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Q: Can one use one's Starlink dish in a commercial plane?

Franck DernoncourtCan one use one's Starlink dish in a commercial plane? I'm curious about both the regular dish and the mini dish.

With both system requiring a relatively unobstructed line of sight towards the sky, I can't really imagine that you would have any success at all operating the system from within a commercial aircraft.
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo point the dish toward the sky via the window?
The dish must be directed upwards toward to sky, not sideways toward the horizon. Have you ever been in a commercial plane with large windows in the ceiling? Even if you had, a window is also not a free line of sight and I would expect airplane windows to attenuate the radio signal too much to obtain a connection through them.
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo thanks, sounds like a good answer. Can you please post it as an answer?
a) b) Almost all airlines specifically prohibit the use of cellular functionality on a plane, every flight attendant seeing a dish will tell you quickly to turn it of and put it away.
A simple google of star-link requirements would show that passenger use of any star-link product is impossible. This question shows no prior research attempt.
I’m voting to close this question because it can be answer by a simple google query.
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo well that worked a bit for them:… "was forced to buy an extra seat to set it up while flying. Reception wasn’t great and I did have obstructions about 40 percent of the time but still decent."
@PeterM I see conflicting answers on Google. And policies are not always implemented. And starllink also has aviation plans
@FranckDernoncourt Neither the power or visibility requirements of a starlink antenna can be met from a passenger's seat. And airlines implementing starlink antennas is so irrelevant that it's ridiculous for you to even mention it. It's pure false equivalence.
@Hilmar about the video you linked to (, comments (including from the author) says that it is possible to use Starlink in a plane
@PeterM you wrote "any star-link product" that is incorrect as shown by the starlink aviation link. About the visibility requirements, the quote I gave seems to say it works somehow ("40%") What's your source?
This is not related to travel at all. Consider the aviation forum, or something about radio communications if you want technical details. This seems to be completely off topic here.
@littleadv starlink mini is designed for travelers. And Airplanes are used by travelers. 100% on topic, not even borderline.
Obviously, by posting it you made it clear that you think it's on-topic. Obviously, at least 4 people so far disagree. Your yelling at me that you thing I'm wrong is not going to change my mind, so why are you being so aggressive?
@littleadv "Obviously, at least 4 people so far disagree." No. you didn't look at the VTC reason. I'm not aggressive and I am not yelling.
Amazing how arrogant you must be to think that you know what I did or didn't do just because I happen to disagree with you on something.
@littleadv If you had looked at the VTC reasons, then you'd know that "at least 4 people so far disagree" is incorrect. 3 VTC are instead "I’m voting to close this question because it can be answer by a simple google query." Only 1 VTC (you?) says it's off-topic. So these "at least 4 people so far disagree" suddenly became only you lol
I’m voting to close this question because it can be answer by a simple google query. - that means the question is off topic. See the guide for how to ask good questions, it specifically talks about prior research. I understand that you feel uncomfortable being confronted and as a (I'm assuming, only) child you've never been taught the lesson of the world not always agreeing with you. I suggest you start practicing the skill of letting disagreements go. You will never make me agree with you on this, and your many other instances of trolling.
@littleadv lack of prior research != off-topic
OK, look, an example: I couldn't care less what you think. I'm going to stop commenting. I hope you do eventually get banned from SE, but I recognized the reality of trolls like you driving traffic and being beneficial to the financials of the platform despite being disruptive to the content. I'll just continue downvoting your trash and voting to close your nonsense, and you can either live with that or not - I don't care.
Yes, I'm sorry to break my own word, but since you decided to bring it up - I was suspended there for saying that murdering Israelis in their sleep is wrong. I'm still suspended because I repeated that claim after the initial suspension was over. I'll be suspended again once this one is over because the first thing I'll post is that murdering Israelis in their sleep is wrong. So while I know that your point was that I cannot criticize you for your behavior here because someone criticized me for my behavior elsewhere, your example actually shows the opposite.

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