imma, that is entirely different.
i never typed Imma bro i always typed imma, i never do so many typos like you do, and honestly, it doesnt mind me anymore cuz i got hold of all your possible typos and could quite easily understand what you write now
"Imma" is an informal contraction of "I'm going to," commonly used in casual speech and text, especially in American English.
ohh yeah yeah
I do not say you have ever written Imma.
disaster arrives
@CuckooBeats so he's just a mostly annoying teenager lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard it aint worse than an earthquake, chill
@PetəíŕdtheWizard i got it
@CuckooBeats you don't even know what I was talking about
So, back to science, huh?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ignores
@CuckooBeats good
Not in mind to create another conflict. ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard well you gotta introduce him if you think i didnt understand your message
@CuckooBeats The "disaster arrives" message was just a joke.
@Poutnik yup, pcm = phy, chem and maths
@Eth, wanna introduce yourself? Too much to type for me, eh.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ik, and that meant you guys are good friends, i thought i could handle him in the chat (in terms of msgs lol)
@CuckooBeats nah not friends at all, just that I happen to know him a bit and that he would like (right, @Eth? If not, I'm sorry) to chat :)
does @Eth ping @ETHANCOUSINS?
@CuckooBeats yes
@ETHANCOUSINS one sec completed, now what?
I'm doing work one sec
I get often pinged as @Pet
It would also work with @Cuc
@ETHANCOUSINS one sec done bro, you gotta take 2 mins for your work
@PetəíŕdtheWizard hmm
First three characters always work.
ohk, what about two?
(Well, if the user is pingable, but that's another story.)
@CuckooBeats nope that doesn't ping
so it depends as long as the user name is distinctive alphabetically after 3 letters?
@CuckooBeats Hmm? What do you mean?
@ETHANCOUSINS bro gotta study? sad...
Do not even ask what "Cuc" means in Czech. :-P
now hi I'm ethan
Well, the simple rules is that you can ping an user (if they're pingable) by any first letters, starting from three: @Eth, @Etha, @Ethan, etc. And capitalization doesn't matter.
@ETHANCOUSINS methane lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard since @Pe didnt ping you and @Pet did, even though Po and Pe are alphabetically different, that means the min number of letters to ping is 3. Also, if you two had the same 4 letters for the username, then i gotta ping you with 5 letters like @Poutn
expect me to not to respond somtimes since I'm litaraly in class
@ETHANCOUSINS *literally bro got typos too man
@CuckooBeats no, alphabet letters don't matter.
@ETHANCOUSINS meh this is chat, no one is patient, but sure take time!
and I'm cooky
@ETHANCOUSINS which superpower you got? amazing painting? amazing memory? or is it amazing typos :(
very cookie
You can ping an user by "@437" for example if their username is "4373847348"
@CuckooBeats art somwhat
@CuckooBeats terrible memory lol
@CuckooBeats typos oh yeahhh
@PetəíŕdtheWizard thats not what i meant but uh okhay nvm
@CuckooBeats I know
@CuckooBeats but I am amazing at math and science
A friend of mine, who is dyslexic, already wrote 1,500,000 words in his story and still writing.
BEACUSE I can do complex things in my ehad
@ETHANCOUSINS well i dont like talking to nerds tbh
I'm not a nerd
then fine
I'm not a geek
@Poutnik wow
@ETHANCOUSINS can you type without... typos?
I'm just good nautarely
don't ever even study
@PetəíŕdtheWizard no
@ETHANCOUSINS *naturally
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Thats part of having me
yeah you got amazing typos too
I'ma typa
@CuckooBeats Aren't you a nerd on your own too?
@CuckooBeats yeah you'll get tired of fixing his typos soon if you continue to do that. :-P
@Poutnik nope
@PetəíŕdtheWizard less seee
@ETHANCOUSINS At least type usernames without typos, please.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard you'll have to do it alot
@PetəíŕdtheWizard XD
@ETHANCOUSINS you like roasting yourself, hmm
TAHT was purposful
@CuckooBeats just honest
how old are you man?
See? He's very annoying.
why am i talking to kids at this point
GREAT OBSevation
it feels like a baby sitter
@CuckooBeats you're also a kid.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Great observation you get a gold star
yes sir
@CuckooBeats Ehm, ehm...
@Poutnik ignores
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggsQuestions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
Questions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggsQuestions tagged [spam-ham-and-eggs
it is done masrer
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I followed thy orders
@CuckooBeats you wanna talk not to kids? No problem. ;)
@CuckooBeats who ignores is an ignorant. :-P
@Poutnik :P
call @Sha for more details
@PetəíŕdtheWizard don't get mad at me I followed your orders
@ETHANCOUSINS but i am bro, i am gonna get mad at you if you do that twice
@ETHANCOUSINS Poutnik can kick you, I'm just a person without any room owner rights here
and I don't control whether he kicks you or not ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard your not master here
Chatting just for chatting is not so great idea here.
charts just for chatting
@Ginger hellooo
@ETHANCOUSINS what form of painting you love? oil painting, water colours, pastel colours?
@Poutnik I agree, btw.
@CuckooBeats art
oh crayons then
pencil crayons tho
no pencil and pen
@CuckooBeats lol... I think trying to have a meaningful conversation is next to impossible with @Eth
BTW, the main character of that 1.5+ MW story is named Ethan.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard realizes
@CuckooBeats though if you manage to do it, you will get, as an award... nothing! Congrats! :-P
@PetəíŕdtheWizard correct
@Poutnik good luck handling kids, I think @Ginger is a 13 y/o too
@CuckooBeats no
@Poutnik :O I feel so special
imma leave this chat
@PetəíŕdtheWizard @Ginger is older o_O?
Handling Cuckoo is tough work, I would agree with that.
@Poutnik now lets have meanigfla convo
so what's the main character like?
@CuckooBeats Of course. It's illegal to join SE younger than 13.
And she's been on SE for more than 3 years.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard fake accounts
@Ginger are you Gen Z?
@ETHANCOUSINS oh ofcourse another way to join chat
huh... not very long... only 3 years and 3 months on CGCC
@Poutnik hey can we talk about your storyy
It is not my story.
@CuckooBeats why do you ask?
@Poutnik congrats on getting (the first, I think) message with 2 stars :D
first with three
@Ginger i am apparently tired discussing with a 13 y/o over silly things...
@CuckooBeats *two
nobody's making you argue
@Ginger ehem wait lemme re-word that
@Poutnik but do you know about it
@CuckooBeats ahem its 13 and a half
@ETHANCOUSINS oh my god this is so fun
I thing the conversation gets out of hand.
@Poutnik what have I done... lol...
@Poutnik I start CHAOS
@ETHANCOUSINS that's very bad
peter invited me
so blame him
@Eth apparently got amazing wpm speed
We cannot allow Cuckoo to have her fun, she would then stop studying.
Stop posting multiple messages so much.
I type fadst
@Poutnik ermm okay okay i shall stay here for a bit till @Ginger opens up a bit
tahts why I have typsos
@ETHANCOUSINS typing fast with typos is typing slow!
@CuckooBeats what if she doesn't want?
I'm just typing
This room was placed in timeout for 10 minutes; Freezing this chatting madness for a while.
so.........how do you make devils toothpaste?
I don't think Poutnik will appreciate that...
trying to get back on topic
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about chemistry and other things. Straying away if OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted,for [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [physical-chemistry]
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about chemistry and other things. Straying away if OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted, [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [physical-chemistry]
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about chemistry and other things. Straying away if OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [physical-chemistry]
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about chemistry and other things. Straying away is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [physical-chemistry]
For offtopic chit-chat I do have a room
so is devils toothpaste on topic?
its a science experiment
@ETHANCOUSINS It is on-topic, but it is better to be asked as the regular question.
@Poutnik so how do you make devils toothpaste and what's the science behind it?
There's no need to ask questions right away! If you don't have any on-topic questions, better walk away and wait (or just forget it) before you do.
I assume it is this Elephant toothpaste
na someone made a different one that has ten times the reaction and is called devils toothpaste
Then no idea. Can require general Googling.
Interestingly I didn't find "devil's toothpaste" in Wikipedia.
well devils toothpaste was a mixture mark robber had discovered that stayed together and was steaming hot when mixed. Making an exothermic reaction! And it made ten times more foam
They call it devils toothpaste BEACUSE it is steaming hot and creates an explosion of foam! :D isent that cool?
its a secret recipe that onoy mark robber knows. BUt others ahve tried replication
@CuckooBeats is this on topic? or should I stop?
@ETHANCOUSINS don't ask her, ask @Poutnik who knows better
@Poutnik is this on topic? or should I stop talking?
It is on topic, but not sure I could help here.
but see how cool it is?
I was asking myself what happens..
but IIRC he mentions 50% H2O2 what may be difficult to obtain.
And it is dangerous stuff.
yup that's why called devils toothpaste
its steaming hot and dangra=ouse to touch and explodes
Hydrogen peroxide... that's hypnotizing
@Poutnik where would I find it?
Or better question should I find it?
this was so active earliar
1/ I do not know where.
2/ it is restricted stuff for security reasons.
3/ even if I knew I would not tell.
@Poutnik ay ay capin
I highly doubt it would be sold to private persons. Well, in most countries.
so whatcha want to talk about now?
OTOH, it is common in profi chem labs.
07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

« first day (12 days earlier)