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I find it crazy that 3 of your questions are on the HNQ at once right now
What's an HNQ? Something bad probably.
Hot Network Questions (aka tons of upvotes from around the network)
No one blamed you. 3 good questions in short succession is a good thing
I don't know that you can explicitly turn off the notifications for the badges but in your profile settings I think you can turn off HNQ notifications at the very least. There should be a setting to disable rep/badge notifications (I agree that it's annoying) but I don't know of one.
Wow, thank you! I didn't think that could really be done. I was just joking!
No I got that, I just got really annoyed with HNQs showing up and turned them off a while ago too (I don't want to think about very many people reading what I write) and the whole spirit of SE is to share what you know, so I figured I might as well. :)
@Starship there should be an achievement for "hitting the honk" (one post hits the HNQ) and then "invading the honk" (two or more at the same time) Having three is a mark of someone who can ask a great question so well done OP!
It reminds me of when they made my coworkers leave their desks, gather around in the boss's office, and watch me get an award for just doing my job. They applauded through gritted teeth. I'll get banned from stax eventually for saying something that pissed somebody off. Then all the viewers and fans will have disappeared.
@Criggie I wouldn't say getting into the HNQ indicates that the question is great. Much more often, questions end up on the HNQ when they're controversial/clickbaity enough. Specifically, here on Space SE we already have at least a dozen of questions about both Columbia and Challenger, all along the lines of "why didn't they use this blindingly obvious trick to save the crew?". Those questions inevitably attract tons of clicks in no time.
Do you understand that you generated 2,000 rep faster than I generated 300? The fact that that happened is insane to me. Not because I think I'm a particularly good user or anything, God knows I'm not, but 2,000 in under a year is crazy to me...
@GremlinWranger Yeah, I get it. You can't use bouncy aerobraking at earth.
@MissUnderstands I didn't mean to be rude, that's not what I meant at all! I was just stating my opinion on the matter. All I meant was it doesn't happen too often and, as others have said, it's a good thing that you made so many high-upvote posts in such a short amount of time. As for your pornography comment, what does that even have to do with it? I was just saying that it's not common for that to happen.
@MissUnderstands Also, I've flagged this most recent comment because, guess what, I'm autistic, and I don't take my anger out on strangers on the internet unless they actually did something wrong to me, not if they're stating an opinion. There's also no such thing as a "normal person", only neurotypical (non-autistic, ADHD, Down's, etc) and neurodivergent (does have autism, Down's, ADHD, etc), "normal" is a construct people created, it essentially means nothing. It's a shame a high-schooler like me has to explain this to a person who allegedly had a "well-paid nuc job".
@MissUnderstands I won't respond any further. Good day.

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