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Q: In Daniel 8-12, how can the Messiah and Michael both be our Prince?

OneGodOneLordDaniel 8:11 It became great, even as great as the Prince of the host. And the regular burnt offering was taken away from him, and the place of his sanctuary was overthrown. Daniel 8:25 By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great. Withou...

@Dottard, if this is true, then Michael is one among chief princes, the foremost among archangels, truly the firstborn son of God.
As the Divine Name Angel, Michael would have the authority to speak on God's behalf as his representative and mediator, without needing to be God himself.
@Dottard, I would agree that Michael is the Angel of the LORD, but I see no reason to think that the Diving Name Angel is God Almighty. An angel is not God, but a son of God, of which Michael is the firstborn Son of all creation. Because Michael carries the Divine Name, he can speak on behalf of God and carry his divinity without actually being God himself. Michael is God's vizier.
@Dottard, I beg to differ. Here is some supporting evidence:…
I'm going to give you your second upvote here. Not many people on this site are willing to make the Archangel Michael and Jesus connection. Nevertheless, it may interest you to know that I, at least, did just that, when answering the following Q:… ... If you concur with what I wrote in response to this now linked Q., you know what to do.
@OldeEnglish – I upvoted it, great work. Was wondering what your thoughts were on this passage from the DSS War Scroll:
I am not familiar with this scroll, so unfortunately (for you) have no thoughts on same. Nevertheless, I appreciate your reciprocating vote.
It's a little early in our relationship to be emailing. In the 4 1/2 years of me being a member on this site only 2 (long standing with high reputation) members have my email. With all due respect, I don't know you from Adam. You don't even have a profile of yourself ....
@OldeEnglish – It's all good, I'm a born-again Christian with a new heart. Unitarian, from the U.S., I'm very friendly and against all sin. I trust you, and I'd like to talk about some related material if you are willing.
We could go to "Chat", although it's 12:38 AM here in Colorado right now and I am about to hit the sack, so until tomorrow I guess??
@OldeEnglish – Okay, let's make a chat together.
Ok! What concerns you?
I was wondering about divine agency
That the Angel of the Lord speaks as God despite not begging himself God because he is the authorized divine agent?
There was a typo - let me rephrase that...
"That the Angel of the Lord speaks as though God despite not being himself God because he is the authorized divine agent?
Well, Jesus and therefore the Archangel Michael are divine by virtue of being the "Only Begotten" John 1:14, 1:18, when in the guise of "The Word".
Have you heard of the term "Theophany", when God speaks but through the Angel of the Lord.
Gabriel is also an Angel of the Lord but Gabriel is not divine.

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