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Q: Friends keep disconnecting from my world in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

0utumnI have a Minecraft world I invite all my friends to. They can all usually join just fine, but sometimes it says: The connection to the host was lost. If that world is still being hosted, please check your internet connection and try to connect again. Our internet connection is always good. We a...

This question is similar to: How do we play multiplayer minecraft on iPads? and Minecraft Pe on two iPads, unable to connect. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on those questions are not helpful for your problem.
@galacticninja Why on iPads, specifically? They could be playing on other devices, right, or am I missing something?
@Joachim The mobile version of Minecraft, including on iOS, is Bedrock Edition, same as the OP.
@galacticninja But they could be playing on Android, Steam Decks, or laptops, right?
@Joachim Correct. However, OP didn't specify the platform they're playing on. Hopefully, they'll edit their question to specify the platform. If they're playing on mobile, the questions I linked above should be helpful.
@galacticninja But then it should be (suggested to be) closed as NDC.
@Joachim I agree with a "needs details or clarity" close vote. I chose to mark it as a duplicate so that there will be a signpost to the original question in the likely case that OP is playing on mobile. Another reason is that so this question is less likely to be deleted by Roomba (see
But Roomba wouldn't kick in until after 30 days, at which point the OP should have edited in those details anyway, right? Or the question becomes obsolete and unhelpful anyway.
On the other hand, I was just curious about your reasoning, and I don't mind the single CV as a dupe at all :)
@Joachim If a closed question is not closed as a duplicate, it will kick in after 9 days.
@Joachim Basically, I'm giving OP more time to edit their question. :)
I think you might be misinterpreting the description (or am I?): only after those 30 days it seems those 9 days you speak of kick in ("If the question was closed more than 9 days ago", then ..).
@galacticninja But I'm not sure if new users posing one question need more time: if they're truly interested in the answer, they will revisit the Q&A regularly - if not (i.c. e.g. they found their answer elsewhere), they won't anyway, and the question will remain unclear, or have answers based on (subjective) interpretations, don't you think?
1 hour later…
I believe the 9-day check works independently of the 30-day check. As per [How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?](

"The system will automatically delete closed, unlocked, and non-migrated questions that have zero or negative score, have no positively-scored or accepted answers, have no pending reopen votes, were closed for any reason other than duplicate nine or more days ago, and haven't been edited in the past nine days. (shown as "Scheduled: RemoveAb
@Joachim It won't hurt to give them more time. It's possible they're busy for the next week or so. :)

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